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TSU Understanding by Design Lesson Plan Template

From Integrating Understanding by Design & Differentiated Instruction: Connecting Content and Kids
Carol Ann Tomlinson & Jay McTighe, ASCD, 2006

Instructor:_Connor Maguire____


Intro to Marxist Criticism____


Instructional Model_Direct Instruction/Discussion

Approx. time for lesson__90 min.__

Grade Level__12________

Step 1- Desired Results (what students will learn and do)

A. Brief narrative overview of lesson that describes how you will achieve your
enduring understanding and essential question (Refer to your UBD Handout.)
In this lesson I will establish set first by having students reflect and write on a journal
prompt intended to have them reflect on the current knowledge they have about Marxism.
I will then outline the key points of Marxist theory and literary criticism, engaging prior
knowledge by focusing on the points students made during the discussion of journal
entries and in the opinion statements activity. I will then use guided practice by having
them take their knowledge of Marxist theory/history and have them apply it to a defense
or critique of Marxism.

B. General Learner Outcome (GLO: What will student known and be able to do?)
Students will be able to effectively recognize some of the main elements of Marxist
theory and use them to establish a rational defense or critique of Marxism.
C. Essential Question(s)
What is Marxism? What is literary criticism and how does it apply to the reading of
literature? How does Marxism integrate with literary criticism?
Step 2- Assessment Evidence (summative check for learning)
A. Performance Task (what will students do to demonstrate their learning?)-Guided
and/or Independent Practice
Guided Practice: Students will split into two groups; one writing a defense of Marxism
and one a critique. Both must use some of the terms/concepts covered in class.

Independent Practice: Assign a handout on Marxist literary criticism to read at home and
students must pick 2 key terms out of the reading, define what they are and explain why
they think those are important terms.

Step 3- Active Learning Plan (detailed enough for another teacher to follow)
A. Steps for Student (use active verbs)
-Lead activity (How will you introduce your desired results and ask your essential
question; connect with student experience-Prior Knowledge).
Students will respond to journal prompt by writing in their journals for 5 minutes.
Students will participate in discussion about their previous knowledge/perceptions of
what Marxism is.
-Student-centered learning steps (Provide a detailed sequencing of lesson; specify
formative assessment during practice and summative assessment in conclusion.)
-Opinion Statements Activity: teacher will read different statements about Marxism, one
side of the room is labeled as the agree side, one side as the disagree side. Students sort
themselves to each side based on the statement read and then discuss why they
agree/disagree with the statement.
-Introduce some of the important concepts of literary criticism and Marxism and how
Marxism relates to literary criticism
-Allow time for questions and discussion
-Show two videos over Marxism, its theories and history. Follow by brief discussion
-split class into two groups and have them do they guided practice defense/critique
-Assess student understanding through observations during discussion
-At conclusion of class assign handouts to read and key term exercise
B. Material to have ready

PowerPoint on literary criticism/Marxism

Handout on Marxist literary criticism

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