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Literally means not a place

Literally means a not-good place

Fouriers Apple


Charles Fourier
Welcome to the Phalanx!

Work in Fouriers Utopian Society

At your tables:
Explain/define 1 condition to the class.
Pros and Cons List: make a list at least
2 benefits and at least 1 drawback (or 3
benefits, if you cant think of a con) to
share with the class.

Vocab List - 10 words

Penchant (a fondness of/preference for)

Peevish (easily irritated)
Scurrilous (offensive, insulting)
Dexterity (physical and/or mental ability)
Retribution (reward, monetary payment)
Remuneration (monetary payment for work)
Self-abnegation (self-denial, self-discipline)
Caste (social class)
Cabalistic (mystical, religious)
Insubordination (disobedience, refusal to
obey orders)

Welcome To The World State!

Welcome To The World State!


Vocab List - 10 words

Lift (elevator)
Aseptic (clean, free of germs, antiseptic)
Cherub (angel)
Quarto (refers to a book or pages of a book)
Caste (social class)
Suffuse (to spread over or through)
Viviparous (born via natural reproduction)
Decant (move from one container to another)
Sibilant (referring to a hissing sound)
Asafoetida (a type of herbal scent)

Brave New World (Huxley)

Chapter 2
qualities of a dystopia
in what ways is this situation
which qualities on our class list are
represented here?
what do you want to add to our list after
reading this?

Welcome to the Island of


Vocab List - 9 words

Dispensation (a societys system of
Quota (a fixed number)
Predestined (determined ahead of time)
Hybridization (combination of different
varieties-a scientific term)
Inculcate (persistently, repeatedly teach)
Dogma (a set of beliefs accepted without
question by members of a group)
Ineptitude (a lack of skill, ability, competence)
Unscathed (unharmed)
Etymological (refers to the history of a word)

The Island (Huxley)

in what ways is this situation utopian?
(or is it?)
which qualities on our class list are
represented here?
what do you want to add to our list after
reading this?

Down the long road, bent and brown,

Youth, that dearly loves a vision,
Ventures to the gate Elysian,
As a pilgrim from the town
-- from Brook Farm by Louise Guiney

Welcome to Fruitlands!

Welcome to the Year 2000!

Looking Backwards by
Edward Bellamy
What are the values of this
futuristic society?
What, if any of his predictions, has
come true - and how has it come true?

Garden Cities of Tomorrow

Greenbelt, MD

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