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Robert Boyle, The Sceptical Chymist, 1680.

Spagyrist: A chemist, esp. one devoted to alchemistic pursuits. One of a sect, which
arose in the days of alchemy, who sought to discover remedies for disease by chemical
means. The spagyrists historically preceded the iatrochemists.

William Harvey, De Motu Cordis, 1628

Francis Bacon, Novum Organum, 1645

Baron Veralum
Summi Angliae Cancellaris: Lord chancellor
Multi pertransibunt & augebitur scientia is taken from Daniel: 12:4. It means:
"Many will travel and knowledge will be increased".

Non possis oculo quantum contendere Linceus. Non tamen idcirco contemnas Lippus
inungi = You may not be able with your eyes to see as far as Lynceus (was so sharp
sighted he could see through the earth, and distinguish objects nine miles off), you ought
not, therefore, to neglect taking proper care of your eyes if they are weak.

Title Pages Group Exercise:

1. For each 17th century title, note the key features you observe on the title page.
Look at the title, images, subtitles, inscriptions, etc.
2. Does the author see himself as doing something new? How can you tell?
3. Work with your group to note common threads and differences.
4. Now, construct a thesis for a paper on title pages from the 17th century with
your group. Be ready to share your groups thesis with the class.

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