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Are Rising

Women were still

limited to being able to
hold the prominent
position of housewife.

By: Jessica
Thomas Jefferson wrote
in the Declaration of
Independence that all
men are created equal.
For a while, the general
public interpreted it to
literally mean that all
men were on a level
playing field; women
did not receive the same
view even though they
were alongside men in
believing for a
revolution and for the
independence of the

Women should have the

ability to reach high
positions of authority
and responsibility as
men because at their
core, men and women
are the same: They are
individuals with
aspirations, goals, and
And yet for years
after the Independence
of America, only the
male populations were
experiencing the fruits
of the revolution.

They were not allowed

to aspire to higher
positions. In other
words, women were
It wasnt until 70
years after the first
mention of equality that
women began seeking to
more power, authority,
and responsibility.

What started off as the

Womens Rights
Movement, a group of
women that sought for
equal voting and
economic chances (1),
has now moved on to
seek a complete
transformation of
womens image in
In our present
age, we can see that the
efforts of that first
movement were not in
vain. There has not been
another period since
where women have such

a wide range of
opportunities available
to them. According to
the Bureau of Labor
Statistics, 46.9% of
workers are females (2).
Add in the factor that
many of these women
workers are also taking
care of their children
and homes and
suddenly, women seem
to have a great number
of responsibilities. We
are more than capable of
handling high pressure,
high risk careers.

The most
popular argument for the
advancement of women
is that they are
emotional, dramatic, and
that they are not able to
rationalize as fully as
men. This is a strawfallacy. In other words,
people are attributing
womens capability for
empathy as an emotional
weakness. As for
reasoning, logic is not a
trait that is only
predominant in males; it
is a learned skill.

Clinton or even
Michelle Obama.
Not only are
political women
stepping up to fight for
equality so are
celebrities. For example,
People have long held
skewed view of who
women are and it is time
that they are introduced
to the true modern
A great example
of the need for a change
in views is Hilary
Clinton. Hilary Clinton
is going to be the first
woman to be running for
President of United

Clinton is finally
breaking the barrier for
woman to finally have a
say in politics and
economics. Clinton
running for president
gives women a voice
and recognition. We
need more women role
models like Hilary

Beyonc she poured out

all her personal beliefs
in her album Beyonc
and the public accepted
it with eagerness
(which) provedhow
needful the American
public was for a star that
wouldn't stumble(3). At
August MTVs Music
Awards Videos show in
Los Angeles Beyonc
performance was
memorable because she
was standing in front of
a gigantic screen with
illuminated massive
letters of the word
decided that what she
would do in her album is
show how confident and
secure she was a
woman. She wanted to
show that girls or
women have been raised
to be reserved and to be
out of the spotlight when
in reality they are the
most important person
of their own life.

Beyonc wanted to put

the F-word out there,
which got people talking
about Feminism, term
that describes

a person who believe in

social, political,
economic equality of the
sexes. Her song
Flawless starts with
words said by an author
named, Chimamanda
Ngozi Adichie, which
stated, We teach girls
that they cannot be
sexual beings in the way
that boys are. We teach
girls to shrink
themselves smaller.
Beyonc wanted to
show that society
teaches women to be
smaller than men. We
need to stop how society
portrays women.
What needs to
happen is that women
should realize how
valuable they are and
that the true
empowerment lies in
how they see
themselves: They are
either standing behind
men or alongside them.
Women need to step up
and fight for equality
and society needs to
accept the fact that
women are slowly trying
to break out of the

traditional women role

of being just a
housewife. Women have
more opportunities now
then 70 years ago, but
why cant we expand
more opportunities to
women and treat both
genders the same instead
of undermining one
gender more than the
other. Lets start using
the F- word more often
to grab peoples
attention. Feminists are

rising and women are

changing perspectives.


Ladies, have you ever wished you could have longer eyelashes so you can have more of
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caught without Lash Blast Eyelash extensions! Get them now at any Lash Blast Store.

By: Jessica Ocampo
Have you ever
noticed the flawless
women on social media?
They have the flowing
hair, beautiful exotic
eyes, long legs, perfect
body, and unblemished

Every mans portrayed

dream girl. Seeing these

extremely gorgeous
women everywhere you
go can be
overwhelming. So is it
beneficial for women to
look up to these beauty
icons? Although it is
beneficial to social
media for selling
products it can be
demeaning to woman
because it can lead to
high expectations,
mental illness, and
physical changes.
Society teaches
women to be like the

women on billboards or
magazines, to be
extravagant and
gorgeous. If you do not
look like a woman who
has a perfect body with
a slim waist, long legs,
big breast, and no flaws
you are going to be
considered horrid or
unpleasant. The social
media uses these beauty
icons to send a repulsive
message that no one will
take a second look at
you if you do not look
like a victoria secret
model. However, the

perfect women on the

billboards are not
actually those women.
Every woman that is on
a billboard or magazines
is completely

Photographers over edit

models photo-shoots.
Photographers can make
a woman stretch marks
disappear; make them
look skinnier than they
actually are, and even
cover up their scars and
blemishes. Photoshop
technology has been
advancing to the point
that it can change an
entire picture
completely. These
beauty icons are
portraying high
expectations that do not
even exist because those
models in the media are
not exposing their true

disorder where losing

weight is the only thing
important to a person.

Beauty icons should be

woman that portray their
flaws and are proud of
them because it makes
them who they are.
Beauty icons should
represent themselves
exactly how they are so
woman can see that not
even models are
completely perfect.
up to these Beauty icons
can lead to mental
illnesses such as
depression and anorexia.

Women can be
depressed by feeling like
they are not good
enough for anyone so
they distant themselves
from people and shut
themselves in a room
full of gloomy walls. By
trying to be exactly like
these beauty icon it can
affect a person to be
unhappy with their
physical body that they
stop eating. This leads to
anorexia; a mental

People with this disorder

have a desire to change
the way the look. People
with this disorder like to
be in control of
something in their life so
they control their weight
but to an over extent. It
is not healthy to
constantly make
yourself vomit or starve.
It is not beneficial to
women to look up to
perfectionist icon
because it can affect
them mentally and cause
them to have disorders,
which will harm their
Seeing these
gorgeous icons
everywhere can cause
women to think about
their body and see what
they would change or fix
about themselves. Some
people try to be exactly
like these beauty icons
that they even change
their physical body

They go under the knife

and get surgery to the
body features they dread
the most. There are
consequences when a
person gets plastic
surgery on a body
feature. There are some
cases where plastic
surgery has gone wrong
and has left people
looking horrible. Once
you go under the knife it
is hard to put your body
feature back to it once

Physically changing

your body because you

want to be considered
beautiful for society is
not beneficial for people
because it can damage a
persons body and self
Although some
people might argue that
it is beneficial to social
media because beauty
icons sell products,
however markets can
find some other way to
sell products that does
not involve
Marketers can still use
celebrities to sell
products, but they can
use them in a way were
the do not promote their

They should be

promoting the products

more than the face
behind the product.
Marketers are trying to
sell products, so why not
just promote the product
itself other than sugar
coating it.
It is not
beneficial to look up to
beauty icons because it
can lead to high
expectation, mental
illness, and physical
changes. A woman
should be confident in
her own skin because we
as woman are all
beautiful in our own
unique way. One should
embrace our flaws, take
care of our health, and
love our bodies. We do
not receive a second
body or brain, when our
bodies get weak so we
should look after
ourselves. We as women
should build each others
confidence, not destroy
one another self-esteem.

Water to Cleanse Your

Body and Burn Fat
Whether youre trying to lose weight or you simply want to be
healthier, one best way is to clean your body and get rid of harmful toxins is
by drinking water. Drinking 6 to 8 glasses of water a day will aid you to stay
hydrated and keep your organs in the best health. You can drink detox water,
which not only gives the water a better taste but it also flushes fat from your
body. Detox waters vary and so does their roles in what it does to your body
depending on which fruits or vegetables you put into your water.
Cucumbers are diuretics and can help you avoid water retention. Lemons
and limes help flush out toxins from your digestive tract and grapefruit help
you burn fat. Detox water are easy to make and taste better than water. You
will start seeing progress after a few weeks of drinking detox water. Here is
a recipe for a slim down detox water:

Just add gallon of spring water

of medium grapefruit (sliced)
a cucumber (sliced)
each of a sliced lemon and lime and a couple of mint leaves

Allow the ingredients to sit in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving
and drink at least gallon per day for great results.

Perfect Fit Jeans

Get your perfect fit jeans now! They come in many styles so you can pick the best
jeans for you! These jeans come from size double 00 to size 24. They also come in dark
wash, medium wash, and light wash colors. There is also the black,kaki, green, and
marroon jeans for people who like a little extra color in their life.There is different types
of jeans in Perfect Fit Jeans. The Skinny Fit Jeans are for people who love wearing tight
clothing material. Skinny Fit Jeans are also the perfect fit for people who like to show
definition in their legs. Skinny Fit Jeans are great to wear to a night out with your
girlfriends. However, if you want to go casual then Boot Cut Fit jeans are made just for
you. These jeans are for people who like to feel free and comfortable when they go out.
Even though the Boot Cut Fit Jeans are comfortable it does not mean you can not dress it
up with a gorgeous shirt. You can feel cozy and look fabulous at the same time.If you are
an edgy type of person then Ripped Fit Jeans are the ones for you. These jeans are cute
and sassy. Everyone in the room will ask where you go your edgy pants. If you hurry now
you can get a buy one jean and get the other 50 percent off! Limited time offfer!

About the Author

My name is Jessica Ocampo but I like to
be called Jess. I am a student at
California State University of
Northridge. I am majoring in Sociology
and Social Welfare because I want to
become a Probation Officer. I consider
myself to be outgoing, adventurous,
funny, athletic, and social. I love
meeting new people and interacting with
them because everyone has a different
story. I love going out with my friends
even if its either going to a party or just
staying in and watching movies. I enjoy
spending time with my beautiful family
on the weekends mostly because my
brothers are hilarious. In my free time I
paint and play piano.

Reference Page
In 2014, Pop Followed Beyonces Lead. The Record Music News From
NPR. 12
December 2014. Web. 23 April 2015.
Labor Force Statistics from the Current Population. Division of Labor
Force. 12
Februrary 2015. Web. 23 April 2015.
Women Right Movement, 1848-1920. Np. Nd. History, Art & Archives
States of Representatives. Web. 23 April 2015.

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