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Frank Leebrick

ENG 112-38
Professor I
Extended Inquiry
Step 2- Proposal parts:

I have little prior knowledge on my topic however I do know that there are
two major types of stress such as bad and good stress. Good stress would be
called Eustress which is more like small stressors that are healthy for your
mental capacity and wellbeing.

I chose this subject because I find that I dont have too much stress in my life
which leaves me wandering why stress can go as far as impacting someones

1) Why do people stress?
2) How does stress affect the brain?
3) Can stress lead to further complications such as panic attacks or
4) Which age has the most amount of stress?
5) Is there a difference in the way men and women handle
6) Does the average college student have considerable amounts of
stress compared to a high school student?
7) The difference between good stress and bad stress?
8) Can stress prove to be a motivational factor within lifes
9) Where does stress originate?
What are effective treatments for over stressing?

Two Questions:
1) Is there a difference in the way men and women handle
2) Can stress prove to be a motivational factor within lifes

I think the best place to look for answers to my questions would be scholarly
articles such as psychology journals or research studies that have statics. I
may have a hard time finding answers to the difference between college and
high school stress.

I would narrow my subject down to the motivational outcomes of stress.

I could broaden my topic by including where stress originates and the

functions of the brain.

Frank Leebrick
ENG 112-38
Professor I
Extended Inquiry
Step 3 Research
This site provides the definition of stress as well as where stress originates
and how it is perceived. I find this source to be interesting because it includes a
diagram of the human body and proceeds to discuss how the body functions when
responding to stress.
I mainly chose this article because it comes from the American Psychological
Association which tells me it is both accountable and reliable information. This
article does a good job in discussing where stress is said to originate and how it has
carried on throughout the evolution of humans. This article also does a good job and
discussing the fight or flight response which I plan on using in my paper.

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