Application Form - Poster

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Application Form

Poster Presentation
CB-NSG, October 2015
Edge Hill University, Ormskirk
Proposal for a poster/resource describing good practice focusing on the
theme of PBS: an overarching framework, to be displayed at the next CBNSG meeting in October 2015.
Name(s) (max 2):
Contact Email(s):
Title of poster:
Description of content:
Please detail how your poster relates to the theme:

Who has benefited from the good practice? (Please give examples to
Please provide the top three key findings:
Please provide three key recommendations for future practice:
Are you willing to travel to Ormskirk to present the poster during the
Please return to: no later than 5th June
All applications will be reviewed by the steering group in June. You will display
your poster in the atrium and there will be a specific time for members of the
CB-NSG and North West PBS Network to circulate and ask you questions
about the work. We will also disseminate the posters through both core and
associate networks and publish on the CB-NSG website after the meeting.

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