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Lesson Plan: Math

Grade: 6th

Lesson Topic: Proportional Relationships/ Understanding

Number of Students: 1

Student Names: IH

Current Math Grade level: 3rd

Common Core Standards Addressed: CCSS.Math.content.6.RP.A. 1

(HTTP:// : Understand the concept
of a ratio and use ratio language to describe a ratio relationship between two
CCSS.Math.Content.6.RP.A.2: Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve real-world and
mathematical problems, e.g., by reasoning about tables of equivalent ratios, tape
diagrams, double number line diagrams, or equations.
Maine Learning Results: For sixth grade MLR Rate/Ratio : Although no
performance indicators are stated, students are expected to have experiences with
probability in grade six, but it is not expected that the knowledge will be secure.
Materials & Equipment for Lesson: Different Fruits of varying #s, small bag of
M&Ms, IPad/Laptop, colored pencils, white drawing paper, small white boards, ruler.
Lesson/Content Objective: Is to assess the students knowledge of the term
ratio, rate and help them gain a better understand what the term ratio and rate
mean. This will be done by incorporating the terms into real life situations and by
the use of visual aids and different methods to record rate and ratio (Ratio Table,
tape diagrams, double number lines).
Number of student/s suggested for lesson: This lesson can be done in a oneon-one setting or best with a group of 2-4 students. If there are more than four
students then it would be best to separate them into smaller groups and incorporate
more staff to handle each group. This lesson is designed to follow common core for
sixth grade math on ratio and rate but is adapted for students who are at a lower
grade level to help them stay on track with common core but at a level that will best
accommodate the students limitations and help they achieve success in the subject
Accommodations: If needed for Student/s: I.H.-Use of graphic organizer, check
for understanding of directions/schedule of events to occur during lesson, extra time
and modification of assignments to reduce visual stimuli, access to learning center
as needed for tic break, needs debrief or emotional escalates and social instruction,
Education technician provided for one to one instruction when needed, content
expectations reduced or modified and will participate in class when appropriate as
determined by the regular and special education teacher. This is in place for this
student to afford them a one-on-one education technician during all periods of the

day to help with re-directing behavior and the technician will follow the behavior
plan that is in place for the student.
Procedure: Step One: Pre-teach your schedule of events for the assignment and
tell the students when they will receive a break in the assignment and what needs
to be accomplished to earn a break. Also explain any other incentives that may be
included with completing the full lesson. Remind the student of their point system
and the importance of trying to earn all of their points for this time period.
Step two: Then begin by introducing the terms associated with the lesson on Ratio
to the students. (Ratio, Rate, Ratio Table, Tape Diagrams, and Double number line)
As you explain the terms use the white board to visually introduce the terms as you
at the same time you are verbalizing the terms. It is also important to connect the
terms to an actual image that the student can associate with by using different
visual resources. This will help the student associate the term with something they
see out of school. During this step of the lesson you will begin by using the white
board and the different fruit to explain ratio. On the white board you will have the
student draw a ratio table and write two different fruit in the headings. You will then
hand the student a certain amount of grapes and apples and place them on the
desk. The student will then write the corresponding number of fruit under the
correct heading on the ratio table. You will then ask the student what is the ratio of
grapes compared to apples and remind them to use the ratio table they created to
explain their answer. After the student explains the answer ask them to explain
what ratio is so far from what they have learned. Continue this step of handing the
student different amounts of grapes to apples until you feel the student has grasped
the concept of ratio and how to use a ratio table to show explain their answers.
Step three: Now hand each student in the group a small bag of M&Ms and ask
them to open the bag and separate the colors. (Remind them not to eat them until
the lesson is completed) Once they have separated the colors have the students
make a tape diagram (have an example on the white board for the students to see)
and explain how they can use it to show different ratios of the colors of M&Ms in
their bags on their individual white board. Have the teacher or ed. tech can do the
same on the big white board with a bag of M&Ms. Then have the students fill out
their individual tape diagrams. Once the diagrams is filled out walk around and ask
each student to individually show the teacher a ratio of two different colors from
their bag of M&Ms on their chart. The teacher will then write the numbers on the
big white board. After you have gone through the entire group or asked a couple of
different examples from the student/s what the term ratio means and to use their
white board to explain both ratio and how a tape diagram can help explain the ratio
of two different items.
Give a two minute break and let the students eat their candy and talk
quietly if earned.

Step four: For this step we will begin by having the students draw a car on their
white board with a line that goes from the car and then have the student draw a
clock underneath the car and make a line that goes the same direction as the cars.
(Have an example already drawn on the big board to show the student/s what you
want them to accomplish) Make sure they understand that it is a quick drawing that
should not take more than five minutes to complete. The line with the car will be
labeled miles and the line with the clock will be per hour. Next have the student use
a ruler and put a mark on the line with the car every two inches and label each
mark by tens. Have the student/s do the same with the clock but have the labels on
those lines be in ten minute increments. Once this is completed you will give the
students a problem and have them use color pencils to draw on each line the speed
of a car and then the time it took the car to reach it destination. (Example: the car
was traveling at a speed of 60 mph and it took the car 60 minutes to reach its
destination) Under the car they would use one of the colored pencils to make a line
that went to the line labeled 60 miles and under the clock they would use a different
color and show how it took the car 60 minutes to reach its destination. The teacher
would do the same on the large white board. You would then explain by using the
chart on the large white board but also having the students noticing their own
drawings that the car was traveling at a speed of 60MPH and it took 60 minutes to
reach that location and as youre doing this you are showcasing how they can use a
double number line to explain the rate of two different units that are explaining the
same answer. (Such as Miles traveled vs. speed of vehicle) After you have
explained and defined the term rate and what a double number line can be used for
give the student three more examples and ask them to show them by using
different colors on their number line the different rate of the car vs. the time it took
the vehicle to arrive at its destination. After each example ask the student/s to
explain the answer to the teacher or ed. Technician before moving on to the next
problem and have them define rate after each problem. Once this has been done
three to four times allow the student the opportunity to get a drink of water or use
the restroom.
Step five: Hand the student a worksheet three sections incorporated. The first will
be a matching section with the terms they learned today (Ratio, Rate, Ratio table,
Tape Diagram, and Double number line) the second section should have at least two
examples of that ask the student to show the ratio of different items by using a ratio
chart and a tape diagram. The last section of the worksheet will be for the student
to label and complete one double number line to explain the rate of a vehicle vs.
the time it took the vehicle to arrive at its destination. Once completed the teacher
or ed. Tech will review the assignment with each student and help them correct any
incorrect answers.
Step six: If time is still available offer another bag of M&Ms or fruit and allow the
student/s time to play math games on their iPad/laptop but specify it must be an
approved math game.

Assessment: The teacher and Ed. Techs will be monitoring the student/s
throughout the exercise because of the small group/on-on-one setting of the lesson.
The student will be asked questions after each example and each step of the lesson.
The student/s will also be assessed at the end of the lesson through the use of the
worksheet. The students will be required to complete the worksheet to earn more
candy/fruit and free time playing an approved math game. After they complete the
worksheet they will correct the worksheet with the teacher or ed. Tech before
receiving their reward of extra candy/fruit and approved math game time. If
needed the teacher can repeat the assignment the next class period and
incorporate different examples to explain the terms.
Notes about Lesson:

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