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Mary Holmes

Dr. K
7 December 2014
Dantes Inferno with a Kennedy Twist
Deep within a dark and twisted forest, lie the gates to Hell. The travel of this most
treacherous journey was made famous by Dante Alighieri, but remains to be an
experience had by many mortals throughout time and history. Of those mortal men to
cross the threshold into immortal torture, made possible by Dantes nine circles of Hell,
President John F. Kennedy serves as a good example. A man who has long been
suspected of using his familys stature and connections to possibly rig a national
election in addition to being a notorious womanizer, is certainly no stranger to what lies
beyond the gate. And this is his story to the aforementioned ending...Hell.
A voice is purring at him in the distance, but Jack is confused. Where is he? And
why is he deep within the woods?1 Yet, the voice and its seeming majesty distracts him
from his distress and he searches for the voices owner. Oh Mr. President, she sings,
Please come find me. I am so lonely. And that is all it takes. The alluring voice of a
beautiful singer-turned-actress and Jack is hooked. A powerful man with an incurable
libido, John F. Kennedy can so easily forget his responsibilities as a husband, father,
and even president when a woman is in the picture. Yes indeed, all his responsibilities
slowly dissipate with every syllable Ms. Monroe utters.
It takes him just a few more moments to reach her, but once he does a sense of
relief fills him. She is wearing that beautiful white v-neck halter dress, the one that blows
1 Where is Bobby when you need him?

so brilliantly with the slightest gust of wind 2. This is what Jack needs to wind down. No
love, no emotions, just the comfort that physicality and proximity bring him when with a
woman. Where are we? He inquires. Oh just a little pit stop to Heaven, my love. she
replies. And thus begins the story of yet another man falling victim to the devil and the
distractions he brings, unknowingly leaving Jackie behind forever, as she has surpassed
all nine rings. Though Jack will not make it past two. Taking her hand, he allows Marilyn
to lead him through the gate, ignoring the ominous promise it states. But he is too
distracted to even notice because of the vixen to his left.
Once they have shut the gates doors and have entered the first circle, he runs
into his old opponent Richard Nixon. Dick! He exclaims in that phony-yet-still4

politically-correct tone3. How the hell are ya? But poor Mr. Nixon never responds. And
it is in that moment that Jack realizes what is happening. Richard Nixon is being feasted
on like a leech. No longer the dignified Republican who ceded the 1960 election despite
rumors of fowl play, instead Nixon now lies a corpse of a man festering with self doubt.
So much so, that he resorted to spying on the Democratic National Convention
ultimately ruining his political career and reputation forever. Which ultimately doomed
him to be damned and stranded on the outskirts of hells most outer circle. Shocked,
appalled, and very confused he turns his eyes from his ex-political rival and over
towards his lover. Where are we, Marilyn? She looks over at him and with no pause or
preamble replying simply, Hell, dear. Eerily though, Jack already knew the answer. He

2 It is almost as infamous as their weekend tryst in Palm Springs.

3 But still with a Boston twang
4 Oh the irony

had read about this place while attending Princeton. And his suspicions were confirmed
once they they encountered Minkos right before they reached the second gate.
Jack watched on in horror as Minkos curls his tail twice around his body, thereby
dooming Jack and Marilyn to the second circle of hell forever. The circle for the lustful.
And rightfully so, because as a mortal Jack Kennedy was full of lust. It crippled
Kennedys judgement as he was unable to find peace within himself and more
specifically with God. Kennedy turned to lovers and women, in turn failing his wife and
Lord. Feeling desperate and hopeless, Jack looks over at Marilyn and asks what has
happened to Jackie. She went to heaven my darling, now we can be together forever
and I can finally be the First Lady. Jack feels the last part of his goodness go as he
succumbs to his damned fate with his temptress.
In the end, Jack could always be distracted by his lust for women. It is how he
got fated to hell, then entered hell, and in the end who would keep company him

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