Automation Script Header Template

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Automation Script Header Template

This document is to set up a standard header template for all automation scripts.
This explains the fields used in the header template.

Header Fields:
The following fields should be included in the header
Test Tool/Version: The automation tool and its version used to script.

Test Tool Settings: This field contains the automation tool settings to execute the script.

Recorded Browser/version: If the script is Internet based then the browser and its
version should be specified. For others product version should be given.

Function Automated: The function for which the script is created should be specified in
this field.

Test Case Automated: The Name/ID of the Test Case that is automated in this script
should be specified.

Parameterization Done: This field contains the value “Yes” if the script has values
parameterized else this field has the value “No”. If the value is “Yes” then it means the
script uses Datapools / Data Tables.

Author: The name of the script owner.

Script Name: The name of the script.

Script Created on: The date on which the script was created.

Reviewed By: The Reviewer’s name.

Review Comment: The Reviewer’s comment if any.

Modified On: The date on which the script was modified.

Modified Comment: Comments for the modification done.

Format of the Header Template:

Note: The Header lines should be commented.

Test Tool/Version :
Test Tool Settings :
Recorded Browser/version :
Function Automated :
Test Case Automated :
Parameterization Done :
Author : E-Test Center, Cognizant Technology Solutions
Script Name :
Script Created on :
Reviewed By :
Review Comment :
Modified On :
Modified Comment :

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