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(313) 586-2469
I aspire to become a high school English and Journalism teacher. I also have a desire to work with
students with low reading and writing literacies.
Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI
College of Arts and Letters
Bachelor of Arts Degree
Major: English Minor: Journalism

Cass Technical High School

Detroit, MI


January 2015-April 2015
Chippewa Middle School, Okemos, 4hrs/week
Planned, organized, and instructed lessons for 8th grade English Language Arts students
Observed lessons instructed by teacher while examining teaching style, and student interaction
Assisted mentor teacher with creation of writing prompts and unit assessments.
September 2014-December 2014
Michigan State University, East Lansing, 4 hrs/week
Planned, organized, and instructed lessons for college students within the pre-college writing course
Observed students cultural experiences outside of the classroom by conducting a learner case study
Held conferences with students to structure and edit their writing
May 2014-June 2014
MacDonald Middle School, East Lansing, 4 hrs/week
Observed lessons instructed by teacher while examining teaching style
Assisted small groups of students with their end of the semester research paper
Held meetings with mentor teacher to assist with methods to encourage student writing
September 2012-December 2012
Woodcreek Achievement Center, Lansing, 4 hrs/week
Helped students work on their individual modules in subject areas such as English, algebra, and biology
Assisted students with study methods
Implemented strategies for students to complete modules in shorter chunks of time while maintaining
December 2013- May 2014
Substitute Teacher, Montessori Radmoor, Okemos
Responsible for assisting in after-school crafts and reading projects with elementary students
Conducted lessons assigned by teacher/teacher assistant
Practiced classroom management strategies

September 2014-May 2015

Undergraduate Research Assistant-College of

Organized/complied data, statistics, and surveys from middle/high school students and teachers
Assisted with Red Cedar Writing Project- Project Write III
Conducted Research on how much writing students want to do during their educational journey
October 2014- Present
CAITLAH Beyond Insights Volunteer
Helped create an agenda/lesson plan for the Diversity in the Making workshop with large groups of
Assisted students with technology and other mediums used within the workshops
Created bonds with students by observing their learning styles and implementing directions and
activities that related to their needs

April 2012- Present
Service Center Representative
Michigan State University
East Lansing, MI
Responsible for organizing and filing various paperwork for the residents of the residence hall
Assist residents with any questions they may have regarding to living on campus
Receive mail and packages from various companies and distribute to the residents
Facilitate various training activities for new-hires
September 2014-Present
Vice-President of Procedural Affairs, National Council of Teachers of English-Student Affiliate,
National Council of Teachers of English-Student Affiliate, member
Successful Black Women, member
African American Student Mentoring Program, member
MSU Day At State, Host
AFT Scholarship recipient
My interests and hobbies include reading various types of novels and writing poetry. I also enjoy
watching sports and going to see plays, movies, and other forms of art. I have been on various
competitive dance teams throughout my life. I enjoy writing articles about celebrities and hope to
initiate a journalism along with slam poetry clubs at my future school.

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