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Following is the analysis & counter-arguments for 9 pro-god

1. The scriptural argument: Technically, the scriptural
evidence is no evidence. We have got as much written evidence
for the existence of Superman as for the existence of a god. All
scriptures are true, yet all so different and contradictory.
2. The experiential argument: Schizophrenics see people
who do not exist, so should they insist upon experiential
evidence and say that those people actually exist? Medicines &
therapies can make those people vanish.
3. The moral argument: Theists say that morality solely
comes from god, so god exists. A supernatural being who sits &
watches millions of rapes, murders, tortures, violences &
doesnt protect innocents, doesnt hold any right to teach me
morals. Morals can be easily derived by reason & hijacked by
4. The life argument: God is life. So what is death then? A
hundred people meet with an accident, but one person gets
saved. So theists refer to this as an act of god. What about those
ninety nine dead people?
5. The intelligent design argument: Earth is so round,
humans are so complex in structure, so were designed, hence
the designer is god. First of all the earth is geoid & not so
round, it is as irregular a sphere as a clay ball made by a small
kid. Talking of humans being complex in structure, yes we are,
but whats intelligent in making vestigial organs?
6. The spiritual argument: God is infinite consciousness,
god is formless. So god has no body, yet is conscious. Such a
thought comes from the idea that mind is different from the
brain. The people who insist on this idea being true must
receive a blow on their head & then see if theyre still conscious
or not. Else they should research on what causes
unconsciousness & know that mind isnt an independent entity.

Mind is the function of brain. Different parts of the brain work

in co-ordination to create an illusion of a singular mind. And we
have evidence, we have brain scans.
7. The first cause argument: Some say that god is the first
cause of this universe. Okay, even if I agree with that, gods
worship is still in question. Being the first cause doesnt make
god a driver of the universe. Also it is not evident that god
willingly planned to create a universe. Here people use the
spiritual argument, so let me again clarify it, you need to have a
brain or a structure doing basically the same functions as a
brain so that you can think. If god thinks, he has a brain or such
a structure, and so he attains form which means that god is a
being made of matter of some kind, so hes controlled by laws of
nature. Is he a god now?
8. The creation-creator argument: We see a building &
then infer that someone has created it. So is with universe. The
comparison is flawed. The construction of a building involves a
number of men from designer to the labourers (and they have
brains, they are born, they grow & they die). The example of a
number of natural men is being used to prove the existence of
one supernatural being. So is the universe made by many
natural beings?
9. The infinite power argument: God is infinite power &
potential. So he becomes the source of all power. Then why hold
allegiance to him? Also now he should be called it. All
worship is still futile. Such a source wont help certain people
just because they praise it. In fact if god is source of infinite
power, it becomes something that we need to use & not bow
down to. It wont make any difference if power is near you until
you trap it, channelise it & use it. Also, being a source of power
wont make god a willingly interfering entity. It need not be an
all good thing as it would be a source of disasters too, as may
be happening in some corner of the universe now, or the
natural calamities you experience or get to know about. It
cannot think, it cannot drive, it is just there. Is he or it a god

The analysis of these nine arguments is the reason I do not
believe in a god, neither the personal god nor the all-pervading
- Satyan Sharma

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