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Casey Fleming

WEEK 8: APRIL 13TH & 15TH 2015
This was my 8th and final week with Tiger Pride. On Monday the 13th we had an
ET take over day where Latoya and Lauren taught a football review lesson where I was
observing and helping them where they needed. They did great jobs and will do great in
when they become apart of the delivery team. On Wednesday April 15th, I taught the 20
tiger pride 4th graders a basketball review lesson. This was my last teach and for this
lesson I needed, 4 basketball hoops, 20 jerseys, 20 poly spots and 20 cones. The Lesson
began with a relay style game that allowed the students to work in groups and practice the
bounce, chest, and overhead pass. The lesson was followed by a shooting drill and then
having the students dribble to a place then stop and shoot.

Student Learning Objectives

My student learning objectives for psychomotor were Students will be able to dribble a
ball with the correct cues 7 out of 10 times, for cognitive: Students will be able to say the
cues of the skill with 100 percent accuracy, for affective: Students will show enjoyment
through encouragement their team in activity, and for H-R Fitness: Students will be
engaged in moderate to vigorous physical activity at least 50 percent of the time. I
believe that in this lesson I was able to achieve all my learning objectives. For H-R
fitness, my students were engaged in activity for 19.5 minutes which is over 50 percent of
the time. For affective, the video shows students engaged and happy during the

Casey Fleming
competition portions of the shooting video. From my observations during the lesson,
majority the students followed all the cues correctly, a few students continued to look
down at the ball. I felt that I did a good job walking around providing feedback to the
students and keeping them engaged. I felt that I could have increase a few basketballs
which would increase repetitions for each students.

Quality Learning Environment

I definitely felt that I address all 4 criteria for a learning experience but could have
improved maximizing practice time. I gave the students a lot of practice time and
allowed them to improve their skills at an appropriate level. I also felt I address the three
learning domains in various parts of my lesson. I felt that I could have brought more
equipment to have students practice with more repetitions because there could have been
more lines. This could have maximized more of the practice time for the students.
My total activity time came to 19.25 minutes, my instruction were 5.25 minutes
and the managements was 5.5 minutes. I think that this was a good representation of how
the lesson progressed. I felt that I could have hurried the students during my transitions
to increase my activity time. I expected to have more instruction time in this lesson due to
the fact that I was incorporating more activities and reviewing a great deal of skills. The
competitions I had the students competing in allowed them to advance their skills and
compete against each other trying to compete at a higher level. I used a discrete activity
in my 3rd task expanding upon my second task. My first task was simple stationary
shooting and we later progressing into dribbling then shooting having them practice two
skills and improve their basketball skills. For the group of students that were successful

Casey Fleming
in the shooting activity I moved their poly spots farther back to help them progress their

Strengths & Weaknesses

When looking at video and at my evaluation teams Systematic observation I think
that I did a great job in this lesson moving throughout the teaching space and stayed
around the outside keeping my body facing the students. I was able to talk to every group
at least 2 or 3 time to provide them with feedback.
Throughout the entire lesson I was providing the students with the cues of the
skill. During the passing drill I was providing cues for the more complex passing skills
reminding the students as they were practicing. During the shooting activity I provided
them the cues: under, side, bend, cookie jar, during the instructions and while they were
practicing. By the end of the lesson they seemed much more comfortable talking back
and wanting to demonstrate the cues for basketball.
I think that my instructions this week were strength of mine when it came to my
teaching episode. I was able to have the student practice 3 different tasks for long
periods of time and this was partially due to my instructions. I had my activities
previously organized and my instructions were short and simple and I continued to
provide instruction as well as feedback to student throughout the entire lesson. My
instructions always had the students in front of me when I was explaining the main
activity. I continued to used the work K this week during my instruction and while
interacting with the students

Casey Fleming
In this lesson I was providing students with positive reinforcement and corrective
feedback. I tried to show enthusiasm and encourage the students to compete and cheer
for their team. This help the students work as a group and encouraged social interactions.
I also provide corrective feedback to students like Jennifer who were holding the ball
incorrectly and performing the cues incorrectly. I think over the course of the semester I
improved greatly with providing corrective and positive feedback to a large majority of
the students.
I provided demonstrations throughout the lesson to both instruct, correct, and
encourage the students. In the first activity I demonstrated how to and how not to throw
the ball when doing an overhead pass. I did this after a few rounds and many of the
students were performing the overhead pass incorrectly. I gave them cues and
demonstrated the bounce and overhead pass, for the shooting drill I demonstrated but for
the final activity I had a group demonstrate with me. Through the lesson I was walking
around talking to students showing them corrective demonstrations to improve their
During the lesson everyone was using the equipment appropriately besides joseph
who was playing with the jersey in an inappropriate manner. During clean up students
help with clean up before the closure. During the first activity, Andra was playing with
the ball during my instruction so had her go to the end of the line to deal with that. It also
set and example as the standard for the rest of the students.
This week I felt my three strengths was that I provided a great deal of corrective
and positive feedback to the students. I was able to encourage the students to support
each other and encourage sportsmanship and I felt I had strong demonstrations and used

Casey Fleming
student demonstrations well. I feel that I could try and improve my idiosyncrasies, try
and improve my transitions, and lower my management time.

Recommendations for next session

This was our last week of tiger pride and I will not be teaching these students
anymore. But the main suggestion I would make to improve upon next time is to
continue to focus on my idiosyncrasies and using the work K. I would recommend
focusing on instructions and tactics to limit the work K.

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