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Midpoint Evaluation Form


At the midpoint of the field experience, the Student Teacher, with guidance from the Mentor Teacher, is required to
complete a formative Midpoint Self-Evaluation. The purpose of this document is to provide the Student Teacher with
an opportunity to reflect on his/her growth as a teacher.

The Midpoint Self Evaluation should:
Be thoughtful and detailed
Be complete by
the Friday of Week 3 of the IPT
Be discussed with the Mentor Teacher and the University Facilitator
Include Mentor Teachers comments
Be signed by student Teacher, Mentor Teacher, and University Facilitator

Faculty of
University of

Student Teacher
Midpoint Self-Evaluation

Student Teacher:
Joanne Shaw

Dates of Field Experience:

November 12, 2013
December 13, 2013

ID Number:

School Name & Address:

Crestwood School
9735 114 St. Edmonton, AB


School Telephone:

University Facilitator:
Lawrence Rankin

School District:

Subject(s) and/or Grade level(s):

Grade 4

Mentor Teacher(s):
Josine Bryson

Last updated 04/05/2015 3:55 PM

The purpose of this Field Experience Midpoint Evaluation document is to provide evidence and communicate information
regarding Student Teacher performance based on the Knowledge, Skills and Attributes (KSAs) for Interim Certification.
Comments reflect strengths and areas for growth in each category.

Description of the school and context of teaching:

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

School size
Special Programs
Special Needs Students in class

Class size
Number of teachers

Crestwood has 405 students from Kindergarten to Grade 9.

There is one class of each from Kindergarten until Grade 6 totalling 165 students in Elementary with 7
teachers plus a Music teacher and a French teacher both which are part time.
For the most part, division one classes are kept under 25 students while division two are kept under 30.
Grade 4 has 29 students.
There are three classes of Grade 7s, 8s and 9s totalling 235 students in Junior High.
The Junior High is purely Gifted Intelligence and High Academic program.

Preparation, Planning and Organization


Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning.

Teachers use the Guide to Education and the programs of study to inform and direct planning, instruction and assessment.
Teachers understand the subject discipline they teach.
Teachers know how to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn and create multiple paths to learning for
individuals and groups.
KSA F: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning
opportunities through short, medium and long range planning.
KSA M: Teachers identify and incorporate relevant learning resources into their teaching.
Curriculum expectations
Not all need to be addressed. Content knowledge
Lesson Plans

Suggested Topics

Time management
Diverse learning needs

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:


I create a lesson plan for every lesson I teach and in it I write the Lesson Objectives from the Program of
Studies as well as the material we are covering and the assessment strategy I will use.
I am a very organized person. I have my Plan Binder with me all the time with everything I need in it and I
know exactly where everything is in it. I have dividers that separate the sections which include 1) important
info (time table, class list), 2) my monthly calendar, 3) math (unit plan and lesson plans), 4) other random
lessons I teach (social, LA, science), 5) important documents (Portfolio Permission Forms, Unit and Lesson
Plan Templates), 6) Program of Study for Grade 4 core subjects, and 7) EDFX 325 Guidelines and
I try to address diverse learning needs by using multiple modes of communication throughout the lesson. For
example, I talk about the information and what the assignment is (for auditory learners) and I also write the
information and assignments on the board (for visual learners).

Teaching Skills and Strategies

KSA A: Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning.
KSA D: Teachers understand the subject discipline they teach.
KSA E: Teachers know how to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn and create multiple paths to learning for
individuals and groups.
KSA F: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning
opportunities through short, medium and long range planning.
KSA I: Teachers know and use a broad range of instructional strategies.
KSA J: Teachers use both traditional and electronic technologies to meet students learning needs.
KSA M: Teachers identify and incorporate relevant learning resources into their teaching.

Suggested Topics

Learning strategies

Not all need to be addressed. Instructional strategies

Student interest

Uses ICT
Cultural sensitivity
Lesson/unit plans

Differentiation of instruction

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:


I always try to keep my students interest in mind when planning a lesson. For example, when teaching the
metric notation of calendar dates, I had students collect each others birthdays in a table and then had them
convert these dates into metric notation. These dates at least had some meaning to them rather than random
dates out of a textbook I couldve had them use, making it more engaging and interesting. Another example
is when teaching elapsed time, I had them fill in a worksheet with activities that they do after school or on
weekends and the start and end times for each. Then they had to use this information to find the elapsed time
for each of their activities. This is more interesting for students and related to them rather than just doing
textbook problems.
I am pretty good at pacing/timing during my lessons because the students are always right with me as I go
through things. For example in my social lesson, when they had to find page 31 in their text I waited for
them and then had volunteers read aloud each region description.
When I am planning I always consider the sequence of things I am doing. For example, I think about
whether students should grab their textbooks at the beginning of class or if I should wait and have them get
them in the middle of the lesson when they actually need them and then can also have a mini break during
this time. Also, I try to begin with review of the previous lesson, if necessary, and end with review of the
new material as a class as well.

KSA H: Teachers know the importance of respecting students human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are
characterized by mutual respect, trust and harmony.
KSA J: Teachers know how to use and how to engage students in using traditional and electronic technologies to present and deliver content,
communicate effectively with others.
KSA L: Teachers know how to develop and implement strategies that create and enhance teacher, parent, and student partnerships.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Oral and written language

Listening skills
Voice and language

Communication with parents/guardians

Teaching/learning technologies

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:


I am able to get the attention of the class when I need it, just by asking for it and waiting until they are
Ive met half the class parents at the interviews; however, I never had to speak to them about the students. I
just sat in and observed.
Ive used the smart board for writing notes down.

Midpoint Evaluation Form

Assessment Strategies
KSA K: Teachers gather information about their students learning needs and progress by using a variety of assessment strategies.
KSA L: Teachers know the importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and learning.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Appropriate questioning
Assessment variety
Formative/ Summative
Timely feedback

Adapted assessment
Record keeping

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:


I always ask the class if they have any questions after I teach a new concept before giving them
their assignment to work on.
When we are correcting our Do Nows in math class, rather than just giving them the correct
answers I ask the students for the answer and then, as long as it is correct, I write it on the board.
Every math class I take in some form of assessment. For the most part they are formative, such as
Do Nows, textbook questions, worksheets, etc. just so that I can look over them and see how
well students seem to be grasping the concept and whether they are ready to move on or need more
review on the topic. The summative assessment will be the unit test at the end. I am trying to make
sure that there is plenty of opportunity for the students to practice their skills in formative ways
before the summative assessment.
So far in my practicum, anything students hand in to me, I look at that night and return to them the
next lesson.
I have a class list in the front of my Plan Binder which I have made into a record keeping sheet.
Any formative assignment I have them do, I look at and then record whether or not they seem to
understand it. I do this with a simple check mark for yes they know it or an X for needs more
practice. This way I can quickly look down the list and see where the majority of the class is and
whether we need more practice with it or can move on.

Management and Classroom Climate

KSA A: Teachers understand that contextual variables affect teaching and learning.
KSA G: Teachers create and maintain environments that are conducive to student learning and understand student needs for physical, social,
cultural and psychological security.
KSA H: Teachers know the importance of respecting students human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are
characterized by mutual respect, trust and harmony.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Class tone
Rapport with students
Student engagement

Conflict resolution

Last updated 04/05/2015 3:55 PM

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:


Overall, I feel that I have good relationships with the students as a whole and then there are a few
students that I feel I am especially close with already.
The transitions that I have had to deal with are when they come in from recess transitioning into
class and getting them settled down. Then getting them cleaned up and dismissed for lunch.
I have kept the same routines as were in place already. For example, to go to the bathroom or get a
drink they must ask first and depending on how hard they have been working and how much they
have done I decide whether they can go or if they need to do some more work first.
There hasnt really been any conflicts while I have been teaching, however, one little thing that
happened was one student was telling on another for reading a book during class instead of the
textbook but I just dealt with it by telling the first student to focus on himself and Ill worry about
the other student.

Understanding Students Needs

KSA E: Teachers know how to identify students different learning styles and ways students learn and create multiple paths to learning for
individuals and groups.
KSA F: Teachers know how to translate curriculum and desired outcomes into meaningful and incrementally progressive learning
opportunities. Teachers understand the need to vary their plans to accommodate individuals and groups of students.
KSA I: Teachers know and use a broad range of instructional strategies and know which strategies are appropriate to help different students
achieve different outcomes.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Planning that includes all students and learning styles

Alignment of strategies to student needs
Use of varied resources to differentiate instruction
Assists all learners
Understands contextual variables that affect teaching and learning

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:


When I plan my lessons I try to address all the different learning styles by having things for visual
learners (writing directions and notes on the board), auditory learners (class discussions) and
kinesthetic learners (mini-clocks).
In order to address all learners, I try to do examples on the board together as a class and then have
them do individual work that they hand in and I look at to see where their understanding is at.
While they are working, I circulate the room answering questions that individuals have and
clarifying any misconceptions about the material.

Professional Qualities and Attributes

KSA B: Teachers understand the legislated, moral and ethical frameworks with in which they work.
KSA H: Teachers know the importance of respecting students human dignity by establishing relationships with students that are
characterized by mutual respect, trust and harmony.
KSA L: Teachers know the importance of engaging parents, purposefully and meaningfully, in all aspects of teaching and learning.
KSA N: Teachers know the importance of contributing, independently and collegially, to the quality of their school.
KSA O: Teachers assess the quality of their own teaching and use this to develop and implement their own professional development.
KSA P: Teachers guide their actions with a personal, overall vision of the purpose of teacher and they are able to communicate their vision,
including how it has changed as a result of new knowledge, understanding and experience.

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Work ethics

Interpersonal skills

Team work

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:


I have been trying to take initiative when in the classroom, walking around and helping students
that have their hands up with questions during my mentor teachers lessons.
I always try to have a good attitude while at the school, especially while in the classroom and
around the students.
I always dress professionally, wearing dress pants and flats.
I complete my professional reflections every day and am finding them helpful in learning about
what works and what doesnt with the students and my lessons.

Reflection and Self-Evaluation

KSA O: Teachers assess the quality of their own teaching and use this to develop and implement their own professional development.
KSA P: Teachers guide their actions with a personal, overall vision of the purpose of teacher and they are able to communicate their vision,
including how it has changed as a result of new knowledge, understanding and experience

Suggested Topics
Not all need to be addressed.

Establishes specific strategies to meet professional goals

Demonstrates oral/written reflective practices
Engages in goal setting
Communicates overall vision of teaching

Student Teacher evaluation including evidence:


I have been reflecting orally with my mentor teacher about my lessons, talking about how I felt it
went, as well as things that surprised me that I didnt expect from the lesson.
I have been writing reflections every day and learning from the things I do in my lessons as to what
works well and what I could do better next time.

Mentor Teacher Comments:

It has been a pleasure to have Joanne with us for her practicum experience. Although at first timid and shy,
I have noticed Joanne gaining confidence over the last few weeks. Joanne is developing many qualities of
an effective teacher. She is punctual and organized. She first demonstrated her organizational skills when
she planned an entire math unit. The lessons were carefully planned and thoroughly thought through.
Joanne considered the program of studies, students learning needs and timing, transitions and engagement
in the development of her unit. In the delivery of her lessons Joanne is able to gain and keep students
attention. She is patient with students who are struggling to learn a new concept and she circulates around
the room to help whoever is struggling. When she is not teaching, she is often up from her desk assisting in
the classroom any way she can. From answering students questions to assessing students work, even
putting up bulletin boards or attending to a sick student. Over the next few weeks I look forward to
watching Joanne grow her confidence even more, taking on more responsibilities in the classroom and
teaching a variety of subjects.

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