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Patterns in the mind Language and human nature For Amy and Beth RAY JACKENDOFF Perseus Books Croup A sighs reserved Printed nthe United Stats of Amis, No part fis book nay be seredaed i ay manner whatever ithe wrten ere tion exept inthe env of bt quotations embodied in seal nek and ‘eves For information, addr: Basebook, Liter of Congres Catalog ePublicaton Data “ackendlfRay Pea isthe ind: nguape and human acre Ray Jochen Incas ibograpia references a inde: Ban o-4e5-05461-7 ct) ISBN0-465-05461-5 (paper) 1. Pgcholngiice 2 Instone hypoth (Ling). 3. Language sc thion. 4 Plsophy find 1 Tie Pars 1994 4013—4e0) a é 7 4 Contents Preface vs The fundamental arguments Finding our way int the problems ‘The nearer sve 3 “The argument for meal ramen 8 “The armen for innate knowledge 21 “The organization of mental grammar Overview 39 Phonolgil stucare 53 Space srscare 66 [American ign langage 83 Evidence forthe bila basis of language ow chile lear language 101 Langage aeuistion in unsoa cecumstances 1112 Language sousion in unusual deeumsances I 126 angage and he brain 141 Mental copactes oer than langage “The argument forthe conaroton of exprece 159, Masi and vison 165 Langunge a «window on thowghe 188 Soul organization 204 Father reading 223 Index 244 Preface Daring the fst pre ofthis century, the peedominant view ofthe rman mind erpeclly mong Ametianpeyhologiy, as that is Prey a produc of cvitonment. According to this ehavons™ Tiew tabs come im the word knowing vesaly noting, 0d pide by rewards and punihmens lfted by the envionment, etm the complex swocatons thar deemine the pater of eit ult tebavio, Moreover the behaviors contended, ¢taly ‘Seni approach mma all mate al fds ad ough" pope objectiviy confines us 10 the description of sehanoe “An porn challenge to thie view arose inthe late 19505, when the yoang MIT linge Noam Chomsky published his Lele ook Space Structures, flowed by a blistering riqu of BF. SKinners behavior manifesto, Verbal Behavior. Chomsky demon ‘rte that human language behavior can be explained only in ems ‘of complex principle opertng nthe speakers mind, pcp that Cannot be aegued by the simple mechan of asda posted by the tehaiorits. In so doing, Chomsky concious Hened msl witha tation of Staonal” thought serching back to Davee, tradion tat in fac conaued actively tn Earopesn Peythologyehooghose the behavior period in Ameria. ‘Chomsky’ work was on ofthe ex landmars of what cme to be ale the Scopntve revlon” Along wih copatve Prchology and arial imeligence Chomskian pneeativeinguse Er'trested new vigor into dhe sndy ofthe end a ioe that Coninues unabated in today's copie science and neuroses ‘remind (or the “minds,” a fen elle) i now widely viewed at 2 complex information prosing. device, 3 sort of Biologia computer, made up of ‘numerous part devote to Specalaed asks fr ery fom the Sinplise behaviors lew bas even become poole and fashionable to do rzerch on hove forbidden fate, mental magery and conciousness vit Preface Tre writen this book becuse, despite the innce that enerte lings has had 0 the tof the mind end bra fending Meas have nor become generally aceble Having pet (Gaeta entry ered eacarch based on these en nd ary that long conveying the to undergadune casi, 1 trot tying convey my frcnaion and that of my colleagues o onde alice, Maybe only he eltcemered presumption of rcionr, bur ior this at and T Rae some to beeve that ough tbe part of every educuted individual's ites ‘pero. The coneptal foundations of goss are evry i ‘rchng thos of evolution, genes, cosmology, chaos theory. and {fant cecrodyeamiar-end perhaps more 0, or what hey el ‘3 Shout our inemost elven ‘in eying ove te bok, ave dranicalycompresed the mast of intacy tat hs becom the ngs sos ade, whe il frying to font the for of current thinking. I sccting the trea 1 found eo my Sigh hat mach rece research sgl ‘ons and spleen ofthe cla hypothss and analyses of twenty and twenty-ve yest ago. Thos ater than describing the Sorkin any sro historia order, Chav found more nee te pve an over plu of where thins stand now, sepprted by {he nteeweavng of oer snd newer re ‘My gol to flr the reader few cenngs of engagement wit the ideas of moder ling, wihou «ges investment ‘Cal deta It my hope ha canbe apreied by ieee inypopl and by profesional in related i, and tha ca alo tere a spplenetary reading for andegadse courses in ng: oy copnve soley poehalogy of langage, nd philosophy of ming Te’ a pleasure to beable ro hank so many colleagues who helped with is roe Ben Bahan, Ula Bell, Derek Bickerton, Daniel Biring, Nou Chom, Leds Cosme, Susan Curis, Dan Denne, Alan Fake, Sutin Goldin Meadow, Roberts Gaiskot, Mya ‘Gopnik, "Moret Hall, Katharine “Haroann, Gregory ‘Hickok, Jy Keg Marcel Kinsourne, Seve Kramer, red Lae, Joan Maing Elisa Newpor, John Tooby, Denise Unans, Moi Yip. and Higar Zarit All of the have been generous with information std dacsion i their ret of experts ling aps In my knowlege, rly cocecing my nics, and in many ces Prefect ix fering helpful advice on the presentation of the whole book, Justa SRportnt hve bern the comments snd sogpstons om monprofer Sonal reader: Seve Uae, David Aaron, George Yi ty father ‘Nathan Jachendat my bribe Si Jctendot and peal soy iil Elie, whore constant encorepementkep me fling that the ook was necessary. sould alo thank my dems over the yar a Brandi, who have helped me se what work od what doe’ and ‘thon enthusam about these fess motivated me to wit he Bok, ob Bolick, former editor at Harverer Wheashet, relly ot me fring onthe projec and was everthing I oad want inane terms of hard postive thinking sbout coment, se, and readership, I the book took shape, Farrel Barnet took hr pace and ha bern ‘polly iopraonal, Whatever tecrvttone any ofthese fle ay ve about the nal product, have none about my exp appreciation for ther paren the emerpi. A terminological caution eis commen in everyday speech to use the term “ling to refer to ‘ence wh pens lng, hk howe he toed the term “ngs” in er standard poten ray fe te the andy of the erganiation of lngurg; a epi fomeone who examines the ature of one oe mor language ina ange to dacover geet peeipls. A Ung tend f know alt about ‘rious languages and may or may not speak thems For someone tthe spe oe of languages, I peer the terms “mulling” or PART I The fundamental arguments 1 Finding our way into the problem: The nature/ nurture issue ‘hy ate we the way we ae? Ate we born tha way, oF ate we products of our eavronmen? Or some mistwe? These base {ustins le atthe root of any inguty fo human nate “These questions can be interpreted in various way. Mort often, 1 find pecne tend to thnk of the way we ae” i terme of ‘erences among individuals e's "natures seen a6 an sue of ‘table or meligence or personality. What males one person fa til ember diy oa socal nd ov hy one rod at ath eed ‘nother good a art? Could hey have been diferent if they had bern trough up fren? Which things about ourselves an we change, tnd which are we fated olive with? “Another equentimeepeain of the way we are iin ems of difeencs smong provps. Coal people dfs in nelgene, focal behaviog, or moral quale along ines of ceo gender of Cola? such ference xis ar hey rodacts of heey ox the ftviconment Fat too often, alleged hasedey ferences sone {rovps ve been wed to uf repeson then “rapport” with Petdo-scienif evidence, For he moment, it me only serve that fen if such difrecesshoald exit, they provide ao ground, ‘Sete ot moral, for wholeale represon” “The main sues of man mature {watt thik about in his book though, area the level of the specs: Wh makes human brings the way they are? lw ate we dierent fom animals? How ‘ewe like otter animals and diftet fom computes? Tn order to nd out what make the way wee stand 0 reson that we hae to look lordly at the way we af we want 2 now the balance of responsibilty beweennasre andnare—and lw much about ourcres we ca change—it hls to have «Bete idea of what the combination of ratte and autce i seponsble for In this book T want to ure human language a 4 vee for ‘ming te way we ase" 4 The fndamontlerguments 1 have so eeasons for hooting agung focus, Fist the pout of langage has says been ested as on of he mae ‘tienes between as andthe eas soi portant to fod oot Seen ewe got and they haven. (Well ce nthe next Aes how human langage ile fom exer animal common Sue) ond and to me ote important te moder dy of lnguage bs uncovered complies of the miod far beyond eee cold have aged ty Years ao-—complenties Bae dete" on" evidence from, and. hve tmpcaons fo, fells ‘ester a neuonene child development philosophy, and Fert eich Conseucny, undetanging language offs the ony of egrang logs! and humanistic ws of “be Woy ar might we big angoage 1 bea on guesons of human sae On ee way too buna perenne Uy he foc that we ca all speak and understand Ingosge? A amber of answer come 1 mind prey easy. Most obvious, by ‘ie of having langage we hate sce to history out ancvos Tite comeyed to ty though ether writen documents of oral Sthdon"'s cord of what happened before we were Bor. Along vitor, we er our cle accumulation of technology, word TES orto mento pl systems, propaganda, =, Ned" ile of thi if any, could be wanted host tenga “Saher thing hat langues dos frost make it pore to cordate scons ef large numer of people A bid alarm ll ‘Se'tate «whole Nock fee once, Bu penple can commurieate ‘See ert ins sch. “When Te Yu ‘lic ove there pol on yout ropes, and you people Bre et eo or ghd yu te: aye ove tte posh He ay” Ti Kod ies and conned scion i bard to imagine wih Tete andesnecesary inorder to do thing ke eect Ie Suter hliak f arnsdGliaone citamtge hn langrge i petaps most fen sid 0 coi ieee in We er to Seat ts ten lngunge ceri is naa fn being Seine Senn of twtr we hl be le euton ‘onda ene. or ove ng we bay do wt ey he copay ef thought tt ast some simak For antes, (or al man hough regues lngege. Did take howe fo Eethoren sed Pate to odie tir manerpcs?(hink £0) Did take logge? (don think 0) Ping our wey int the prion 5 ‘Whavese the prec elaon of langue and though, hough, icin undeniable tat oman eee depy lee by te sey {teak and undead lngge inchs boa weve want ada diferent quan about ‘he relaon of ianguage and human tre: What desma stare be to be ike to account forthe fot tht we con al tah ed Anderston «Language? Toa i, 1 wt 1 dacs nat the con fequcncesof having langage ‘bt rather she prvegusts for {Shgage What do we nel order tobe able oe Es bard to tink up plawibe anwers to Bs question, Or tubers the acer that spring mediately to id eno be iarthon persue Fora one pos anwer tat we ave Ianiagebecarewe have Bigger ran than other sina Le 1B more cael though Altea there ae aber anal th ig tatur-clepaote and whales are bras igs han our andthe ‘so of folnon aptiss ac ger i poprton toto se than cure they do have engage (or they do, non Liman lngsge ifs natural ink thc big bexin makes s moe inlipes, and becawe we'e mor inliget we've figured our how to tll ine in what ways dae psn ake wr aac? Ar we se, {fs norm ohio how bg amar im ad of foc ner ling pone Inia, thr asi dif wih an exlanation tas ins on rains orn, ian be aed ike you can ava, {eta ely new ancion oat of dence js by ing ore af ectepa Totnes xe youcafyout at iy adding more yas to the tiny or mae pene he ‘nimi, or ore wheel or biger mndows er extingfncon caryng you along the road comtonably ny be prove some ers but the dar thing tl nl tate on te ground To pet ly ou need some sot of stcoral lanovon lke wings ot Iiope rotor. A major ten of ts book th the sme tro site brain ad lnguage expanding + motley bane so Su wad i ot ea 0 tke Boi est be Some ference inthe ay our brine a put topes For the momen, the man hing spre how hard 3 problem his The fat that we est tal ond cache 0 ‘vir that i hardy Beare mension, Bu ust becuse eb dou nen fs ey texan: Thnk of mabe prey eis, wat tnows phenomenon, the fahren ted nbn Jos eat hem enough Why doer ths happen could be oe 6 The fandamontal arguments ‘hey migh just os well um geen ot not change color a all I's 2 Simple phenomenon, ely bserale, but the explanation ist ‘mpl arall Te ens out to involve athe very Test he teas of ‘Srcomagnede radason and quantum mechani, wo ofthe more Stmasng intelectual advances ofthe par enary. So iL wane {nesses wih ibe human sy oe lngung. "The base peremetesandesying theory of language ability vere fist lid out inthe Late 1950 ad eaty 1960s by Noa Chomsky, who can stably be called the crestor of moder Tinga theory (and who 2 theme of this wring, sll ing Dathreaking research I am ging v ny these parameters oot int ‘Bom that If cll the two Fundamental Arguments Jost give you tan idea of where we are going etme wate them in ery abbreviated fem “The Argument for Mental Grammar “The exprenive vay of language se implies that contains st of nconeloet “The Argument for Innate Knowle: “The way chldeen lear to tll ips thatthe haman bean ‘onal get determined tpecilinaon for language. “Thee tro argucens lead us tothe concsion eat the ably to Spe and understand & human language (ny Engl) lea complex ‘Pnbinaton of naar snd marae: Moreover, the part coming fom ‘atee involves more than a big rain tis 2 specie human Mopsion fo language learning and we The nex two chapters wil ‘ork through the Fandamenal Arguments Pres Tod I wll be Spent exnanig,quliping, and elaborating them Par 1 place he Fundamental Arguments na lrges context te ashes It the human brain contain unconscious. grammatical Principle and gently deuemined specaleion for langue, ‘that ae the pistons for other apes of umn behsvon sed ‘aprienc? We wl sx tha language eveling microcosm of the ‘ind srs wholo—tatsimlr characteris emerge nace 23, ‘Teparate eecing thinking, lteing 0 musi sod tang pat in {cal environment. Along the ay, we wl presents third Funds imental Armen, whoteconequener te perhaps eten more rae than those ofthe Bee Finding ou way ino the problem 7 “The Argument forthe Consrction of Experience (ue experence ofthe world sce conrrcted by the ‘snconeous principles that operat the bin Lm ping hk ound ie FandanenlAnpmens ce of al the searing points T know for lnetigating langage, hey Imosate he dept posable sci inquiry. On one Ben a Wise, they fore sto mega ll son foes om the Bonds Tange of source. And on te ther han, they yield the pest Itsige inv aman nraen general they allow ue oe langage par ofan itgeted whale

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