History Year 6

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Student Instructions

Learning Area: History

Target Year Level:
Learning Intentions

Required Resources:

During this activity you will:

identify and locate information on the
pose questions about a significant
individual of Aboriginal/Torres Strait
Islander background
create a digital poster of the
biography of an individual

iPads or laptops (minimum 1 per pair)

Haiku Deck app
Literary and n on-literary sources
Student oriented task sheet

Additional resources: This digital resource is a
valuable tool to extend historical knowledge:

Find a partner as you will be working in pairs to locate and identify relevant and accurate
information to complete a biography poster of a notable individual in Australian public from an
Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander background.

You need to compose a digital biography of a famous Australian Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander.
This person ought to have made a significant contribution or achievement which made a positive
impact on Australian society.
This person may be or have been a famous Australian sportsperson, politician, artist or singer.

The biography needs to include the following:
A description of the individual - appearance, personal traits, etc. (can include
Critical information about the individual - full name, date and place of birth (date and
place of death if applicable)
Key facts about the Aboriginal group the person belongs to
Information about the individual's family - husband/wife, children, pets, etc.
What the individual is famous for? What achievements they made?
The impact/effect the individual has/has had on their community and other people
Important events that have occurred in his/her life.

Biography/digital poster:
Use an iPad or laptop to create a digital poster of the information about the
The app is called Haiku Deck (https://www.haikudeck.com/)

Once you have finished composing their Haiku Deck poster, you need to present
it work to the rest of the class (informal presentation).

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