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Research and Television Studies Open Book Test

1. Give a name for the effects model [1]

Another name for the effects model would be the hypodermic model.
2. What were the concerns of the Frankfurt school in;
-Europe [5]
There was a concern that fascist would make full use of media as a tool
of propaganda in order to promote a fascist culture.
-America [5]
The Frankfurt school believed that America was promoting a capitalist
world, and were doing that by having a very highly commercial style of
culture, this was to promote the American way of life.
3. What and who are moral watchdogs? provide examples and some
case evidence. [4]
Moral watchdogs are people who believe that certain types of media
can have a damaging effect on the viewer, the media that they would
protest against would include theme of violence, sex and blasphemy.
Hatred is a upcoming game which has a lot of controversy behind it
even though it hasnt been released yet, the game is about a person
who goes on a violent murdering rampage. The game has been heavily
criticized by both gamers and the media and has been called a mass
murder simulator.

Clockwork orange was a very controversial movie at the time of its

release; it was in fact withdrawn from release in the United Kingdom
after the backlash that it received. In March 1972, a 16 year old boy
was being charged with murder, the boy claimed that the movie
encouraged him to do the act. Stanley Kubricks wife, Christiane
Kubrick, had claimed that they had received threats and protest
outside of their house. As they lived in England during the time. Kubrick
was quoted as saying. "To try and fasten any responsibility on art as
the cause of life seems to me to put the case the wrong way around.
Art consists of reshaping life, but it does not create life, nor cause life.
Furthermore, to attribute powerful suggestive qualities to a film is at
odds with the scientifically accepted view that, even after deep
hypnosis in a posthypnotic state, people cannot be made to do things
which are at odds with their natures."

4. What does NVLA stand for? [4]

It stands for the National Viewers and Listeners Association.
5. What kind of psychology is the effects model based on?
It is based on Behaviour psychology.
What problems exist with this model being applied to human
behaviour? [10]
The problem is that People may have a different response or reaction
to certain events, behaviour psychology is based on the study of
human patterns and what is the most likely outcome in any given
situation, therefore this model would not work on every situation or
individual, for example if someone was to watch a violent movie and
then committed a murder the movie cannot be the sole reason why
that person committed the crime.

6. What is the basic problem with the effects model as a way of explaining
anti-social behaviour or deviant behaviour? [12]
There can be so many things that contribute to a person being antisocial. These may include abuse, lack of parent as a role model,
bulling, substance abuse etc. it is not wise to blame a piece of art as
the reason for someone crimes.
7. Who still makes use of the effects model? [4]
Usually people looking to fear monger in order to attract viewers or to
push an agenda, these people include Hilary Clinton, who made a
speech about the dangerous effects of the video games on children,
news shows which may have a much older audience who are ignorant
video games as they didnt grow up with them, and phycologist who
might be trying to sell a book that is about the dangers of certain
8. What recent cases have cited this model? [12]
The sandy hook elementary shooting in Newtown, Connecticut is a
prime example, the news reported that Adam Lanza was an avid gamer
and would spend all of his time playing violent video games in his
blacked out bedroom.
During 2004 a teenager was sentenced to life imprisonment for the
murder of his friend. The boy names warren Leblanc, had apparently
been obsessed with the video game manhunt, his father has been
protesting against violent video games ever since his son was put in
The 2012 aurora shooting is also a good example, the killer James
Eagan Holmes was a avid superhero fan, particularly batman.
9. What kind of general perceptions are attributed to the effects model?
The general perceptions of the effects model generally lend to the idea
that a lot of human beings are easily manipulated and influenced by
10.What kind of Psychology is the uses and gratifications model based on?
A of audience of uses and gratification is basically how certain people
use the media for a range of purposes designed to satisfy needs, the 2
biggest ones being information and entertainment. An individual has
the power to choose the media texts that best suit their needs. The
physiological basis for this model is the hierarchy of needs identified by

11.What 4 areas are identifies in this model? [6]

The 4 areas identifies in this model are:
The need for identity by using characters and personalities to
define our sense of self and social being. The need for diversion
by using the media to escape from the stresses of daily life.
The need to be informed or educated
The need for social interaction by experiencing relationships and
lifestyles of others
12.What does Morley have to say about the way we read texts? [12]
Morley view of dominant negotiated and opposition readings of text
recognises the importance of the analysis of signs particularly visual
signs that shape much of modern media input. This means that the
audience will agree with the meaning of the text or they reject the
meaning of the text for cultural, political or ideological reasons.
13.Explain mode of address with examples [4]
Mode of address refers to the way that a text speaks to us; usually we
are attracted to text that we can relate to. For example
14.What is meant by the ethnographical study of audience? [6]
Its whenever somebody studies a certain ethnic group by in order to
understand that groups perspective on media.
15.What do we mean by the domestic context of reception of media
texts [8]
Media has been domesticated over the years as a result of television
and internet. The domestic context of reception of media text
emphasises that engagement with the media is often structured by the
domestic environment.
16.How can we describe some text as female and others as male? Refer to
soaps and news. [8]
It derives from stereotypes that certain media is only for one person.
Woman would be more drawn to romantic comedies and TV shows,
these shows would play more to their softer side and emotions. Men
may be more drawn to sports shows and more violent media.

17.Is technological expertise a relevant factor in our consideration of the

way we understand audiences in relation to certain texts? [8]
Technological expertise is a relevant factor in our understanding of
audiences in relation to certain texts. Women would not feature as
strongly as men in media that involves technology, this can contribute
to the stereotyping of gender roles, their needs to be more support and
encouragement for women to get involved with these fields.
18.What is the main shift in emphasis from the effects model to more
modern views of audience? [5]
There has been a change from passive audience to a more active
audience over the past few years; the emphasis has gone from mass
audience to the individual viewer. This is probably a result of
availability of resources and technology to the individual audience

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