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Presentation of Glogster Rubric: Statistical Analysis

Teacher Name: Miss. Oliver

Student Name: ________________________________________

CATEGORY Exemplary
Comprehension As a Data Analyst, you are able As A Data Analyst, you are
As a Data Analyst, you are able As a Data Analyst, you are able
to accurately answer all
able to accurately answer all to accurately answer only 3
to accurately answer 2 or less
questions posed by the
but 1 or 2 questions posed by questions posed by the
questions posed by the
employees of The Weather
the employees of The Weather employees of The Weather
employees of The Weather
Channel about your plots.
Channel about your plots.
Channel about your plots.
Channel about your plots.
Enthusiasm Facial expressions and body Facial expressions and body
language generate a strong
language sometimes generate
interest and enthusiasm about a strong interest and
the temperature information enthusiasm for the
you are presenting.
temperature information you
are presenting.

Facial expressions and body

language are used to try to
generate enthusiasm about
the temperature information
you are presenting, but comes
off as distant.

Very little use of facial

expressions or body language.
Did not generate much
interest in the temperature
information you are

Preparedness As a Data Analyst, you are

completely prepared and
seem to have put a lot of time
and effort into the
presentation of your Glogster.

As a Data Analyst, you are

somewhat prepared, but it
appears that more rehersal
would have helped in the
presentation of your Glogster.

As a Data Analyst, it appears

that you did minimal
preparation for the
presentation of your Glogster.

As a Data Analyst, you seem

very prepared but it appears
that you could have used a
little more rehersal.

Stays on Topic Stays on the topic of your

Stays on the topic of your
Stays on the topic of your
Data Analyst was unclear of
capitals temperature changes capitals temperature changes capitals temperature changes what, if any, temperature
all (100%) of the time.
most (99%-90%) of the time. some (89%-75%) of the time. changes were found in the
capitals they were in charge
Posture and Stands
u p
straight, looks
Eye Contact relaxed and confident.
Establishes eye contact
constantly with employees of
The Weather Channel.

Stands up straight and

establishes eye contact with
employees of The Weather

Sometimes stands up straight

and establishes eye contact
with employees of The
Weather Channel.

Slouches and/or does not

attempt to make any eye
contact with employees of The
Weather Channel.

Volume Volume

is loud enough to be
heard by all audience
members throughout the

Volume is loud enough to be

heard by all audience
members at least 90% of the

Volume is loud enough to be

heard by all audience
members at least 80% of the

Volume is often too soft to be

heard by all audience

Created by Chelsey Oliver using Rubistar

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