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Eleanor Rae McFarland
Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH- Class of 2015
Majors: Public Relations and Advertising
Minors: Gender and Diversity Studies and Theatre
Cumulative GPA: 3.75 Deans List every semester
Alpha Sigma Nu: Jesuit Honor Society for the top 4% of Xaviers Junior and Senior Classes
Lambda Pi Eta: President of Communications Honor Society. Obtained by outstanding excellence in the field
Public Relations Writing: Worked as a social media representative for the nonprofit organization, Lean on Me
Outreach (Fall 2013)

Northlich LLC, Public Relations Account Manager Intern
Jan 2014-Present
Cincinnati, OH
Work with numerous clients within the agency, including medical, cooperate and brand owned and operated
Create content calendars for social media sites, write original trend pieces and attend client meetings
o Original content is posted on company platforms, as well as used for client pitches
Originate daily media monitoring of current Northlich clients
o Daily media monitoring creates a trajectory of current clients in every aspect of media and is sent to all
Northlich employees
o Obtained strong research and competitive audit skills for highly saturated markets
Anthony Muoz Foundation Planning and Development Intern
Jan 2014- June 2014
Cincinnati, OH
Planned the annual Impact for Eternity Camp for 125 tri-state students
o Coordinated 100s of dollars in donations for Impact for Eternity
Through the success of the Impact for Eternity Camp, was able to plan the Hall of Fame Football Academy for 500
students, from over 20+ Tri-State middle schools, junior highs and organizations
o Gained heightened multilingual communication skills, through the interaction of non-English speaking
students and guardians
Organized the Lineman of the Year banquet for the Tri-State areas 14 most elite scholar athletes
Developed Excel and Outlook skills
Strengthened time management skills, by multitasking several programming projects in a short period
Established further creative thinking skills by networking new ideas with other interns and contacts within the
Gallagher Student Center Welcome Desk Receptionist
Xavier University, Cincinnati, OH
Aug 2011- Present
Developed pristine listening skills by answering several dozen calls an hour
Developed strong communication and customer service skills, by assisting students and guests in campus matters
Furthered my directional speaking by assisting Xavier guests both in Gallagher and around campus


Xavier University Dance Team: (President: Current) (Treasurer: 2012-2014)( Member since 2011)
o All leadership positions are member determined and sustained
o Achieved thousands of dollars in allocations through treasurer skills in the 2012-2014 seasons
Xavier University Players: (August 2012- Present)
o Voices for Change: Actress (2012- 2014)
o God of Carnage: Actress (October 2015 )
Xavier University Womens Chorus: (August 2011- May 2013)
Xavier University Liturgical Chorus: (August 2014- Present)
Sunday Mass Cantor: (August 2014- Present)
Community Action Day Participant: (September 2011- Present)

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