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NAME, k fey Transformations—Steepness Student Notes — Day 2 Transformations List the daily “I CAN” statement: * Determine whether the of a function has increased or decreased based on the « Write a new equation from a given equation that has changed SteepnessS Graph the following functions on your graphing calculator: f(x) = 2x f(x) = 5x f(x) = 0.5x fa(x) = O.1x How does fy compare to fy? moore Steep (narrower) How does f compate to fi? less_steep (wider) How does fy compare to f\? less_ steep (wider) What if we add some negative will this affect the steepness?? f(x) = 2x (x) = -2x (x) =-0.5x f(x) =-5x How does f) compare to f,? Same_steoness but Frix) opens down wile. How does fi compare to fi? €,Cx) opens up. _less_steep dnd f(x) opens down wile. , 06) _epens uf How does f; compare to fy? _More _sirep ond opens down wile F,{xdapens up. When looking for the change in a function’s steepness, look at the ObSolute value of ne. \ead ing coefficient. NAME. Transformations—Steepness Student Notes ~ Day 2 Write an equation that is LESS STEEP than the function f (x) = Write an equation that is MORE STEEP than the function f(x)= 7 x1 23 What about steepness of a quadratic function? fix) =x? f(x) = 2x” f(x) =0.5x2 f(x) = -5x? How does f compare to fi? __more step (narrower) How does f compare to fy? less Steep (wider) sent How does fy compare to f1? —inore_Sinep.-and— opens —dowin_wlnite Li) . Fuxy> (E) x? Write an equation that is WIDER/LESS STEEP than the function f(x) =»? mh Write an equation that is WIDER/LESS STEEP than the function f(x) = 3x": Fl x)* 2x 2 Write an equation that is NARROWER/MORE STEEP than the function fie) = 3x2: F(X) = 4x Practice! e Yee, ve many PssibLe answers * #1) Given the equation y = 2{x|, write an equation whose graph is more steep and reflected. Y= -BIxi #2) Given the equation y = -3x + 4, write an equation whose graph is less steep. ye - 2x44 +#3) Given the equation y = .5x”, write an equation whose graph is less steep and reflected. Ye —.25x* 44) Given the equation y = 4%, write an equation whose graph is more steep and reflected across the x ~ axis. Seca"

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