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Assignment 1

Part 1

Hannah Matthews

This statement will address elements of Education Queensland that will be linked through the Professional Teachers
Standards and the Curriculum Frameworks to make connection to my personal philosophy in an early childhood
primary school setting.
Relationships with students and colleagues
I believe the value of relationships and developing strong partnerships within a school setting is vital when working
with children. Education Queensland promote how important it is for teachers to create effective learning
partnerships that involve other schools, parents and the community to improve students' learning, at school and at
home (Education Queensland, 2006-2010). Having the position title of an Early Years educator in Education
Queensland, I strongly understand that my role as a teacher is to promote this collaboration professionally by
engaging families through learning partnerships, which has been shown to have a positive influence on student
outcomes (Department of Education, Training and Employment, 2013). Engagement is most effective when parents
and teachers establish respect for each other in different ways, as they work together to promote childrens learning,
especially in the early stages of learning for early years children.

As a teacher and preparing myself for the real world, I have come to understand that there are many roles of an early
years school educator. I will aim to work effectively as a team member to support all stakeholders involved in
childrens learning by balancing the responsibilities required, working collaboratively, critically reflect on the
decisions that influence curriculum decision-making and build on childrens learning (Department of Education,
Employment and Workplace Relations, 2009).

Issues of knowledge and learning
I believe the importance of developing a critical understanding in evaluating curriculum and critical pedagogy is a
fundamental teaching skill that ensures quality teaching is foregrounded and supported through an effective
pedagogical framework (Department of Education, Training and Employment, 2015).
I have become aware of the expectations there as are a teacher to have this knowledge in current educational
development in curriculum and the schools. I believe my main focus is to be an instructional leader where I can
improve student performance and develop successful learners in the long term (The State of Queensland
(Department of Education), 2005).
Being a life long learner allows teachers to construct and reconstructs professional knowledge, skills and behaviours
as they reflect on pedagogy and share professional practice in a range of settings (The State of Queensland
(Department of Education), 2005). To me, this means looking at important quality aspects of teaching that involve
instructional leadership to support consistent whole-school pedagogical practices and alignment of curriculum and
pedagogy (Department of Education, Training and Employment, 2015).


Hannah Matthews


I also I believe that demonstrating this knowledge is influenced through active participation and collaborative
learning, which is evident through specific teaching and student learning. Demonstrating these quality aspects has
allowed my thinking process to acknowledge and pay tribute to the role that a teacher plays in leading peers and
students to improve student learning (Australia Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, 2015).
Understanding of Varying Communities and Contexts
Diversity in todays society, is such a vital contribution to students learning in which needs to be appreciated and
foregrounded within school communities. I have come to understand that embracing diversity has enabled m e as an
educator to be respectful and implement effective teaching strategies that will benefit childrens individual learning.
Through my practicum experiences, I have been able to experience many different learning needs within a
classroom. These experiences have been able to help me build my understanding on the different ways these
students are catered for and different ways to adapt them into my classroom.
By acknowledging diversity, I will ensure that I make ethical decisions within my learning environment, implement
effective teaching strategies which embraces diversity to support the community and individual student issues and
value this through trust and mutual respect (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, 2015).
Manner in which a Professional Teacher draws these Strands together
I believe I have addressed my beliefs regarding each strands throughout this statement. I have acknowledged the
Australian Professional Standards, which I have used throughout the last 4 years of my degree to allow me to make
ethical and effective decisions to support my learning. These have been a big part of my professional development as
a primary teacher over the last four years.
As teachers, I strongly believe it is essential we draw on our personal philosophies and statements in alignment with
Education Queenslands Professional Standards to support our planning and maintain creative and safe learning
environments (Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership, 2015).
I highly value my professionalism as a teacher, and due to this, I will actively contribute to students learning by
reviewing inclusive strategies and exploring new approaches that will engage students in learning and where I can
develop and extend on my skills and capacities to support students individual needs.


Hannah Matthews



Department of Education Employment and Workplace Relations [DEEWR]. (2009).
Belonging, Being and Becoming: the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia. Canberra: Department of
Education Employment and Workplace Development.
Department of Education, Training and Employment. (2013). Parent and Community Engagement Framework.
Retrieved from


Department of Education, Training and Employment. (2015). Pedagogical Framework.
Retrieved from

The State of Queensland (Department of Education). (2005). Professional Standards for

Teachers: Guidelines for Professional Practice. Retrieved from


Hannah Matthews


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