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Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Department of Health, Exercise and Sport Sciences

Sport Pedagogy Lesson Plan Template (Elementary and Middle School)
Background Information
Xiomara Fonseca

April 17, 2015

Cleveland Elementary School

Grade Level:
3rd grade

Lesson Focus:
Accumulative Skills- Overhand throwing (football)

# of students:

Equipment and Facilities:

11 Footballs (various sizes)
6 Yarn balls (various colors)
30 Dome cones
2 Dice
2 Sheets of paper with rules
1 Whistle
Blacktop Area

Safety Considerations:
Students need to be aware of their surroundings:
Students and equipment.

Lesson Specifics
Behavioral Contingencies: If student(s) is behaving Previously Learned Skills:
inappropriately or is disruptive during activity or
Overhand throwing and catching
instruction they will be given one verbal warning. If
this behavior continues the student(s) will be asked to
sit out from the activity until the teacher feels it is
appropriate for the student(s) to return to the activity.
If the student(s) continues this undesirable behavior
or behavior in an extreme manner: bullying, fighting,
etc. they will be removed from the activity for the rest
of the time period of Tiger Pride and sent inside with
the After School Program.
Teaching Strategy:
Mosstons Spectrum Practice

Academic Language:
Follow through, aim at target, fingers on laces, spiral
the football, diamond then look through the hands.


Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Psychomotor (P):
SWBAT overhand throw a football while performing the accurate COTS accurately 7 out of 10
Cognitive (C):
SWBAT recite the COTS for overhand throwing a football with 90% accuracy including the
reasoning for the finger placement on a football.
Affective (A):
SWBAT demonstrate teamwork and positive attitudes by displaying either: high fives,
encouragement to others, positive communication, and encouraging a safe learning
H-R Fitness (H):
SWBAT recognize the physiological responses to exercise and will be engaged in MVPA for at
least 50 % of the lesson.
I. Demonstrate the motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of physical activities.
II. Demonstrate knowledge of movement concepts, principles and strategies that apply to the learning and
performance of physical activities.
III. Assess and maintain a level of physical fitness to improve health and performance.
IV. Demonstrate knowledge of physical fitness concepts, principles and strategies to improve health and
V. Demonstrate and utilize knowledge of psychological and sociological concepts, principles and strategies
that apply to the learning and performance of physical activity.
1. Demonstrates competency in motor skills and movement patterns needed to perform a variety of motor
skills and movement patterns.
2. Applies knowledge of concepts, principles, strategies and tactics related to movement and performance.
3. Demonstrates the knowledge skills to achieve and maintain a health-enhancing level of physical activity and
4. Exhibits responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others.
5. Values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self- expression, and/or social interaction.
Describe the pre-class arrangement
Teacher: Standing in the center of Home Base circle.
Students: Seated in Home Bases yellow circle.
Equipment: Equipment pre-arranged.

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Diagram the pre-class arrangement

Content Development

(Illustration of

a) Goal Orientation for each task

Instant Activity:
Balance Dice
- Students will roll the die and based on the
number the roll they will have to look at the
sheet of paper that is given to them and
perform that balance task with either a Hoola
Hoop and a partner or by themselves.

Diagram Instant

CalPE: IV, V
NASPE: 4, 5
Goal of this task is for students to
communicate and cooperate with
other students, while being able to
conduct fractions based on their
limbs and number of fingers.



Students will leave for their water/ restroom
1 minute break.
Once the students are done with their short
& 30
seconds break they will sit quietly back on Home Base
to wait for the Teacher to give them directions
for the next task.
Set Induction
Today we are going to review how to
OVERHAND throw a ball. Can anyone
remember the cues for overhand throwing?
1 minute Purpose:
Now the reason why we are going back over
overhand throwing is because we are going to
overhand throw with a football. How many of
you have overhand thrown a football before?
If not you will practice today.

Start/Stop Signals:
Whistle 1 start
Whistle 2 stop
Counting claps for
attention grabber
Grouping Strategies:
Separated into two
groups then decide
their partner from
within that group.



Goal of this task is for students to

get an idea of what they will be
doing today and what their
objectives are for the day.

Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Content Development

(Illustration of


Diagram Task 1

Lesson Core - Task 1:

Overhand Throwing with a Football
Demonstration Plan:
Student- Teacher Demonstration


Questions to Check Understanding

1. What are some items we need to keep an
eye on for an accurate throw towards our
- Superman, Flick Fingers, and
2. What happens if I throw the football and it
hits the grow instead of going to my
partner? What does that mean?
- Means my release time of the
football was too late.

CalPE: I, II, V
NASPE: 1, 2, 5
Goal of this task is for students to
maneuver around a football and be
able to accurately overhand throw
another object that is heavy and
larger in size
Teaching Cues for Task 1:
1. Step Forward
2. Superman
3. Reach Back
4. Flick Fingers*
5. Hand-to-Pocket
Common Errors Task 1:
1. Release Time of Football
2. Accuracy of hitting target
3. Spiral of Football

Higher skilled students: Students can increase
their distance between them and their
Lower skilled students: Students can decrease
the distance between them and their partner
or simply practice overhand throwing with a
normal sized ball and go through the motion
of the finger laces for practice.
Students will help gather and put away all of
the equipment.
Once a student is done putting their piece(s)
seconds of equipment away they will sit down quietly
on Home Base to discuss the Closure portion
of the lesson with the rest of the class and

a) Goal Orientation for each task




Sport Pedagogy Elementary and Middle School Lesson Plan Template updated 2/10/15

Content Development

(Illustration of



a) Goal Orientation for each task

Diagram The Closure N/A

1. What did we learned today?
2. Tell and/or show the added COTS for
throwing a football. Which Cue
helped with hitting your target
accurately and why do you
think that is?
3. Rate how much fun you had today:
- Thumbs up for A LOT of fun.
- Thumbs in the middle for OKAY
amount of fun.
- Thumbs down for NOT A LOT of fun
4. When we return to Tiger Pride on
Tuesday, we will be re-learning
soccer and moving forward
with our skills since 4th grade
is doing their Fitness Grams
and we are not.
1, 2, 3 TIGER PRIDE!!

References Used:
Balance Dice (Modified from Gina Carbonattos lesson plan)
Overhand Throw with Football (Xiomara Fonseca)


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