Tutorial Software Engineering

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CS 331: Tutorial – Essential Model

Consider the system description below

 The Registration and Examination Section of The HKC University plans to
duplicated, develop a single system for both the student record and course
 During the registration, a new student needs to fill a student information form.
After receiving the form, the Registration and Examination Section opens a
student account for that new student. All the information provided in the form will
be input to the student record system. The Security departments verified the
information entered by the student on their form.
 Each of the departments will submit the course information and the timetable to
the Registration and Examination Section before a new academic year starts. The
Registration and Examination Section will then assign classroom to the courses. A
classroom assignment report will be sent to all departments when done. At the
same time, students can check the teaching timetable on web.

Level 0 DFD

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