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Dear Constituents,
As your state representative, I am tasked with being your eyes, ears and
voice in Columbus. This honor is a responsibility I take very seriously.
After listening to friends and neighbors throughout the 35th District, I have
come to understand that my responsibility as representative compels me to
work to build opportunity so that hardworking folks get a fair shot at a higher
quality of life.

Ohio House Dems

Are Now On:

Unfortunately, the state budget that passed through the House of Representatives did not reflect these priorities. I remain hopeful that our state Senators
will continue to work on the budget to eliminate much of the anti-middle class
provisions. After the Senate works through their process, the budget will be
back to the House of Representatives for a vote. We must pass the final
budget by June 30, 2015.
In the meantime, I will be working diligently on other legislation. Important
topics being discussed around the Statehouse, both pro and con, are marijuana legislation, reproductive rights, religious freedom and discrimination, premiums for Medicaid, charter school accountability and collective bargaining
I want to hear from you! What are your thoughts on these issues? How can
we ensure that all Ohioans have the opportunity for a higher quality of life?
Feel free to contact my office at any time with ideas, questions or concerns.

Follow Us Today!

Thank you.

Greta Johnson
State Representative

In This Issue
Legislative Update
In an effort to keep my constituents more connected with their government and what is happening at the Statehouse I would like to describe
recent legislative issues here at Capitol Square...
Click here to read more.

Honoring our countrys fallen heroes

Over the years, Memorial Day has seemed to fade into the shadows as
simply another day off from work and the time to begin wearing white.
However, its history and significance merits much greater attention...
Click here to read more.

State Representative
Greta Johnson
Contact Information

77 South High Street
Columbus, OH 43215
(614) 644-6037 Phone
(614) 719-6947 Fax
Send me an e-mail:
On the Web:

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2015 State Representative Greta Johnson

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