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12:28] PRESIDENT of LOL: what do i build on ram and what to unlock most

[12:28] prodigy s: ok
dont go full armour
any mage will kill u
u have to get both
and ignore hp either
[12:29] PRESIDENT of LOL: k
[12:29] prodigy s: or even ads will still kill u
are u going ram jungle or ram top?
for ram jungle
[12:29] PRESIDENT of LOL: jung
[12:29] prodigy s: then thornmail
[12:29] PRESIDENT of LOL: k
[12:29] prodigy s: then giants belt and spectres crowl
[12:29] PRESIDENT of LOL: ok

[12:30] prodigy s: get boots whenever u want

i useuall get single boot sometime early
then upgrade it after thorn and cinderhulk
then blade of the ruined king
tehn upgrade giants belt to randuins omen and upgrade spectres crowl to banshees
[12:31] PRESIDENT of LOL: k
[12:31] prodigy s: upgrade to bansheesbefore randuins
thats the build i use
[12:31] PRESIDENT of LOL: abilities?
[12:31] prodigy s: max w
the e
then q
[12:31] PRESIDENT of LOL: k
ty man
[12:31] prodigy s: and ghost better imo
your choice though
[12:31] PRESIDENT of LOL: gna practice

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