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Programe din domeniul


University of Coventry
Criminology and Psychology BA Honours degree
Psychology and Criminology BSc Honours degree
Psychology BSc Honours degree
Psychology Graduate Certificate
Psychology Graduate Diploma
Sociology and Psychology BA Honours degree
Sport Psychology BSc Honours degree
Criminology and Psychology BA Honours degree

University of Worcester
Biology for Psychologists BSc (Hons)
Business Psychology BSc (Hons)
Counselling Psychology BSc (Hons)
Health Psychology BSc (Hons)
Psychology BSc (Hons)
Sport & Exercise Psychology BSc (Hons)

University of Essex
BA Psychology
BSc Psychology
BA Criminology with Social Psychology
BSc Social Psychology and Sociology

University of Salford
Psychology, BSc (Hons)
Psychology and Counselling Studies, BSc (Hons)
Psychology and Criminology, Bsc (Hons)
Psychology and Health Sciences, BSc (Hons)
Psychology and Sociology, BSc

University of Portsmouth
Criminology With Psychology - BSc (Hons)
English With Psychology - BA (Hons)
Forensic Psychology - BSc (Hons)
Human Resource Management With Psychology BA (Hons)
Marketing With Psychology - BA (Hons)
Psychology - BSc (Hons)
Psychology With Criminology - BSc (Hons)
Sociology With Psychology - BSc (Hons)

Programe din domeniul


University of Aberdeen

Programele din categoria Arts sunt cele mai

flexibile, oferindu-ti posibilitatea ca in primi doi
ani sa iti alegi ce subiecte doresti sa urmezi in
afara de cel/cele la care ai aplicat, iar in ultimii
doi ani te vei specializa in subiectele cele mai

Behavioural Studies (arts)

Psychology (arts)

Programele din categoria Sciences ofera in

primul an bazele necesare specializarii alese,

iar incepand cu al doilea cursuri specific
fiecarui program.

Psychology (science)
Behavioural Studies (science)
Neuroscience with Psychology (science)

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