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Josh Adkins

Grad 2013, cant believe

its finally here. The last
four years have been
unreal, and so were the
eight before that. I want
to thank my family and
friends and the boys of
the Kings, Birds, and
Panthers. Shout out to
GHDUST, the Fellowship, and the Wicks
because without them
high school would have
been dust. The good
times were endless and
the memories incredible. #Superink #boat
#elliptical # Grad2013
#swerve #camping2012
#projecterics #Manmeet

Jilliam Alley

Genevieve Anglin

I will always look back

on these years with no
regrets. LP has treated
me well for the two years
that I have only been
here for. I could have not
asked for a better grad
year and amazing friends
that I met through my
adolescent years. My
parents are my biggest
supporters, thank you
for giving me the world
and more. I dont know
what is in store for me in
the future but I am more
than excited to go in with
open arms and live my
life to fullest. Grads of
2013, stay classy! We
finally did it!!
Veni, Vidi, Vici

Danton Asselbora
I came, I saw, I conquered.

Its been a good time!

Thanks to my family and
friends for all the support! Grad 2013!

Mona Aziz
I believe that everything
happens for a reason.
People change so that
you can learn to let go,
things go wrong so that
you appreciate them
when theyre right,
you believe lies so you
especially learn to trust
no one but yourself, and
sometimes good things
fall apart so better things
can fall together.

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SCHOOL NAME: Lambrick Park Secondary
Job #: 1075

We are all a little weird

and lifes a little weird,
and when we find someone whose weirdness is
compatible with ours, we
join up with them and fall
in mutual weirdness and
call it love. - Dr. Seuss
To Kaitie B, Reanie Beanie, Aleigha, Grandmother
Willow, and Brandon,
Mom and Dad, heres to
all the weird moments
that brought us together!
Love you all Grad 2013!
And for Anna Banana
we will always have Salt
Spring, with our goat
cheese farm, moomoos,
sun bears, and lesbianism.

Jordan Backman
I will miss all my friends
and teachers. Looking to
the future.

Kaitlin Baker
Thanks to my amazing
mom and pap for always
being there and being the
best horseshow parents
I could ask for! Meg, you
always showed me the
path and looked out for
me- thank you for always
being there for me.
Raveena and Gen, heres
to good times in the past
and the future. To all my
guy friends- thank you
for always reminding
me to laugh and not take
life too seriously. To my
beautiful and talented
v-ball team, Ill always
have amazing memories,
and a special thank you
to Cam and Koutougy
for making us all laugh.
To Weir, thank you for
being everything a great
teacher should be. Congratulations to the grads
of 2013!

Jay Hyun Bang

Shoot for the moon.
Even if you miss, youll
land among the stars.
- Les Brown

Shyan Baker
This is where we enter
the real life...These
twelve years have had
many memories, many
ups and downs and
many more years to
come of that Ive been
tossed by the waves but
wont sink... You think
somewhere along the
way theyd have taught
us how to say goodbye.
Its too hard to list everyone Id like to thank,
but Im sure you know
who you are. Thanks for
guiding me but never
holding me down; I have
met so many incredible
people during my school
years whove helped me
through so much. Moving on is simple. Its what
we leave behind thats
You dont have to see
the whole staircase; you
just have to take the first

Brandon Bates
I would like to thank
everyone who helped
me get this far in my life,
especially my parents,
Rocky, and Chewp. These
four years at Lambrick
have made me the person
I am today.

Courtney Balmer
In my four years of high
school I have learned
to be not what people
demand I be, but what
makes me most proud
of myself. I appreciate
my parents for expecting
nothing but excellence,
and my friends for making these years memorable; SM, KL, RW, JP, CP,
CM. Always remember
who you are and where
you came from; never
lose sight of your dreams.
I love you all.
Sail away from the safe
harbor. Catch the trade
winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.
Mark Twain

Myles Beaman-Dodd
[Ive] learned skills I can
apply throughout the rest
of my life procrastination and rationalization.
Calvin and Hobbes

3/7/2013 11:34:52 AM

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