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Cloud Sync Storage Comparison

Usability Test Comparing Dropbox and Google Drive by Gavin Weiss


Google Drive

Cloud Sync Storage Comparison

This white paper serves the purpose of comparing the usability of two cloud sync storage
software: Dropbox and Google Drive.
Cloud storage is a new technology that companies have begun to develop in the recent years.
Documents, files, photos, and other data can be uploaded to an offsite server from a users
computer. These files can be accessed from other computers by connecting virtually to the
offsite server. Many companies are starting to create cloud storage for their users. Google Drive

and Dropbox are two of the most commonly used software in this industry.
The usability tests are aimed at users who generally have little technical experience. The tasks
selected to test were based on what these users would do with cloud sync storage software. The
users targeted would understand how to operate a computer, how to create a document, and
how to use a basic browser.

1. Downloading the cloud sync storage software
2. Uploading a picture to cloud sync storage
3. Share a folder with another user through cloud sync storage
4. Edit a document on cloud sync storage
5. Download a file from a cloud sync software
6. Remove a link from cloud sync storage
7. Find synced devices on cloud sync storage software

Testing Environment:
The testing was taken in a private apartment in Moscow, Idaho, a common
residential environment for a potential user. The tests were processed on a PC
computer with Windows 7, a common desktop operating system.

Cloud Sync Storage Comparison

Evaluation Criteria:
The usability of each task is based on a five point Likert scale for each of the following
The task yielded satisfactory results
Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

The task was completed quickly and with ease

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

The help feature in the application was not needed

Strongly Agree




Strongly Disagree

Task #1: Download the Cloud Sync Storage Software
Dropbox: The link to download the software was easy to find. When the software was
downloading there wasnt any information on how long the download would take. After the
download was complete, the application took me to Dropboxs website and the software that
was just downloaded.
Google Drive: The link to download the software was in the main page of Google Drives

website. Once the software was downloading, the loading page showed how long it would take
to download. After the download was complete the application showed me possible functions
that Google Drive is capable of doing. Then, Google Drive brought up the file on the computer
where the Google Drive documents would be saved.

Figure 1.1: The download tabs for each application. Google Drive is the left tab and the right is

Cloud Sync Storage Comparison

Task #1 Likert:


The task yielded

satisfactory results

The task was

The help feature in

completed quickly

the application was

and with ease.

not needed.


Google Drive

Task #2: Upload a Picture

Dropbox: Dropbox has a specific tab that shows all of the users photos, but there isn't a link to
upload photos in that tab. To upload a photo, I had to go to the files tab. The photo has to be
uploaded as a file. Once the file was downloaded, the site automatically recognized it is a photo
and placed it in the photo tab.
Google Drive: Within the Google Drive site, there is a Google Photos tab. Within that tab, it
states Stay tuned! Your photos are

coming soon. This caused some

confusion; the wording makes it
seem like photos cant be uploaded
yet. But, if you click the new tab
and upload the picture as a file, it
will work.
Figure 2.1: The message on Google Photos tab

Task #2 Likert:


The task yielded

satisfactory results

The task was

The help feature in

completed quickly

the application was

and with ease.

not needed.


Google Drive

Cloud Sync Storage Comparison

Task #3: Share a Folder with Another User

Dropbox: If I hovered over the data desired a share mini-tab appeared in the right corner of
the page. The mini-tab had privacy settings and places to share the file. I had lots of options on
how I could share my data.

Figure 3.1: How to share a folder, file, or document and the options available for users.

Google Drive: Once I clicked on the file, the symbol to share becomes visible above. The symbol
is a classic image that a user would understand to connect other places to the file. There isn't a
lot of information on privacy settings or ways to share the file to another site.

Figure 3.2: How to share a file on Google Drive. The orange circle highlights the symbol to share
the file.

Cloud Sync Storage Comparison

Task #3 Likert:


The task yielded

satisfactory results

The task was

The help feature in

completed quickly

the application was

and with ease.

not needed.


Google Drive

Task #4: Edit a Document

Dropbox: First, I had to view the document, then the I could edit the document. The issue is that
the I had to have an online document editor account with a company that collaborates with
Dropbox. Otherwise, I would have to download the document to edit it.
Google Drive: To edit the document, I just had to double click the file. In Word Online, I was
able to continue editing my document.
Task #4 Likert:


The task yielded

satisfactory results

The task was

The help feature in

completed quickly

the application was

and with ease.

not needed.


Google Drive

Task #5: Download a File

Dropbox: When searching how to download a file, the symbol to complete the task was at the
top of the page and easily spotted. While the file was downloading, the site informed me on
how much time was left until the download was over.
Google Drive: Finding the download tab was a little more complicated then necessary. I had to
find the extra actions. The download action was at the bottom of that. While the file was
downloading, the site informed me on how much time was left until the download was over.

Cloud Sync Storage Comparison

Task #5 Likert:


The task yielded

satisfactory results

The task was

The help feature in

completed quickly

the application was

and with ease.

not needed.


Google Drive

Task #6: Remove a Link

Dropbox: Once I clicked on the link tab, the available links showed up in a list. In the right
corner, I could click on the X symbol to get rid of the link. I could also set a date for an
automatic removal of the link by clicking on the settings right next to the X symbol.

Figure 6.1: The view of the links on Dropbox. The red circle shows the setting symbol and the orange circle shows the
removal symbol.

Google Drive: I had to consult Google Help during this process. There wasnt a designated area
that informed what was linked to other sites
or people. By using Google Help, I was able to
find out how to remove a link for each
individual item. It was a complicated mess. I
had to click each individual link to the
document and remove them.
Figure 6.2 The Google Drive view of where I could
remove the individual links. The red line shows where I
had to click to view the settings to delete the link.

Cloud Sync Storage Comparison

Task #6 Likert:


The task was

The task yielded

satisfactory results

The help feature in

completed quickly

the application was

and with ease.

not needed.


Google Drive

Task #7: Find Synced Devices

Dropbox: In the settings under Security, I was able to find the synced devices that are on my
account. From that page, I could remove any devices that I didn't want on my account. The
page also told me when the devices had been recently using my account.
Help and there is no page that allows the
user to see what devices are synced to their
account. I looked through different articles
and search through Google help, but I
wasn't able to find out where the list of
synced devices are located.

Figure 7.1: The Google Help search for

the synced devices

Google Drive: I consulted Google Drive

Task #7 Likert:


The task yielded

satisfactory results

The task was

The help feature in

completed quickly

the application was

and with ease.

not needed.


Google Drive

Cloud Sync Storage Comparison

Summary of Results:

In all three of the categories, Google Drive was behind of Dropbox.

Satisfactory results: Google Drive scored 27 and Dropbox scored 34.
Completed Quickly and Easily: Google Drive scored 21 and Dropbox scored 29.
Didnt Need Help Feature: Google Drive scored 26 and Dropbox scored 32.

Dropbox makes it easy for a user to find what they need, complete their tasks, and finish them
in a timely manner. Everything is laid out clearly on the Dropbox website. Google Drive is a bit
more complicated. It can do the majority of the same things that Dropbox can do, but there are
just some features that are harder to find or dont exist that Dropbox has. For these reasons, I
suggest that new users utilize Dropbox for their cloud sync storage.

Cloud Sync Storage Comparison

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