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It has been my experience that teaching grammar in isolation seldom translates to
writing. After implementing my project, I have heard dialogue amongst my students
during writing exercises to remember to use ed verbs when writing in the past
tense. This verbal acknowledgment gives me hope that future lessons based on the
story-based approach to teaching grammar will promote the same understanding
and application of the grammar feature being taught.


I recommend that school districts develop training sessions that views grammar as
more of a positive activity intended for making meaning and not labeling parts of
speech or exercises in identifying the mistakes in a sentence.

These training sessions could be conducted for teachers, designed to develop an
understanding on why alternative methods for teaching grammar are just as good
as, and in most cases, even more effective than teaching grammar in an explicit

Teachers that attend these training sessions should begin with the opportunity to:
1) share, discuss, and reflect on how they teach grammar, and 2) share what does
and doesnt work with their current methods of teaching grammar. In order for
teachers to change how they approach and teacher grammar in their classrooms,
they must be knowledgeable on what they are presently doing.

The content of the training session could include topics such as:

-Why should I teach grammar? What difference does it make?

-What does research say?
-Strategies on how to teach grammar during meaning-making lessons

Creating a place to share which grammar instructional practices work and dont
work in their classrooms is useful information and can enhance a teachers
instructional practices as well as their students grasp of grammar features.
Teachers, when attempting something new, might look to a source for help or
suggestions. Some suggestions may not fit the teachers style of teaching or fit the
needs of the students. This is not a problem, as long as there is a place/ person of
support. Designing a wiki that is attached to the training sessions and showcases the
results of what works and what doesnt work can improve instruction and have an
impact on students learning.

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