Finalstandard 10

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Title: Google Docs

Date: Spring 2015

Artifact Description:
The following artifact is a document that is shared with other 3rd grade teachers.
Every Wednesday the team meets and creates this document together. We discuss
differentiation for lessons, create materials, and map out the week. Each teacher is held
responsible for a subject. It is that teachers job to print off all materials needed and
supply the team with the appropriate materials.
Wisconsin Teacher Standard Alignment:
I believe that this experience best aligns with standard ten of the Wisconsin
Teacher Development and Licensure Standards which states: The teacher fosters
relationships with school colleagues, parents, and agencies in the larger community to
support student learning and well-being and acts with integrity, fairness, and in an ethical
manner. I believe it best aligns with this because together we are producing enriching
materials to enhance the students understanding of subjects. Students throughout the
grade are held at the same expectation level. The teachers are also able to reflect on
lessons and modify lessons accordingly. Parents respect this team effort because they
know that their child is not doing any more work than children in a different 3rd grade
classroom. It is my responsibility to read the Lucy Calkins: Reading and Writing
Workshop gather materials needed and summarize the writing units and mini lessons.
UW-Platteville School of Education Knowledge, Skill Disposition Statement:
I believe that this experience best aligns with SD4.d. Contributes To The School
And District which states: The candidate is able to assume a leadership role among
colleagues and is supportive and cooperative with peers and volunteers, and serves as a
participant and leader in school events and school and district projects.
This best aligns with SD4.d because it shows that I am an active team member. Together
as a team we are coming up with the best material for our students. This shows that my
team is able to rely on me to provide the materials they need for the subject I am
assigned. I feel that through this process we are all able to reflect on our teaching and
improve our lessons and strategies each day. Being able to reflect as a team is beneficial
not only to the students but also the teachers.
Secondary Alignments:
KS1.d. Demonstrates Knowledge of Resources
SD4.d. Contributes to the School and District
KSD4.f. Shows Professionalism
What I learned about teaching/learning:
I learned the value in having great colleagues. I have experienced how fun lesson
planning can be if you all are planning together. For most teachers lesson planning can be
stressful, however when you have 5 teachers bouncing ideas off of each other it can lead

to some engaging and interactive lesson plans. I also learned that trust and responsibility
is a major part of why this team works. I have shown them that I always gather the
appropriate materials and provide them with them on time.
What I learned about myself as a prospective educator:
I learned that I need to collaborate with my colleagues for the well-being of my
students and myself. I know now that even if I am a new teacher I can be a leader and
contribute new ideas. Together as a team we can utilize the best resources for the
children. I also learned through reflections, during our planning time, the many different
methods that there are to teaching a concept. This will help me grow and refer back to
sometimes modifying my teaching style.

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