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Code of Conduct

Group 3
LaSheena Fuller
Jamise Frazier
Eileen Braan
Brenda Killins- Group Leader

Group Agreement
Group 3 is committed to completing all assigned projects in the spirit of excellence and with
collaborative group cohesiveness. All members are committed to actively listening and
participating in the ideas, discussions, tasks and concerns of other group members in a
professional demeanor which is respectful, supportive, collaborative and positive.

Ground Rules/Group (3)

Team members will complete assignments ahead of time, (no exceptions, 2 days before the
assignment is due).
Group 3 members are responsible for attending all meeting on time. Late or absent group
members are responsible for notifying group members two days prior to the scheduled meeting
and must consult Group 3s Blackboard Discussion Board for meeting minutes which will be
posted the next day.
Group 3 meeting will start and end on time- no backtracking if someone is late. Group members
arent responsible for updating late or absent group members regarding meeting minutes.
Team members will rotate the task of creating agendas, taking notes, recording
decisions/agreements and attendance, etc. Meeting minutes including attendance will be posted
by the note taker one day after group meeting on Group 3 Blackboard Discussion Board.
Group 3 members will reach consensus by majority decision.
Group members may contact members via cell phone, or personal e-mail. Please text or call for
emergency issues. All phone calls will be returned on the day of the call.
Group members will check discussion board twice daily. (No exceptions)
Group 3 has 0 tolerance for late or incomplete assignments by any member of the group.
How will the group leader be selected?
The group leader was selected by discussion and mutual agreement of the team.
What is the process for getting in touch with each other during the group project?
Check the group discussion board twice daily.

Conduct online meeting twice a week.

Post questions, comments and concerns on group discussion board and group e-mail
Contact members via cell and home phone numbers. Call or text members, members will
program members numbers in cell phones
Group members will exchange personal e-mails in case GSU server is down.
Provide group members with the best time for group contact/post dates and times
communication with member is restricted.
How will the group tasks be assigned?
Each group member will proactively contribute to the online learning project according to
their own unique set of expertise, abilities, diversity and talents.
Members are expected to communicate their area of excellence, strength or desire in a
specific assigned task.
Members are expected to step up, take on task in equal parts and beyond to complete
assignments two days before instructors deadline. If members fail to take on task, team
members will suggest task and then consensually agree to delegate task amongst the
How will you deal with group members who dont participate, or who are late with
their assignment task?
Group members will be evaluated by members of their group. Group evaluations will be
forwarded to the instructor.
At all cost, Group 3 is committed to completing assignments before scheduled deadlines
without the distraction of following up or consistently contacting members who refuse to
act responsible and be accountable to the project and group. Group minutes will be
posted to Group 3 Discussion Board.

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