Final Report - TCC Technology

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TCC Technology

Ismaiah Muhammad, Darein Nixon, Andrew Kulcak, Mauricio Gonzalez

Sandi Hubnik
ENG 2311
21 April 2015



Table of Contents
List of Illustrations ........................................................................................................................................ ii
Figure ............................................................................................................................................................ ii
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................................ iii
Introduction ................................................................................................................................................... 1
Purpose...................................................................................................................................................... 1
Problem ..................................................................................................................................................... 1
Description ................................................................................................................................................ 1
Benefits ......................................................................................................................................................... 2
Security ..................................................................................................................................................... 2
Convenience.............................................................................................................................................. 2
Cost ............................................................................................................................................................... 3
Features ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
Concern ......................................................................................................................................................... 6
Conclusion/Summary .................................................................................................................................... 6
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................ 7
Works Cited .................................................................................................................................................. 8
Appendix ....................................................................................................................................................... 9

List of Illustrations


1. Once the device becomes operational, users will have the option to activate Touch
2. Various payment

3. Examples of Arch, Loop, and Whorl fingerprint

4. Touch ID can be used to log into


Technology is constantly advancing, which means that security techniques used for protecting
company confidences that may be stored on portable devices must remain current. When large
companies, such as TCC Technology, require that their employees keep private information
related to the company along with innovations that are valuable to competitors on cellular
devices, security plays a major role. Simple passwords and pin codes can be forgotten and stolen
by others with negative intentions. The most effective tactic to best keep company secrets and
files that are saved onto a phone secure is by using a fingerprint scanner that is built into the
phone itself. That way, the only people that will have access to the information located within the
device is the owner and whoever the owner grants access.


The reason TCC Technology would need such a product is because of the potential loss of company
confidences. The company as a whole could experience the circumstances of these losses for owning
private or company devices. These devices usually use a tradition password which lacks security.
Passwords, pin codes, and even pattern unlocks have taken previous generations of technology thus
far. Since technology is constantly advancing, the way users should protect that technology and the
information it possesses is by upgrading security tactics.

The problem is simply the lack of security traditional passwords techniques provide. This product is
something our company can benefit from with an increase in security to private and company
devices of our staff and executives. Private devices should be a part of the discussion because private
devices are used as an instrument for communication between staff and company officials. Staff
within the company could be using their private devices to discuss company confidences. TCC
Technology staff and executives will have a better sense of privacy and security with an innovative
and efficient tool designed for a more secure future.

By utilizing new technology, Apple has implemented a fingerprint scanner known as Touch ID. The
software is included in the iPhone 5s and 6. This form of biometric security allows for a user to
unlock their phone and make in-app purchases without having to type their username and password.
This sensor is able to recognize multiple fingerprints and is capable of 360-degree readability and
500 pixels per inch resolution. This basically means that the biometric scanner or Touch ID can read
fingerprints effectively in any orientation. Touch ID is made up of a several different components
that allows it to function properly. The home button on the device is made from a laser-cut sapphire
crystal material. The button is surrounded by a stainless steel ring. The device executes a specific

process when identifying a fingerprint. When the home button is touched, the stainless steel ring
triggers a touch sensor. The laser-cut surface of the button sends the image of the users finger to the
sensor, which reads it. The software on the phone will then match the print and unlock the phone.

Security provided by biometric scanning was a success regarding Apple iPhones. The whole idea
was to create a biometric scanner that was easy to use as well as precise when scanning fingerprints.
Apple wanted something advance and premium on the phone, but they always wanted to design it in
such a way that ensure everyone is capable of using it (Apple).

The way Touch ID works on Apple smartphones is simple. Biometric scanning is integrated in the
home button of the latest iPhones. The home button on the Apple iPhone 5s, and any other Apple
smartphone after the iPhone 5s, can
now unlock the iPhone device.
Touch ID can also authorize
purchases on some apps, such as the
iTunes Store (Ritchie). The main
goal of Touch ID is to provide a
secure and convenient way to
unlock the latest Apple smartphones

starting with the iPhone 5s.

Figure 1: Once the device becomes operational, users will have the option to
activate Touch ID. . .

Traditional password techniques can

be difficult to manage and secure. Common typed passwords, pin codes, and even patterns can be

forgotten, stolen, or simply an annoyance when it comes to unlocking the devices with these
techniques. Touch ID is fairly new to the smartphone civilization. However, as said before Apples
goal was to make Touch ID so easy to use to ensure that Apple smartphone users would actually use
it. When first using the iPhone with biometric scanning, it will prompt and urge a user to activate the
fingerprint scanner. Apple claims the integrated biometric scanner is five finger friendly, which
basically means that Touch ID can recognize up to 5 fingers. Touch ID can either recognize 5 fingers
of a single user or 5 fingers of friends or family members (Ritchie). The phone will guide users to the
settings and have them scan whichever finger most comfortable for them to unlock the device.
The setup process would also direct a user to scan their desired finger(s) multiple times to ensure
accuracy (Ritchie). Once this process is complete, when unlocking the phone, it is as simple as just
placing the finger that was scanned during the setup process, on the home button and the device is

The company will have to cover the cost of the new phones. If the employee agrees to the phone
services 2 year contract, each phone will only cost around 200 dollars. If the employee does not
agree to the 2 year contract, each phone will cost around 500 dollars. The company can most likely
find a bulk discount if searched for. The cost for the employees that will have to use the new phones
(which is between 20 and 25 people) will vary based on what plans are chosen. In the case that they
all choose to use the 2 year plan, it cost between 4000-5000 dollars for the phones. If the employees
choose to not use the contract, the cost will be 10000-12500. The cost is significantly less if the
employees use the 2 year contract. At 40 dollars a month, for an average phone plan, the two year
contract would cost a total of 960 dollars for each employee. The company can agree to cover the
first 6 months of the plan to convince the employees to use it and the cost for each employee would

be around 440 dollars. This is 60 dollars less than if the employees decided to not use the contract,
which can save us between 1200-1500 dollars total.

Keep in mind that the graph

displayed in figure 2 to the
right, assumes that all of the
employees use the same
method of purchase, and that
bulk discount is not taken
into account yet. The
company will have to decide
on a method of purchase before

Figure 2: Various payment plans

contacting companies about the bulk discount because the cost of the phone with the 2 year contract
will most likely not coincide with that discount. The company can set up an official account on the
Apple website which will put all of the phones in the same administrative system as well. From there
the company will decide which bulk discount plan to use. The bulk discount plans are generally
10%, so the cost will be roughly the same as the cost of the company paying for the first 6 months of
service. If the company decides to go with paying for the first 6 months of the plans, it will also save
money for the employees in the long run.

The Touch ID sensor is incredibly accurate. The scanner can take 550ppi scans, which allows for a
good level of detail analysis, and can also scan the living skin beneath the dead skin of the user on

the surface (Ritchie). While using the Touch ID, the sensor works by categorizing your fingerprint
as one of three basic typesarch, loop, or whorl. Touch ID also maps out individual details in the
ridges that are smaller than the human eye can see and even inspects minor variations in ridge
direction caused by pores and edge structures (Apple). Examples of the various patterns of
fingerprints are displayed in figure 3.




Figure 3: Examples of Arch, Loop, and Whorl fingerprint types . . . "How Touch ID Works: Making Sense of Apple's Fingerprint Identity
Sensor." IMore. N.p., 14 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.

Touch ID has been incorporated into many apps in the iTunes store.
Applications that deal with the handling of money and private
information such as addresses, credit card numbers, and bank accounts
are ideal for using such a technology. Now, instead of having to reenter
private information every time a user makes a purchase, it is possible to
simply use a fingerprint in order to confirm a purchase. The retail giant,
Amazon, was one of the first retail chains to have a Touch ID update

Figure 4: Touch ID can be used to

log into Amazon . . . "Use Touch ID
on IPhone and IPad." Apple, 3 Mar.
2015. Web. 16 Apr. 2015.

for its app as displayed in figure 4.

Touch ID is not entirely immune from hackers. There is still the possibility that hackers could lift the
fingerprint on the screen or corners of the device and use the print to gain access to the device.
Fingerprint authorization is also not safe from police. In many jurisdictions in the United States, if a
user secures their phone with their fingerprint and they are detained by law enforcement officials,
these officials can legally force an iPhone owner to unlock their phone to allow them access.
However, even though this is the law, users of the iPhone 5s and any later version of an iPhone, can
lock their devices with both a fingerprint confirmation and password. Police may ask a user to use
their fingerprint to unlock the phone, but if there is also a password lock along with the fingerprint,
then police cannot ask for that information. It is highly suggested that users use both Touch ID along
with a traditional password for maximum protection from hackers and police.

TCC Technology values the security and privacy of its employees. Although other methods of
security have been sufficient in the past, the rapid advancement of technology has mandated that we
enhance our methods for keeping information safe. By providing iPhones equipped with the Touch
ID fingerprint scanning software to executive employees, we have added an extra layer of security to
prevent the theft or compromise of information. This implementation, along with the other security
we already have in place, will make it nearly impossible for information to be accessed or threatened
by intruders. In the near future, we plan on making this technology available to all employees at our

App store Used to purchase apps for devices powered by Apples iOS
Arch A fingerprint that goes from side to side
Face Unlock A software app that is used to identify facial features for security purposes
iTunes Store for purchasing and organizing music files for devices powered by Apples iOS
Loop A fingerprint that ends at the opening side
PPI - Pixels per inch
Smartphone A cellphone with features such as having an operating system and the ability to
browse the web
Touch ID A fingerprint recognition feature designed for and by Apple
Whorl A fingerprint that is circular

Works Cited
Newman, Jared. "Sense ID Is Qualcomm's Ultrasonic Answer to Apple's Touch ID." PCWorld.
PCWorld, 2 Mar. 2015. Web. 31 Mar. 2015.
Rogers, Marc. "Why I Hacked Apple's TouchID, And Still Think It Is Awesome." Lookout Blog
RSS. Lookout, 23 Sept. 2015. Web. 31 Mar. 2015.
Shams. "List of All Fingerprint Scanner Enabled Smartphones." Webcusp Official Website.
Webcusp, 11 Jan. 2015. Web. 31 Mar. 2015.
Steinburg, Josheph. "Why You Should Not Use The New Smartphone Fingerprint Readers." Forbes.
Forbes Magazine, 5 Mar. 2015. Web. 31 Mar. 2015.
Kypreos, Evan. "Galaxy S5 Fingerprint Scanner vs IPhone 5S Touch ID." - Opinion. N.p., 07 Apr.
2014. Web. 29 Mar. 2015.
Moldrich, Curtis. "What Is Apple's Touch ID and How Does It Work?" The Telegraph. Telegraph
Media Group, Oct.-Nov. 2014. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.
Apple. "About Touch ID Security on IPhone and IPad." About Touch ID Security on IPhone and
IPad. Apple, 20 Mar. 2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.
Apple. "Touch ID Security. Right at Your ngertip." Apple. Apple, Jan. 2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.
Apple. "Use Touch ID on IPhone and IPad." Use Touch ID on IPhone and IPad. Apple, 3 Mar.
2015. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.
Ritche, Rene. "How Touch ID Works: Making Sense of Apple's Fingerprint Identity Sensor." IMore.
IMore, 14 Sept. 2013. Web. 21 Apr. 2015.


Employee survey for fingerprint scanners on our smartphones


Which age group are you in? *

Number of participants: 24
6 (25.0%): 16-19
14 (58.3%): 20-24




4 (16.7%): 25-29

- (0.0%): 30-34
- (0.0%): 35-above
- (0.0%): Other






What is your gender?

Number of participants: 24

16 (66.7%): Male

4 (16.7%): Female
Would rather not say

4 (16.7%): Would rather not say


(0.0%): Other






How well-versed in technology would you say you are?

Arithmetic average {0)

Above average Very well-versed

Standard deviation{)


Weight ng{%)

Number of participants: Z4

Not very versed


Below average




3x 12.50







4.25 0.68 67%

1 1

4. Do you feel like fingerprint scanners will help our security issues in the workplace? *
Number of participants: 24
18 (75.0%): yes
6 (25.0%): no
no: 25.00%

yes: 75.00%


5. Do you feel the decision to make the phones mandatory (and paid for) will deter you from wanting this upgrade to our
security? *
Number of participants: 24
11 (45.8%): yes
13 (54.2%): no

yes: 45.83%
no: 54.17%


6. Would you be interested in purchasing these phones at a discount (we are aiming for a 40-60% discount) if you are one of the
employees that it will not be mandatory for? *
Number of participants: 24
13 (54.2%): yes
11 (45.8%): no

no: 45.83%
yes: 54.17%


7. If you support the decision to make these phones mandatory for certain employees, is there anything you would want to
tweak that you feel would make the idea more effective?
Number of participants: 6
- I dont want to have to use 2 smartphones, when one already works fine for everything else
- There isn't enough information for me to have any qualms about giving an employee a paid for device.
- No
- no
- free phones for ppl under a certain pay grade
- Allow non work related use for phones and privacy to a reasonable extent


8. If you do not support the idea to make the phones mandatory for certain employees, what could we change to
make the idea more within reach?
Number of participants: 9
- Regular scanners, ID badges, etc already work fine
- Make them free for the mandatory employees
- If I assume the device is in always listening mode and records conversations beyond intentional input. I would be in
favor of making it so the device does not listen and record unless specifically instructed to during normal use.
- Company e-mails
- the phones being better or the same than their current phone or phones on the market
- n/a
- issue the phones at no cost to employees required to use them
- I don't see why it's necessary for them to be on smartphones, they can be anywhere else in the workplace.
- no cost/very low cost

Author of this survey: mauricio gonzalez,

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