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Devin Autry

UWRT 1102

1) How would you state the problem that this article addresses? In other words, why is
Sommers writing it? What issue is she taking up here, and why?
I believe that the problem that this article addresses is to accept life as it comes. Sommers
states, Having the courage to live with uncertainty, ambiguity, even doubt, we can walk
into all of those fields It is basically saying that things happen for a reason and
whatever does happen you should live with it. As the article says many grow up learning
to proceed with caution, be careful, and think before you act. Although these are all
great values but this could also hold people back in certain situations. In the article
Sommers stresses that we only have one life and that we should live it to the fullest in
order to get the full experience. If we are constantly preceding every situation with
caution you want be able to live life. We should, instead, embrace every moment of life.
We should have fun, make mistakes, learn from our mistakes, and continue living life.
This, to me, is the process of life that many go through. This is the reason why Sommers
wrote the article.
2) When Sommers says that texts "will give me insight, but not answers", what
distinction is she drawing between the two things? In your own experience, have you
been encouraged to look at texts as sources of insight or sources of answers? Why do you
think this is?
I agree with what Sommers statement texts will give me insight, but not answers.
People confuse many times the difference between insight and answers. Sommer says
that she wants her students to be viewed as sources, as places from which ideas
originate. Sommer wants to express that nothing reveals itself straight out and it only
gives insight in order to search deeper into finding the answer. This was interesting to me
because I had previously been encouraged to view sources as sources of answers but after
reading the article I completely agree with what the author was saying. I think that
sources she guide too finding the answers and not just giving it to us. I think that I
originally thought what I thought because I was looking for insight when looking at
sources and I was solely looking for the answers. Not that I know, however, I believe that
I will know see the insight when looking at sources.

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