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Erie Middle School, Pre AP Focus School

Todd Bissell, Principal

Dr. Rachel Heide, Assistant Principal


Erie Middle School Tiger Community,

I want to take this opportunity to recognize and thank all of the volunteers who have
given their time to Erie Middle School this past year. Their efforts have definitely
made a positive contribution to our success. A special thanks to PTO and all of their
efforts throughout the year. Volunteers are an integral part of Erie Middle School and
we couldnt do what we do without your time and support.
CMAS and PARRC testing are wrapping up. The students participated well during the
testing and Im confident the results will be positive.
On April 28th, over one hundred students were inducted into the Erie Middle School
National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). Parents and family filled the gym for this exciting event. Being selected to NJHS is a tremendous honor. The students need to
maintain a high grade point average, be recommended by adults, and demonstrate
good character to be a member of NJHS. Congratulations to all of our NJHS
Erie Middle School has many exciting events coming up in May before we close out
another successful school year. Please check out the EMS website and click on the
calendar to get a glimpse of all the upcoming events. There will be several field trips,
concerts and assemblies to name a few.
Last year Dr. Heide began a great tradition for our 8 th grade students. The Bridge to
High School is an event where we honor our 8 th grade students and bridge them to
Erie High School. Mr. Buchler, Principal of Erie High, will attend this event to welcome
the 8th grade students into high school. The Bridge to High School will be on May 20 th
at 7:00 pm in the Erie High School gym. Please come and honor our 8 th grade class
for all their accomplishments over the past three years.
Have a relaxing and fun summer break. We look forward to seeing everyone for the
2015-2016 school year.

Todd Bissell
EMS Principal







7:00 AM

Denotes Orange Day

Chess Club
3:05-4:00 PM

Good Movie,
Better Book Club
3:15-4:15 PM

Tiger Lily Choir

3:15-4:00 PM

3:00-4:00 PM

3:00-4:00 PM

Track End of
Season Party
3:00 PM


Art Club
3:05-4:15 PM

Game Club
3:05-4:30 PM




EMS May 2015 Activity Calendar

Tiger Lily Choir

3:15-4:00 PM
Chess Club
3:05-4:00 PM
PTO Meeting
6:30 PM
EMS Library

3:00-4:00 PM

6th Grade
iPad Check in

6th Grade
Choir Concert
6:00 PM
Erie High School

Soul Sisters
3:15-4:15 PM

3:00-4:00 PM

7th & 8th Grade

Band Concert
6:30 PM

Game Club
3:15-4:30 PM

7th Grade
iPad Check in

7th Grade
Choir Concert
6:30 PM
Erie High School

6th Grade
iPad Check in

8th Grade, Tiger Lily

& MAN Choir
7:30 PM
Erie High School
8th Grade
iPad Check in



Chess Club
3:05-4:00 PM


8th Grade
Bridge to
High School
7:00 PM
Erie High School


Game Club
3:05-4:30 PM

Art Club
3:05-4:15 PM
8th Grade
7:00-9:00 PM

Field trips:
Our field trips are upon us. For Washington D.C. (8th gr.) and Outdoor Ed. (6th gr.), if you have not
turned in forms and/or medication for your student, please do this ASAP! Medications must match
the paperwork and be in their original containers (prescription and over the counter.)

Regarding immunizations:
1.) Please continue to turn in your students updated immunization records. Per state requirements
every student in middle school is to receive the Tdap vaccination. Thank you!
2.) If your child is not fully immunized for the measles, please consider getting the necessary MMR
shot(s). During the winter the news reported an out break of measles in Colorado. If your child is
not fully immunized AND IF we were to have a case of the measles at Erie Middle, your student would
need to be kept home 21 days to protect them and other students.

Regarding medications at school:

To families of students who have medication(s) at school, according to district guidelines, we are
unable to store medication over the summer. Please stop by the school to pick up your student's
medication(s) as the school year wraps up. If you need to stop by after the school year ends, office
staff will be in the office until June 9, 2015. After that we will be disposing of the medications in the
Health Office.
We will start fresh in August. New paperwork for medication at school will need to be filled out,
signed and turned in as we start the school year. Students that currently have an Individual Health
Plan for asthma and food allergies at school will receive paperwork to be filled out over the summer.
In August, when dropping off medication, please remember a parent or guardian needs to bring it in
and it must be in the original container (prescription or over the counter.)
Please see the Permission for Medication included in this newsletter to use for medications during the
2015-16 school year.
If you have any questions, please contact Nicole Meadows, the Health Clerk at 303-828-3391 or
Nicole Meadows
Health Clerk

Thursday, May 14th

7th Grade
Choir Concert
6:30 PM

iPad Check-in Dates

Erie High School

6th Grade

8th Grade, Tiger Lily

May 11th & 12th

& MAN Choir

7:30 PM
Erie High School

7th Grade

6th Grade
Choir Concert
Tuesday, May 12th
6:00 PM

May 13th

8th Grade
May 14th

8th Grade
Bridge to
High School
Wednesday, May
7:00 PM
Erie High School

Make sure to have all of

your accessories with you
at check-in!

7th & 8th

Band Concert
May 13th
6:30 PM



Counseling Corner

There are ways for your student to peacefully settle conflicts without fighting, without running away, and
without going against their feelings or beliefs. Resolving conflicts peacefully helps keep your student safe,
feeling good, and helps them learn respect for others.
Following are some strategies your son or daughter can use to help them solve conflicts peacefully:
First, calm down and decide whether there really is a significant problem, then think of solutions,
weigh the results and choose a plan.
When meeting with the other person to settle the problem, be a good listener. Avoid interruptions and
ask questions after the other person has presented his or her side. Repeat what you have heard to make
sure you understand what the problem seems to be. Present your side of the conflict. Then negotiate a
solution. It is sometimes very helpful to have a third person who can be impartial to help brainstorm
ideas and develop solutions. This is where your students school counselor can help.

The Erie Middle School Renaissance program will host its final assembly on May 20th to acknowledge our
students accomplishments for 4th quarter.
Current WEB leaders will have a final celebration with their 6th graders in May to wrap up the year.
Erie Middle Schools WEB program will kick off its fifth year with a spring play day on April 30th to
introduce our new WEB leaders to the program and begin their training.

Morgan Walje - Morgan is an outstanding member of our 6th grade team at EMS and is an example for others. She has
also shown incredible growth as a student this year in 6th grade. Since the beginning of the year, she has always put
forth her best effort. She is always on task, respectful, helps others, and goes the extra mile on each assignment or extra
activity. Way to ROAR Morgan!
Chase Loschen - Chase does a great job in 6th grade. He often volunteers for class tasks, works well with others,
and is a hard worker. He strives to be on task and have high quality work at all times. Chase is actively engaged
and contributes to discussions and groups. Chase is respectful to others and is a great example of how to ROAR in
the classroom.

Seventh Grade
Delanie Sorensen is the 7th grade girl student of the month. Delanie is consistently kind, helpful and positive.
She is very creative and always asks good questions. Delanie is a great role model for others, specifically when it
comes to citizenship and empathy. Way to go, Delanie!
Dalton Vande Lune has ROARed through 7th grade. He works hard in his classes, and has made strong
improvements as a reader. Dalton shows respect for his classmates and his teachers. Congratulations on
being selected at the 7th grade boy of the month.

Eighth Grade
Ava Miley has made great strides this year in her academic performance. In class, she demonstrates a high level
of focus and respect towards others. She is a great listener, organized, and participates regularly in class. She
asks questions when she needs help. Way to ROAR, Ava! You rock!
Jamison Cartwright is a student who can be consistently relied on by his friends and teachers. His
dedication to his school work is apparent in the garrades he earns. As a WEB leader, he has been reliable and enthusiastic about performing his duties. Way to ROAR Jamison! Good luck in high school.

Elective Team Solo Award

The elective team solo award is a new award given by the elective
team to students who excel in these courses.
The 8th grade Elective Team Solo Award for May goes to


Eva is an incredibly diligent and dedicated student. She is a

gifted musician and artist, but her kind and selfless character makes
her the perfect candidate for this award.












Madison is a very talented artist and an accomplished

student. Mr. Townsend has appreciated what Madison contributes

to the art program. Thank you, Madison.
The Elective Team Solo award for the 6th grade goes to Jocelyn
Sauceda. Jocelyn is a valued member of her reading and Spanish
classes. Jocelyn is always extremely prepared for class, and has
shown tremendous growth in her work. Fantastic job, Jocelyn.
Students of the Month and the Elective Solo Award will have their pictures displayed
in the front office and will receive a large one topping pizza on May 20th. So take a
minute to come to the office at your lunch time to let them know what kind of pizza
you would like.

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