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side are you on?

Pro-life or Pro-choice?



Many people have

different beliefs on
abortion. Some are Pro-life
and others are Pro-choice.
This Brochure will
hopefully help you make
your decision. Providing
both sides of the
argument, this brochure
will briefly discuss the Pros
and Cons of having an
abortion and what people

Pro-life or Pro-choice?
Those are the choices of
opinion for abortion in
America. There are many
factors and court cases that
have contributed to the
legalization of abortion in
the United States to this
day. Being educated on
both sides arguing abortion
is key to being able to
properly take a stance on
the issue.

Pro-life is defined as Advocating the legal

protection of human embryos and fetuses,
especially by favoring the outlawing of abortion
on the ground that it is the taking of a human
life. Pro-life is a decision to fight for the
outlawing of killing a human in the early stages of
pregnancy. 46% of Americans are Pro-life.
Meaning that 46% of Americans are against
killing a baby. Are you?

Pro- Choice

Pro-choice is the belief that pregnant

women should have the right to choose
to have an abortion. Being Pro-choice
should not be confused with allowing a
woman to get away with murder. With
that in mind, 47% of American adults
claimed being Pro-choice. This statistic
shows that America has remained fairly
evenly divided since 2010.

Pros and Cons



Abortion rights give

women control over
the right of their own

Reproductive choice
protects women from

They are safe and do

not cause health

Many believe that

fetuses do not feel
pain when an abortion
is performed.

Churches like the

Episcopal Church,
Lutheran Church,
Church, United
Methodist Church,
and the United
Church of Christ all

-it is considered murder

There are many beliefs towards the

pros and cons of having an abortion. It
all depends on your out-look on life
and what you stand for and what your
beliefs are. Not everyone sees eye to
eye on abortion and it has been a huge
argument for decades now. Many
court cases have happened due to
abortion. Roe vs Wade is a prime
example of a court case dealing with
abortion. Norma McCorvey fought to
protect womens right to privacy. She
was a pregnant single woman who had
already had two children but sought
out to abort the third due to being
raped. She was refused to have an
abortion under the Texas law. Another
case, Griswold vs Connecticut, was
similar and so goes on the continued
argument of abortions and legalizing

-it may lead to future

problems for a women
-It conflicts with the
unalienable right to life
recognized by the
Founding Fathers of the
- Some people believe
that life begins at
-Women should also
accept the responsibility
that they are having a
-A majority of churches
in the United States are
Pro-Life and are strongly
against abortions.

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