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Top 10 Dogs


1. Bulldog
2. Beagle
3. Bull Terrier

4. Collie
5. Newfoundland
6. Vizsla

Front Panel Dog: StooMathieses on | used under creative commons
Inside Panel Great Dane: Katariina Jrvinen on | used under creative
commons license
Inside Panel Newfoundland: Doug
Brown on | used under creative
commons license
Inside Panel Military Dog: U.S. Pacific
Fleet on | used under creative
commons license
Top 10 List:

7. Irish Setter

8. Standard Poodle


9. Labrador Retriever

* Portions of this brochure are produced under

Fair Use Guidelines. Further distribution or duplication is prohibited.

10. Golden Retriever

* Notice that most of these are
really big dogs!

Big Dog

Arizona State University-West

EDT 180B
Publisher Application Assignment

Why Big Dogs Are The Best

How many times have you entered a

house only to be greeted by multiple

Cuddle Monsters

small dogs yapping incessantly and

nipping your ankles? Its pretty safe to
say that this has happened to all of
us, especially considering that this
description fits 9/10 dogs of every
small breed. With large dogs, this is
not often the case. Most big dog

While it can be annoying or even intimi-

breeds are naturally outgoing and

friendly. In fact, the larger the dog,
the friendlier. Its pretty easy to see
why bigger dogs are better dogs.

dating when a 100 lb canine jumps into

your lap uninvited, a well-trained beast
who waits for you to welcome him can
be a perfect cuddle buddy. With
small dogs, you
can pet them
and let them sit
in your lap, but
thats about it. Cuddling with large dogs
in fantastic! You can hug them, lay on
them, and pet them without worrying so
much about crushing their tiny bones.
The best part is that they love it just as

as service dogs in many different ways.

Whether its serving the deaf or blind,
detecting bombs, sniffing out drugs, finding lost hikers, saving drowning victims,
or riding along with firemen, big dogs do
it all. Youll find them serving alongside
the best of our own policemen, firemen,
and servicemen. Youll never see a Shih
Tzu pulling her frostbitten owner across
frozen lands on a sled, and thats why big
dogs are mans better friend.

much as you, so theyll rarely run away

from your love!

True Heroes

Being friendly and cuddly is great, but

the true character of large dogs is shown
through their service. Big dog breeds act

EDT 180B
Publisher Application Assignment

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