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Art Integration Unit Plan Template

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

LTC Art for Children

Unit Title & Big Idea: (Define the BIG IDEA?) What is the big idea that is being
investigated in this lesson? How will you connect the big ideas about art and artists
work with the art making part of this lesson?

Grade Level/Class Periods Required:


Through this lesson we will be exploring CULTURE and its relation

to the locations of the World around us. We will relate this to artist
Jasper Johns who is known for his creative paintings of the US and
Flag. He uses many techniques of painting, such as painting over
collage, so we will take time to explore his style and find how we can
replicate it to make our own flags. Students will be asked to come
up with a country, made up, create a flag for their country, and
explain the culture in their country. They can relate the feelings of
the culture they get from their country and paint it into their flag.
They will show their emotions through the definitions of the colors
and shapes they use in their flag.
Unit Overview/Summary: Why is this important to teach? What do you hope to
In our culture we hold many stereotypes about people who are
different from us. This should open childrens eyes to a realistic view
that someone may be different but that doesnt make them weird
for their beliefs. I hope to accomplish this eye-opening lesson with
children so they will crush stereotypes as they hear them. This will
also show them how other children their age live while also
integrating art!

Materials/Equiptment/Etc: MATERIALS, TEACHING

RESOURCES/REFERENCES- (Books (Teacher and Childrens),
posters, articles, websites) and PREPARATION REQUIRED- what
materials, tools, and resources do you need for this class? What do
you need to practice and prepare for this lesson? What did you learn
from creating your teaching exemplar?
To prepare you will need to make your exemplar. To make mine, I
used paper mache mixture of glue and water. I coated pieces of
newspaper in the paper mache, laid them on a piece of printer paper
on wax paper and layered them, then let them dry. I then painted my
design on my flag and cut it to the length I wanted to have an
example. It may help to create your world shape from large bulletin
paper before beginning though not necessary.
This is a great resource to have, the other being the internet. I could
list many websites to use in this plan, but it makes the information

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

more worthwhile when it is found on your own. Then it is easy to get

all the background information. I suggest using very basic words and
search for reliable sources!
Information on Jasper Johns is easy as well. I included his work titles
that are relative to this project. I also included information on here as
Before teaching this lesson, be sure you, as a teacher, are familiar with
cultures in the below countries. It will help to have a fast fact sheet
about culture there, traditions, food, schooling, home life, etc.
Through creating my exemplar I learned more about colors and their
meanings. Most importantly, I learned how they can make you feel,
and how I could tie this into my explanations/short story to children. I
believe through doing this I became more culturally aware as well. It
helps to put everything into perspective.

Key Concepts (3-4)

What will students learn and KNOW about art and art making from this
List as facts about art and artists and works of art. What will they learn
from an art, art history, and art criticism discussion? What will they learn from
the art production part of the lesson? What key concepts from other core
subjects will they uncover?
Artist Jasper Johns met Robert Rauschenberg in 1954. They
became friends and supported each other in art. This is the
most noted start of his art career Johns was a rebel in high
school, taking a few years off after he graduated, and
eventually quitting art school as well. He is known for creating
many medias of art such as painting and sculpture. His most
famous piece of work is a piece entitled Flag, however we
will still explore the works of Three Flags and also Map in

In my exemplar, I painted a flag that represents my culture. There is a

Essential Questions (3-4) What questions guide the investigation in this
What will students discover and investigate both about art and art
making? What will you ask that will guide the purposeful exploration of
materials and ideas that will produce meaningful content to the creative

Students will discover that expression can come through art

in many different ways. Art can show so much meaning, just
by a use of colors, and it really can tell a story. Their story
should tie in their art concepts as to how and why they used
colors and symbols in their piece to define their culture.
To guide the exploration, I want children to know it is okay to
get messy in the classroom. I do want to make sure the day

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

our project. Through evaluating his work we can see the

we do it we are properly supported for a mess, including old
technique he uses, such as painting on a paper mache type
clothes to wear and items to cover the floor. I want them to
support, but most importantly in the colors he uses. Some
play in the mache mix and make some of their own that
works are very bright while others are in deep/dark colors. This meets their needs. There are also many different ways to
will help us become better, more thorough art maker. Through
paint aside from just using a brush. We will explore different
producing the artwork, children will learn a better
ways to paint as well when playing with our art items.
understanding of art going beyond painting or coloring on a
paper. We will also be learning about colors, combinations of
colors, and color meanings. We will uncover flags and flag
design from looking into social studies and locations. We will
relate all of these together to use flags as a representation of
the culture by analyzing them and what they stand for,
including colors and symbols!
Unit Objectives: (Excellent resource at
What learners will DO? List beginning with the student will
*(NOTE: Evidence of the objectives and concepts attained make up your assessment criteria below)


be able to represent cultural awareness through creation of culture and flag representation.
represent their culture through a flag creation and writing about the culture that corresponds.
represent cultural feeling through colors used in their flag.
research Jasper Johns and put to use his artwork techniques.
appreciate culture through the exploration in the classroom by researching cultures around the world.

Grade Level Expectations (GLEs)


National Core Art Standards

Guidance and Coping:
GLE Big Idea 2: PS 2- Grade 2- Identify similarities and
differences among families and their traditions
Communication Arts
GLE Writing, Grade 2, Elements of Geographical Study
and Analysis 5, Concept F, CA 4, 2.1- Compose text

Core Academic Standards (Common Core State Standards)



Write informative/explanatory texts to examine a topic
and convey ideas and information clearly.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

with a clear controlling idea, relevant details, examples,

with assistance
Social Studies
GLE- Grade 2- Writing 2, Concept B, SS5, 1.10- Define
regions (i.e. as places that have some unifying
characteristicpolitical, climatic, language, physical,
Fine Arts
GLE- Grade 2- Fine Arts Strand I, 3, Concept C, FA 1,
Create an original artwork that communicates ideas
about the following themes: nature, places (eg. School,
home, stores, neighborhood, countryside)
Content Areas Integrated:
1. Visual Art
2. Social Studies
3. Language Arts

Lesson Titles in Sequence/Order with TIME and MATERIALS

needed for each portion
1. Introduction- 30 minutes
a. Book, Children Around the World
2. Discussion- 30 minutes
a. Map on Smart Board
3. Art Introduction Connection- 30 min to 1 hour
a. Smart Board
4. Activity- 15 min paper mache, 1 day drying, 1 hour
a. Smart Board

Identify & define common vocabulary/concepts that

connect the art form with the other identified subject area(s):
Culture- Characteristic of a particular group of people,
defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine,
social habits, music, and arts.
Country- an area of land that is controlled by its own
Brief Lesson Descriptions (2-3 sentences each)
1. Children would be introduced to the idea of different
cultures around the World through reading the story,
Children Around the World by Donata Montanari,
where kids describe what it is like to live in the culture
they live in. This covers topics such as food, clothing,
schooling, and daily life.
2. We will then talk about how location can be a way to
determine someones culture and special traditions.
We will revisit the book and talk about locations of the

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

b. Paint
c. Wax paper
d. Printer Paper
e. Printer Paper or canvas
f. Glue
g. Water
h. Paintbrushes
5. Closing/Language Arts Tie- 1 hour, or more if needed
a. Paper
b. Pencil
c. Work created earlier
d. World designed bulletin board

cultures around the World, researching these countries.

One way we can relate culture to the world is by using
their flag as a quick reference. We will use the smart
board to look up countries and their flags.
a. US
b. Spain
c. France
d. Germany
e. China
f. Australia
3. We can tell where someone lives by determining their
flag, and we can reference the environment (try to
avoid stereotypes) by knowing where someone lives.
We will then explore Jasper Johns work, both the map
of the US and the US flag recreation, looking at the
techniques he uses to replicate the familiar flag. We
will explore the meanings of color in artwork, so they
can include colors and symbols into their flag to show
4. Students will be able to see the provided materials,
and get a little messy before we start the actual
project. This will allow them to have fun with the
materials and hopefully erase their fear of using
something new or unknown. From here, we will create
our own world, with countries and their own cultures.
Students will be asked to create a flag for their country
and also a drawing of their country lay out if they
want. We will place them on our large World bulletin
board that they will be able to name. These should
draw on the creativity of Jasper Johns work as well by
using paint to represent their country. The paintings
will be made using paper mache to represent the
mixed supports he used. He would pull apart and paint
on newspapers to represent the mixing of modernism

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

with classics. To replicate Johns work, paintings using

mixes of colors and symbols would be most ideal.
5. Students will then write a short paper explaining their
culture in their country, including where their citizens
live, eat, school, and their daily life. These will be
displayed in the hallway for each parent to read about
the country his or her student created.
Each student will be offered the option to present his or her
country and culture to the classroom. They should also draw
on how they made their representation of their culture and
how it relates to Johns work
What student prior knowledge will this unit require/draw upon?
This would draw on a prior knowledge that not everyone is the same or lives the same. It would help if they knew that people
in other cultures live and believe in things other than the things they or we believe in. This could result in someone
somewhere else living differently than we live here in the US. This non-biased outlook need to be established before the lesson
begins because it is quite possible they will be exposed to cultures that are much different to their own.
What activities will you use to engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this unit?
Students will be able to explore, imagine, and experiment in the creativity part of this unit. They will be given many media
options to work with, and are expected to use them in a creative or out of the box way. This will let them take their imagination
to the highest level without having guidelines on what the finished product needs to look like. It should look like whatever they
want it to look like. They will be able to explore through the material fun time at the beginning where they are simply allowed
to play with the materials to find out what they look like or do, especially when combined together. Beyond this, many children
may choose to make their supports out of various items, and this is more than okay! Through being able to mess with
materials, when it comes time to focus, not only will they focus but they will also be well aware of how each item works and
have more ideas of how they want to use them. This will allow them to have an idea of what they want to do before they even
How will this unit permit/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
Students are given essential free range within this process. They are able to choose their own culture, making up every aspect
of it. If they want to make a culture that holds a rule about only eating pizza on Tuesdays, then that is there idea and they
should expand on it. Their ideas should influence their artwork. The artwork flag needs to convey a feeling, whether it be

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

emotion or aspects of culture, it needs to have meaning. This will be the deepest thinking part of this assignment because it
forces them to think in ways they may not be used to thinking. Every part of this project needs to show relation to others.
I think the best part of this assignment is that realistically, not one student should have the same work. They are being
encouraged to think on their own and be completely creative, giving them the front seat to take an idea and run. With the
relation of culture to a flag, one student may have very similar culture descriptions but have very diverse flags, or vice versa,
because how they choose to represent their culture is different from student to student.
How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning/learning processes?
Through this whole learning process they will be asked to reflect. Reflection on feelings and how thing make them feel or how
they feel about the meaning they convey will be a large part of the reflection. For young students, learning that some other
kids around the world live in way worse situations than they do will be a large eye-opening experience. This will require them
to reflect on how they live as compared to how other kids live, whether it be better or worse. These feelings should reflect into
their artwork as well. The feelings that come through about the message or story they convey about their country should
reflect over into their paintings.
What art talk questions can you engage your students in that will help them in reflecting not only on the product, but also
the product? What reflective practices can you think of that will help them in transitioning from start to stop?
Discussion is always the best process I can think of to stop or start a project. A great idea would be to pause them during their
art making, and let children share their thinking. The chain reaction may start where they say something then another student
finds the work they want to do as well! Through discussion, they are able to explain their artwork and ideas and receive
feedback from others too!
How will this unit engage students in assessing their own work?
What opportunities will you allow your students to display, describe, or evidence their learning?
(Describe what student success looks like and what evidence you have that learning has taken place). You should include formative and summative
assessments. (See Beattie and Stewart/Walker texts)
Students will be able to self-assess through discussion and also through their art-making. They will later be able to assess
others through their presentation. I will be assessing throughout to make sure students are on task as always. The summative
assessment will be the paper at the end that draws connections to the relation between all the projects. Meaning of flag and
colors will be assessed as a formative assessment.

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work?
I want to keep an open revision policy in my classroom. I believe every childs work should be their best work, and they should
be proud of it. So if they do not feel it is their best work, they will be able to revise it. I would feel bad for a student turning in
work they are not confident in, and it reflecting in their grade. I think self-assessments are always a great opportunity as well.
This makes them assess their work, and determine how they think they did. Also allowing for a lead in to revision.

What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning/understanding/work in this unit?
Children will be able to present their work at the end. Each child will be given an opportunity to share, but will not be required.
Some studeents will share the whole project, while others may choose to only share a portion of their project. They will need
to tie it altogether. Show their work, talk about Johnssresearch they had found, and also share their writing (give or take if
they choose). The confidence in their work will reflect into their enthusiasm during their presentation. This makes sure their
work is meaningful to them, then creating a meaningful presentation.
Presenting the work in a meaningful way. How will this be accomplished?

How will you adapt the various aspects of this lesson to differently-abled students?
How will you differentiate for your diverse classroom population? How will you keep students engaged? What will you do to challenge students who are
highly talented? What have you planned for those who finish early?
There are many ways for students to be challenged, and there is also a follow-up activity that can be done if I have early
finishers. If there are early finishers, they can create their country on a piece of paper, make a map for their country, etc.
There is always room for expansion in their description as well. Diverse classroom populations mean diverse answers, which
are exciting. There arent a whole lot of limitations on this lesson, meaning there arent many limitations in answers as well.
Another route you could take would be to have early finishers or higher-thinkers wonder and explore how culture in a country
could be related to government structure!

Art Integration Unit Plan Template

TEACHER REFLECTION: How will you know that this lesson is successful and meaningful? List indicators.

Students will be more culturally aware

Students will be able to identify culture in different countries
Students will be able to compare different culture to their own home life

Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from

Art Integration Unit Plan Template


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