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The content for this week was on cooperative learning to a class of 23 third
graders. On Tuesday the lesson, was playing a game called Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag1,
which required no equipment. On Thursday the lesson, was playing a game called Chain
Linked2, which required 12 hoola-hoops of various sizes, 12 small cones, 6 roll out mats,
and 10 scarves.
Psychomotor: SWBAT perform group strategized hand signals and safely tag other
students 9 out of 10 times. SWBAT demonstrate locomotor skills and coordination while
performing the task of avoiding obstacles while being linked to another student, 8 out of
10 times.
Cognitive: SWBAT strategize and communicate tactics that will be implemented in the
task(s) with 95% accuracy. SWBAT strategize problem solving skills to be implemented
in the task(s) with 85% accuracy.
Affective: SWBAT demonstrate teamwork and positive attitudes by displaying either:
high fives, encouragement, positive communication, and safely tagging. SWBAT
demonstrate teamwork and positive attitudes by displaying either; high fives,
encouragement, positive communication.
Health-Related Fitness: SWBAT recognize the physiological responses to exercise and
will be engaged in MVPA for at least 50% of the lesson. SWBAT recognize the
physiological responses to exercise and will be engaged in MVPA for at least 50% of the
Over the course of the week the students communicated and cooperated with each
other in a descent manner. As for the organization of the lesson, I could have changed my
demonstration on Tuesday for the main activity. The students had a difficult time trying to
understand what to do after the instructions were given. As for Thursday, I would have
changed the methods for the students to cross the sea of obstacles. They became
competitive an rather than working together to complete the task correctly they simply
ran through the course.

Rock, Paper, Scissors. PE Central. (February 10, 2015).

Chain Linked. PE Central. (February 12, 2015).


1. Improving motor skill performance:
The lesson plan Tuesday provided the students with the opportunity to
improve their reaction time and basic motor skills. The lesson plan on
Thursday provide the students with the opportunity to improve their
coordination while attached to another student and more of their motor skills.
2. Being appropriate for the experiential level of all students:
The lesson plans for the week were appropriate to 3rd grade. The activities
were simple in their approach and the motor skill levels that were required
for the task: running, walking, jumping.
3. Providing maximum practice time for all students:
The lesson plan provided the students with the opportunity to be in activity
for 50% of the lesson. On Tuesday, the students were required to chase
and flee in a large open space and have several opportunities to restart the
activity and participate again. On Thursday, the students were required to
walk, jump, and maneuver around a sea of objects. The task took up more
than half of the lesson, which allowed the students more practice time with
various motor skills.
4. Integrating learning domains:
Psychomotor: The students were not effective in continuing to
demonstrate their specified movement concepts and when asked to. At
moments they became competitive and ran away or toward their finish
Cognitive: The students cooperated and worked well together throughout
the entire lesson. They communicated with each other, even if it was
towards the same ineffective approach.
Affective: The students expressed many different facial expressions and
encouragement towards their peers by participating in the lesson. Overall
I believe they enjoyed themselves.
Systematic Observations (no data received)
Creating opportunities to practice at higher levels was unfortunately not given. All the
students had the same task to complete several times. Improvements could have be
adjusted in this area, giving the students a chance to practice at higher level in either their
communication or cooperative task or even in the motor skills their performed.
As perviously stated, no opportunities were offered to practice at higher levels for the
students. Pre-planning should have been included before the beginning of the lesson to
allow the students more opportunities of success.


My movement, as the teacher, began in front of the students both on Tuesday and
on Thursday. My perimeter consider of participating with the students on both days. No
specific COTS were given for this weeks lessons except for the clarity on hand gestures
for the Rock, Paper, Scissors Tag on Tuesday and the difference between hopping and
jumping for Thursday.
I believe the instructions, based on the students reactions, were unclear. On
Tuesday the students we unsure of where to go after the were tagged and remained on
their original side. Same thing followed when they were to going through the sea of
object on Thursday, the students were running majority of the time rather than completing
the motor movement the first time they were asked to. All the instructions were given to
the students in the same manner: visible area, clear ability to hear, and with a quick
demonstration while they all sat down on Home Base.
The feedback given to the students were to those who were performing the task
incorrectly and correctly. Those who participated in the task and did the requested motor
skills or the switching of opposite side were praised with positive feedback. Those who
were not performing the motor skill requested or switching to opposite sides were
reinforced of the instructions. At times there were some students were either doing to the
task correctly or incorrectly who slipped my vision and missed my feedback.
As stated earlier, the demonstrations were brief and only the crucial portions of
the task were given such as the hand gestures, direction if tagged, pathway through the
sea of objects, and the motor skills that were going to be called out. To my amazement,
the demonstrations and instructions needed to be reclassified and simplified even more
since majority of the students didnt follow or understand the tasks.
At the beginning of the lessons, the equipment was pre-arranged. At the end of the
lessons, the equipment was collected and placed back into their bags by the students and
the teacher.
Dealing with disruptive students was a challenge because majority of the students
were being talkative towards other students and sometimes even purposefully disruptive
for attention. First warning was verbal. Second warning was having the disruptive student
sit out of the task for a short period. The third warning was sending the disruptive student
inside to the After School Program. I managed to continue my enthusiasm after handling
the disruptive students to refocus the students attention back on the lesson rather than the
student who was being a distraction
One of the teaching skills I believed to have done well was managing my class
and not allowing those disruptive students to take control over the entire class. Another I
believe I did well was participating with the students and encouraging them to have fun
and enjoy themselves. And lastly I believe I allowed them opportunities to work together
and build a good start for a safe learning environment. Some aspects that could have been
improved on were the pre-planning on instructions, the demonstrations, and explaining
the purpose of the lesson for the day a little bit better for the students to comprehend.

Some strategies I plan to improve on and implement for the next week are
my instructions, my demonstrations, and my increase in activity levels, even though I
have no data provided to prove or disprove their activity levels this week. Going into next
week the students will be learning about movement concepts.


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