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Instructor: Kelsey Logan

Contact information:
School Phone: (333) 444-555

Marketing I is an introductory course designed for sophomores, juniors, and seniors who are
interested in exploring how products are developed, produced, promoted, and
distributed. Topics covered include basic marketing and economic concepts, the free
enterprise system, legal and ethical issues concerning marketers, selling, advertising and
promotion. In addition, communication, interpersonal, leadership and technology skills will
be developed, as well as employability and career development strategies.
The following subjects, topics, and material will be addressed over the year:

Marketing fundamentals, terms and terminology




Business Concepts and Legal/Ethical Issues

Academic Concepts and Skills for Marketing

Employability and Career Development


Notebook/ notebook section or binder/binder section specifically dedicated to the
class. Youll need a place to take and keep notes, as well as a place for handouts.
Blue or black pens (You will need pencils too)
A basic mathematical calculator that can add, subtract, multiply, and divide. You do
not need a graphic calculator.

A flash drive or portable storage device is strongly recommended.

The course is an interactive curriculum. A variety of assessments will be conducted through
the year. Chapter and unit tests, projects and classroom activities, portfolios, and written
reports/essays will all be used to assess your knowledge and understanding of the
The grading scale for this course is as follows:
100% - 93% A
92% - 85% B
84% - 77% C
76% - 70% D
Below 69% F


Work missed due to an excused absence will be accepted and graded according to the school
policy. Always see me at the beginning of class about missed work/make up work (not during
or after).
MISSED TESTS: If you miss a test and your absence is excused, it is your responsibility to
reschedule a time to take the test on the first day you return to school either*:
1. Before school
2. After school
3. During an off period
4. Lunch
5. During class
* Pending teachers availability

For unexcused absences: Assignments due on the day of your absence will receive a zero.
Tests missed on the day of your absence cannot be made up and will receive a zero. It is your
responsibility to catch up with reading and assignments.

LATE WORK: Students are expected to turn all work in on time. Students can turn in 2
assignments late, free of penalty, per semester. The late pass can be used on most
assignments; major projects and group projects cannot be turned in late. Students will
receive full credit for a late assignment that is turned in with a late pass UP TO two weeks
late. No credit will be given for an assignment turned in more than 2 weeks late. Unused late
passes may be redeemed at the end of the semester for extra credit.
One of the objectives of this course is to introduce students to the expectations that are
placed on employees in the workplace. One of those expectations is that assignments are
turned in, or before, established deadlines.


Deal with yourself as an individual worthy of respect and make everyone else deal with you
the same way. Nikki Giovanni
RESPECT- Respect for yourself, for other people, property, and for learning is critically
important in my classroom. Follow this rule and you will succeed.
ATTENDANCE AND PARTICIPATION- This class is not a spectator sport you must be
actively involved in each class. Much of the work done is in-class work that cannot be
replicated at home, which makes attendance and punctuality extremely important. The
school attendance and tardy policies will be strictly upheld in order to maintain a productive
learning environment for all students. Students will receive a grade for class participation
each grading period, and should come to class prepared and energized to actively learn every
day. This means coming to class with paper, a pen or pencil, ideas, questions and a positive
attitude. I view poor attendance (whether its excused or not) as reflective of the respect you
have for yourself, your classmates and the class.
COMMUNICATION- Open communication is crucial in the business world and just as
important in the classroom setting. I value your feedback on assignments, lessons, readings
and instruction. Please see me immediately if you have any problems which interfere with
your learning. Modifications and extensions on assignments can be granted in exceptional
situations, but only when honest communication takes place.
DECA (An Association of Marketing Students)

DECA is an international association of high school marketing students. DECA is cocurricular, which means that it is an integral component of the marketing curriculum. Active
participation is strongly encouraged. Membership in DECA is mandatory for all Marketing I
students. Local, state, and national dues are $30.00 for the school year, and should have
been paid at registration. Make checks payable to Chaparral DECA.
This organization is well known at Chaparral High School for initiating and implementing a
variety of activities around the campus, including Sweet Street, DECA the Halls, and Battle
of the Bands. This year the officer team has organized a variety of social activities that ALL
MEMBERS can participate in. I strongly encourage every Marketing student to take
advantage of being an active member of DECA and support this program with your
participation in these activities. This is a great opportunity for you to apply the curriculum
in a meaningful manner that will help you and your community. Participation in DECA
activities will be a part of your Marketing grade. Details of the DECA Program are
printed in the Chaparral High School DECA Handbook which will be distributed to all
Marketing/DECA Students.

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