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CCSS/Assessment and RTI June Professional Development (DRAFT)

8:30 9:30 (60 Minutes)

Revisiting Collective Responsibility

Common Core, TPEP, and RTI, Oh MY! Professional Growth Plans, Data and Assessment, Artifacts and
EvidenceNot to mention CSIP! There is no question this is complicated work. Come and learn an approach
that will help you and your leadership teams make sense of this work and to foster instructional excellence at
the same time. Ailene Baxter, John Parker, Mark Vetter and our team of interns will help you develop the
expertise, focus, planning, and reflection necessary to resolve identified teaching and learning challenges.
Youll walk away with a refresher on assessment literacy that is immediately applicable to your work. Once you
develop an inquiry habit, the skills learned are easily transferrable to any of our current initiatives and
9:30 10:00 (30 Minutes)

Team Time Guiding Questions

10:00 11:15 (75 Minutes)

Convergent Assessments in ELA ~ Where do SBA Interims fit?

Analyze the most recent SBA results reported for your school in ORS (Online Reporting System) with attention to
the Claims and Target reports. Well try our hand at Teacher Hand scoring in ELA at your particular level and
discuss implications for next year. As we learn more about these assessments well make connections to our
previous work with Essential Standards, Blueprints and Claims and Targets.
11:15 11:45 (30 Minutes)
11:45 12:15

Team Time Guiding Questions

Lunch (30 Minutes)

12:15 1:00 (45 Minutes)

Convergent Assessments in Math ~ Where do SBA Interims fit?

Analyze the most recent SBA results reported for your school in ORS (Online Reporting System) with attention to
the Claims and Target reports. Well try our hand at Teacher Hand scoring in Math at your particular level and
discuss implications for next year. As we learn more about these assessments well make connections to our
previous work with Essential Standards, Blueprints and Claims and Targets.
1:00 1:30 (30 Minutes)

Team Time Guiding Questions

1:30 2:30 (60 Minutes)

Break-Out Sessions (Pick One or Divide and Conquer)

Breakout 1 Convergent Assessments ~ How to get the most out our STAR Results?
National STAR Expert
A national trainer from STAR will be here with individual STAR Data reports for each of our Elementary and Junior
High Schools. The Expert will provide guidance in reading reports and making decisions in both Reading and
Math. Getting the most out of our STAR resources.
Breakout 2 Convergent Assessments ~ Using the Digital Library as an Instructional Resource
This session is designed to focus on using assessment data to guide teams in selecting and utilizing resources
available on the digital library.
Breakout 3 Convergent Assessments ~ If its Predictable, Its Preventable
Getting creative with the data we have to intervene with students early. Well examine how to look at grade
distributions (by creating pivot tables in Excel), how weighting of courses affects grades, getting department
teams to look at data, asking for reports from ITC, creating a watch list of students and tracking their progress

2:30 3:30 (60 Minutes) Team Time Guiding Questions & Wrap Up

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