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Anna Kirwan

The Wife of Bath Prologue and Tale

1. The wife of bath used the bible to support the idea that she could justify having more than
one husband.
2. The wife described her first three husbands as, bad husbands.
3. The wife controlled the husbands with her looks.
4. The wifes fourth husband was different because he was a revealer and he had a mistress.
5. She would try and make the husband very jealous.
6. The wifes fourth husband died on a voyage.
7. The wife married the clerk because he was young and good in bed.
8. The stories the clerk read to her were about historys most beautiful wives.
9. The knight was sentenced to death for raping a young mistress.
10. The old woman saved the knight by promising him the answer to the question, What do
women want most?
11. She requested he marry her.
12. When he gave her the power to decide for herself, she turned into a beautiful and fair
The Pardoners Prologue and Tale
1. The pardoner is like the three men because, he also is greedy.
2. Greed was the vice shared by Lot, Herot, Seneca, and Adam.
3. The three rakes heard a bell clinking because a funeral procession was going by.
4. Death stabbed to death the friend of the rakes.
5. The old man wanders around looking for death.
6. The Rakes found gold under the tree instead of Death.
7. To decide which of them will run to town and back.
8. All three men were poisoned.

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