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The Greatest Waters

John H.
Narrative Essay
It had been the best week of my life! After the grueling months of planning, my fianc and I were on our
long awaited California trip. I had never been to California! Each sight, smell, taste and sound was a new
experience waiting to be had. The past days were brimmed full of Disneyland, California Adventure and
Universal Studios, an exhausting, exhilarating whirl of excitement. It was our last full day of vacation, the
one I had been so excited for, yet, dreaded so greatly.
It seemed hours had passed as we listened to Pandora driving down the interstate. Our rental had
Bluetooth that made listening to regular radio feel like we were back spinning vinyl on a phonograph.
Crank it up babe! I hear my fianc squeal.
Of course babe, I cant help breaking into song as the new J Lo song First Love starts playing on the
radio. We drive along and sing at the top of our lungs till we burst into uncontrollable laughter. The
unusually bright sun warms my driving arm with the familiar prickle of its rays. I begin drifting into a
daydream state, trying to wrap my mind around this entire experience.
IN ONE QUARTER MILE EXIT RIGHT TO NEWPORT BEACH, Like a siren the harsh British woman on my
phone lures us off the freeway.
Slowly our surroundings transform into a picture from my dreams. We have finally reached our
destination my wonderland the one Ive been dreaming about all my life. Tiny restaurants and shops
had people flowing in and out like a constant stream, pouring out to the sidewalk. Ah, the sidewalk, in
my entire life I have never seen a sidewalk so beautifully splashed with an array of musicians, artists,
unicyclists and street performers.
I blissfully cruise down the street peeking from sight to sight.
Park there! the sound startles me out of my daydream. I quickly steer into the only parking spot to be
Thanks babe! I beam.
After carefully engaging the parking brake, we make sure our valuables are stashed out of sight. We
open the car doors and step out. The cool, humid air fills my lungs, the taste of salt dancing on the back
of my tongue. I gasp in shock and joy; goose bumps cover my entire body as my skin begins to realize
the dream come true.
The familiar sound of gulls scavenging for scraps, not crickets, fills the air. A new sound suddenly draws
my attention; one I cannot recall hearing in person ever.

Sweet ocean waves caressing the beach like an untoward lover, harshly hitting then gently retreating
back again. The sound repeats in a steady, rhythmic beat. The same sound one imagines was in the
womb, yet merely part of the greater symphony of this world. Laughter and music join the chorus with
the occasional solo scream or child crying. Truly a composition made in heaven.
We gather our things from the back of our rental car. Just the necessities: towels, suntan lotion, Evian,
two bottles of Kool-Aid and coconut rum, under the guise of Evian. Yeah, were set. We test the locks on
the car once more and were off. Diving headfirst into the stream of people crossing the street, we make
our way off the blacktop onto the sidewalk.
Once in the stream I realize its made of more than simple consumers. Bicyclists, roller skaters and
skateboarders dart in and out of the pedestrians, each adding their own sound to the song in my head.
We quickly push our way through the crowd, much like trying to escape a school of tuna, and find our
way into the sand.
My flip-flops struggle to keep the pace; they want to stay in the warm comfort of the sand. This game of
keep away begins to get on my nerve. I pick up my flip-flops and begin walking barefoot across the great
desert ahead. The soft sand gently slips through my toes, bearing the familiar sting of a bath that needs
to be cooled before climbing in. My pace is quickened by the amount of heat my soles are met with,
each step resembling more and more what I imagine the Walk of Coals to feel like. Breaking into a lope, I
leave my fianc in a cloud of sand.
Occupied, too crowded, too many kids THERE! The perfect slice of paradise reserved just for us. I
nearly run past it while I toss down my baggage. My feet feel like Ive stepped in a hornets nest by this
point. Running for the water quickly becomes my only option. My feet are much too upset to argue with
at this point. I press on now in a full sprint!
Blissful relief!
My whole body is shocked into a deeper state of awareness by the icy waters. I dive headfirst into my
first cresting wave. The salty cold water washes away all my cares, I break the surface anew. A childish
laugh bursts from my mouth as I spit the savory rinse out. After thoroughly wiping my eyes clean I see a
mixture of brilliant diamond shards and gold flecks floating beneath the frothy surface. Gently dancing
up and down with the passing current, like a hypnotic ballet.
Hey there handsome I hear my fianc behind me.
Well hey!
Is the little fishy having fun? I cant help laughing at this.
Yes babe, the time of my life! I splash water at him and he lunges, taking me under the water once
again. I let out a shriek of joy when we resurface.

Lets get you a boogie board.

I beam a smile at him and we make our way out of the water. The day slips away, sun falling way too
Wed better go if we want to beat the traffic, my fianc notes.
Cant we just stay here, forever?
He lets out a snort.
Sure thing babe, Ill send for the dogs tomorrow! We sit back and watch the sun slowly float toward
the water. This is living. This is happiness. I truly am in paradise.
I cannot know for sure if I will ever feel that happiness again. The sheer fulfillment only an ocean can
bear. I see now why people are drawn to the water, the great openness, the freedom it provides. There
is no place like the beach, the people, the air, the water.
If ever life has you down, a trip to the beach is your answer. You will be forever changed.

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