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BY Saadullah Kalwar 07TL21

A library I s a collection of sources,

resources, and services, and the structure in
Now as the new Central Library has been
inaugurated, it is located in the centre of campus
so students from any department can come and
which it is housed: it is organized for use and use their time in some creative activity. There are
maintained by a public body, an institution, or various floors dedicated for each work. Ground
a private individual. In the more traditional floor is only for book returning. 1st floor is
sense, a library is a collection of books. The dedicated for the students who are interested in
term can mean the collection, the building that reading books. There is a huge hall with separate
houses such a collection, or both. The library portions for boys and girls. A very good number
may be public or institutional. of books on almost every subject are available
In almost every institute of world, with electronic catalogue system. Now students
students are provided with the facility of don’t need to rush towards mid-point after being
library. That has two main purposes, first and free from classes because it’s a very good place
most important is that students may have some and students will really love to sit there and utilize
place to spend their leisure in studying or some their time. 2nd floor is for book issuing. Book
research work. The other purpose is that the issuing system is also new and nice. Now students
students may get the books issued from there don’t need to wait whole day for their turn to get
for a particular time. the books but they just have to go and search for
Talking about the old Central Library of books themselves. If some one finds the books,
MUET, many of the students had even not can get issued easily.
bothered to get the library card due to few
reasons. One of the reasons was that they had
seen the crowd inside over each other trying
hard for getting books. The amount of books
was also very small as compared to the number
of students. If any one had to get the books
issued, he would have to get at the cost of
leaving his classes and be in library for whole
day. There was also a very good and silent
room for studying and passing leisure in
reading books or any other creative activity for
the hard working students.
.But the main problem with that library
was its location. One can say that the library
was located in a corner of campus. Only the
students of Electrical, Civil, Mechanical and As the library has just started working, its
C.R.P could use it regularly. For the students timing is 9am – 2 pm. But we hope it will soon be
of other departments it was not so easy to go to opened in evening as well so that the hostellers
library and use it at any time because they had can utilize it more effectively. There is no any
to cover a long distance to reach there. This photo copying, printing and scanning facility at
was one of the major reasons that most of the the moment. We request higher authorities to
students of IT departments did not use the please consider such things so that students may
library get as more as possible from the Library for which
they had been waiting for years.
Contributed By
Mr. Fahim Umrani,
Ms. Zunera Aziz (07TL88)
Mr. Umair Mujtaba (07TL16)
Mr. Saad Kalwar (07TL21)

There is a need for effective student representation in our

educational institutes. We have a long way to go in this regard. As
students in our education institutes virtually spent dormant life. It
seems that their sole purpose is to get (not earn) degree and grab
good job to make money. We should realize that this should be
We need to establish Student Action committees which can uphold COMMITTEES
the core values of providing a platform for every student voice and
help enhance the quality of student life. It should consistently be WHICH
able to deliver tangible results and strive to continue to fulfill that
responsibility. Student Action committee should be a party that
learns from the past, acts in the present, and builds for the future. PROVIDE A
We are glad that some students of our departments from Faculty of
electrical, electronics and computer engineering, MUET have PLATFORM
already taken initiatives in the form of “M.U.S.T Forum” which is
running and flourishing as the time passes. However, to keep such FOR
committees alive, we need to institutionalize them and the first step
in that direction would be to kill the typical “lack of participation”
attitude from our students and faculty members. We need to devise
a strategy which not only ensures the increased participation of
students but also increases the usefulness of such forums/ AND
committees. Keeping this in mind, we in this article would like to
introduce the readers what actions have already been taken to HELP
establish such committees and also propose future plans. But first
let’s start from the scratch by introducing what are Student Action ENHANCE
Committees (SACs)? THE
SACs -- These committees formed by the students are a
representation of those individuals who want to mould their student STUDENTS
life in a better way. These organizations/committees work on a
number of activities including student supervising, newsletter LIFE..
publications, seminar placements, book fairs, project fairs, fund
raising, establishing blood banks and more. 'Student societies often
aim to facilitate a particular activity or promote a belief system;
although some (explicitly) require nothing more than that a member
is a student. Some are not affiliated with a specific university and/or
accept non-university students.'
Importance of SACs
The activities of a student should not only be confined to books. There are a number
of activities that the student should engage himself into, which would help him and
other students as well. To initiate such a committee, the first thing that the student
should realize is the thing which he is best at. Either its leadership, management,
problem solving, or a lot of other factors could be taken into consideration.

By establishing a student action committee, an individual is actually nourishing his

personality, the environment and providing his services to other individuals in a better
way. This would enhance his confidence, leadership skills, time management skills,
problem solving, team management and a number of other elements.

These committees provide a platform to students to engage in a number of projects

that are hard to initiate on standalone basis. For example, a student cannot initiate a
blood bank all by himself, he has to engage a lot of other people in his project. This is
where the need of an effective Student Action Committee arises.

MUST -- A Student Action Committee at Mehran UET!

Mehran University’s students have brought some revolutionary ideas that shape in
M.U.S.T forum. MUST is a non-political body and most of its agenda and activities are
concerned with the campus life of the students. The acute and primary task of
M.U.S.T forum is to understand the student’s educational needs and provide them the
solutions of respective subject’s problems. M.U.S.T forum is currently in its infant
stages but progressing with the support of all teachers of concerned departments, ef-
forts of its members and appreciable student’s corporation of various disciplines.

Organizational Structure of the MUST forum

M.U.S.T forum has now targeted the students of 09 & 08 batches of Electronics,
Telecommunication, Bio-medical & Software engineering departments and providing its
maximum services to troubleshoot the different problems of students. It will be heading
throughout the MUET in near future.
M.U.S.T forum has finally laid down its foundation and managed to hold its 1st general meeting,
comprising of all the members from their respective departments, in which the constitution
containing the core aims and objects of the forum were put forward in front of all members for
an open debate. All members were taken in confidence and finally different responsibilities
were distributed amongst the nominated members who have been actively participating since
the organization’s birth. The members of the M.U.S.T forum being students themselves are
very well aware of the difficulties that a student encounters and have keen interest and will in
solving those problems.
Aims and objectives of MUST
We are the interface between the students and the administration and we work together to
identify and address concerns that affect the students directly and indirectly. It represents the
interests of the students and participates in discussions and decisions that affect the student
ª To represent and voice for the student’s of Mehran UET.
ª To help student’s of MUET in developing academic skills.
ª To help student’s of MUET in developing their professional skills.
ª To help student’s of MUET in coping the life at campus problems.
To organize, participate and encourage extra-curricular activities for and by the Students.

Current Projects

Following are some projects that the MUST forum has already initiated in each of its

+ Committee on Learning Assistance: M.U.S.T forum has initiated a team that is dedicated
in providing the learning assistance by conducting lectures in those subjects in which a student
finds difficulties within the university premises in the free hours (specially for junior batches).

ο InfoTech: The idea is to aware the students (specially from junior batches) about
different projects & thesis that are under development. A file will be brought on the wall which
will list all the projects/thesis currently being worked on and it will also suggest new final year
project or mini project ideas based on latest and innovative technologies for them to consider.

ο Group Discussions: M.U.S.T forum realizes to build a consensus among all the
students. Keeping in view that the forum is designing a strategy to initiate a program of
group discussions among all the willing students, the topic will be pasted on the student’s
notice board a week before so the students willing to participate can prepare themselves to
have a debate on the topic. In the similar manner, small seminars can also be organized.

+ FEECE e-Newsletter: M.U.S.T forum has dedicated a team of its volunteers which regularly
releases an e-newsletter under the supervision of Sir Fahim Umrani on the 15th of every
month through an online yahoo group “sar_muet”. Following the directions of Sir Fahim,
steps are being taken to make the newsletter available to students through the library and
through the notice boards in hard form.
Future Projects

• Student's Life Committee: Many students come to MUET scare of

ragging and bullying but when the left they often have tears in their eyes.
But they all start loving this institute in hard way. We aim to stimulate the
process of enjoying campus life as quickly as possible. The core
objective of this committee is to help the student’s quickly familiarize with
M.U.S.T the campus life of MUET and make him/her part of our big family!

ο Establish Blood bank where each student will be requested to

provide his/ her details of Blood group and contact address so that they
can be approached in the times of emergency – Already started working.
ο Accommodation Committee where the volunteers/officials will
University accumulate the first hand information of how to apply for hostel rooms in
MUET and contact details for private property lenders in Jamshoro/
Students Hyderabad.

Team: ο Recreational Committee where the volunteers/officials will organize

one-day or multi-day tours during Weekends, Mid-terms, winter or
summer vacations. And also make efforts to organize Sporting events
(inter-departmental or interuniversity or even at higher level). This
recreational committee should NOT need any financial support and has
the potential to sustain it. As throughout world (and don't forget we too
are part of this world) students pay themselves for Tours and
“Some participation in Sporting Events. Of course when they will organize they
will get all sorts of benefits and Discounts from University and of course
revolutionary the owners of touring spots.

Event Organizing Committee where the officials will take efforts to

ideas •
organize Workshops/ Seminars/Conferences/Extra Classes/Quiz, Book
fairs, debate or Project Competitions.
that • Student’s Money Matters Committee where the members will
shape accumulate the information for different scholarships and every
student will be able to get necessary information from one point. In

in a this regard, 2KES Scholarship Foundation supporting students

financially has agreed to closely work with MUST to bring this
foundation under the umbrella of Students Money Matters Committee.
Forum” For further details about the foundation please visit:

• MUET’s Women Affair Female students’ or the staff of MUET faces

most problems than any body else, ranging from access to proper
transport, obnoxious hooting, stalking to sexual harassment and
gender discrimination. We believe that some of those problems can
be resolved if we coordinate and organize. Keeping this in mind
MUST forum has decided to form a committee exclusively for the
Women at MUET. We also hope that the female staff teaching and
otherwise will also honor us by becoming part of this committee.
We also intend to engage closely with Student Welfare de-
partment and MUET’s Sport department to work together
for the welfare of Students. We are confident in hoping that

seeing our passion and determination the officials of SWD
and Sports section will encourage and cooperate with us in
best possible manner.

MUST forum is now being officially registered by the coop-

eration of Chairman ES Sir Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry.
For that we are ever grateful to him. We, as representative Field
of the MUST forum, would also like to thank our
Vice Chancellor Prof. Dr. Abdul Qadeer Rajput for consider-
ing our request to legalize this forum. We would also like to
request the higher authorities to stretch out their hands for
their essential cooperation and to help us so that we can
extend this forum to other departments as well and cover
the whole university. Array
We would like to end this article thanking you for reading
and with the following quote “Self improvement can be
achieved but not with a quick fix. It is long arduous journey
of personal experiences and discoveries – Lisa Simpson –
By Noman Palijo
The Simpsons”
∗ A condolence was made on the sad demise of final year
student Asadullah Abbasi by all the teachers, staff and
administration members organized a peace rally which
started from the main entrance gate of MUET and ended at
the main administration block. .
∗ The first general meeting of “Mehran University Students .
Team’ held in Telecom department. M.U.S.T is now
looking forward for future programs Page # 10
BY Kapal Dev 07ES60
Edited By Ms. Maya 07ES72

Nowadays, everyone is crazy for doing internship in vacations, so was I this summer. Let me share
my perception about what an internship is.
It is actually a process in which a student or recent graduate gets practical training under expert’s
supervision. Interns are usually university students, but they can be post graduate adults as well,
seeking skills for a better career.
An internship may be paid, unpaid or partially paid (in the form of a stipend). Paid internships are
most common in the medical, architecture science, engineering, law, business (especially accounting
and finance), and technology and advertising fields
Internships may be part-time or full-time; typically they are part-time during the university year and
full-time in the summer.
I did internship this summer (b/w June- July) at SIEMENS, where I got a chance to enhance my
practical knowledge and abilities. Siemens usually send interns to project working site, in order to
get maximum benefit but, unfortunately they couldn’t manage that for me due certain reasons.
Siemens is working in almost six to seven cities of Pakistan i-e, Karachi, bhitshah, Sehwan etc. I
have visited different sections there like automation, infrastructure and transformer section. After
visiting these sections I have got some practical knowledge but it would have been better if they
have taken me to their project working site but still I must say something is better than nothing.
Here are few pictures of automation and infrastructure departments, which I visited.
Many universities give awards that financially support students
over the summer in lieu of full-time internships so that they can
develop their entrepreneurial skills. Previously MUET was not
part of it but it is good to know that now and onwards it will
support through the platform of IEEE-MUET students chapter.

Internship may or may not contribute in order to get a handsome

job nowadays but it is always a good experience. It’s always
good to see actual work environment of companies that will
help us a lot in future and will not let us face any type of
Different teachers suggested me that “you must do at least, one AT
internship during your four years bachelor’s life and also do
some useful courses/workshops related to our field”. SIEMENS
NOTE: if any body wants to do internship in Siemens, he/she
must have following things and go through this process:

You must have university letter, CV and two passport size

Above documents must be submitted to Rana Fahid Rasheed
in HR department.
By Noman Palijo 06TL60

The History of Programmable Logic

By the late 70’s, standard logic devices were the rage and printed circuit
boards were loaded with them. Then someone asked the question: “What if we
gave the designer the ability to implement different interconnections in a bigger
device?” This would allow the designer to integrate many standard logic devices
into one part. In order to give the ultimate in design flexibility Ron Cline from
Signetics (which was later purchased by Philips and then eventually Xilinx) came
up with the idea of two programmable planes. The two programmable planes
provided any combination of ‘AND’ and ‘OR’ gates and sharing of AND terms
across multiple OR’s. This architecture was very flexible, but at the time due to
wafer geometry's of 10um the input to output delay or propagation delay (Tpd)
was high which made the devices relatively slow.

Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGA’s)

In 1985, a company called Xilinx introduced a completely new idea. The
concept was to combine the user control and time to market of PLD’s
(Programmable Logic Devices) with the densities and cost benefits of gate
arrays. A lot of customers liked it - and the FPGA was born. Today Xilinx is still
the number one FPGA vendor in the world.
An FPGA is a regular structure of logic cells or modules and interconnect
which is under the designer’s complete control. This means the user can design,
program and make changes to his circuit whenever he wants. And with FPGA’s
now exceeding the 10 million gate limit (Xilinx Virtex-II is the current record
holder), the designer can dream big.
With the introduction of the Spartan range of FPGA’s we can now compete
with Gate Arrays on all aspects - price, gate and I/O count, performance and
cost! The new Spartan IIE will provide up to 300k gates at a price point that
enables Application Specific Standard Product (ASSP) replacement. For example
a Reed Solomon IP Core implemented in a Spartan II XC2S100 FPGA has an
effective cost of $9.95 whereas the equivalent ASSP would cost around $20.
There are 2 basic types of FPGAs: SRAM-based reprogrammable and
One-time programmable (OTP). These two types of FPGAs differ in the
implementation of the logic cell and the mechanism used to make connections in
the device. The dominant type of FPGA is SRAM-based and can be
reprogrammed by the user as often as the user chooses. In fact, an SRAM FPGA
is reprogrammed every time it is powered-up because the FPGA is really a fancy
memory chip! (That’s why you need a serial PROM or system memory with every
In the SRAM logic cell, instead of conventional gates there is instead a
Look Up Table (LUT) which determines the output based on the values of the
inputs. (In the “SRAM logic cell” diagram above you can see 6 different
combinations of the 4 inputs that will determine the values of the output).
SRAM bits are also used to make connections. One-time programmable (OTP)
FPGA’s use anti-fuses (contrary to fuses, connections are made not “blown”
during programming) to make permanent connections in the chip and so do not
require a SPROM or other means to download the program to the FPGA.
However, every time you make a design change, you must throw away the
chip! The OTP logic cell is very similar to PLD’s with dedicated gates and


PLD Programmable Logic Devices

ASSP Application Specific Standard Product
SRAM Static Random Access Memory
OTP One Time Programmable
PROM Programmable Read Only Memory
LUT Look Up Table
SPROM Serial Programmable Read Only Memory

Signetics was once a major player in semiconductor manufacturing.

FEECE-MUET e-Newsletter ISSUE-9 August 2009

Posted By Aakash Makhijani 06TL02

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