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Haley Cox

MWF 9:00-9:50
Professor Lockwood
Beethoven Dance:
Dance is a sectional, binary form, because each phrase ends on one. The A section consists of
measures 1-8, and the B section is measures 9-16. The entire work is in D Major.

Clementi Sonatina:
Sonatina is a sectional binary; each section ends in I. The A section is from 1-15, and the B
section is from 15- the end. The A section moves from the original key, C Major, to G major. The key
resolves back to C Major half way through the B section. In 16-23, the theme of the A section is
developed, and repeated in variations, making it a fragmentation device.

Haydn Sonatina Pastorale:

Sonatina Pastorale is a sonata form, and Haydn makes the development through modulation of
the main theme. The piece begins in A Major, and moves to E Major at the Secondary section. The piece
returns to A Major halfway through the last Primary section. The Primary section containing the theme
is made of measures 1-8, and the Secondary section is 9-15. The Primary section returns to the end of
the piece, but is interrupted by a repeat of the Secondary section at the end.

Haydn Presto:
Presto is a rondo form. The first A section from measures 1-36, the B section is 37-70, the
second A section is 71- the end. The piece begins in Eb Major, and stays there. The A section within
the rondo is a sectional binary. The adagio section from measure 148 to the end is a strotto, and is
nicknamed the joke section because it fakes out the audience. It has three I chords, each with a large grand
pause between them, tricking the audience into thinking the piece has ended.

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