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nae Tete Ta Fig aes ut Tate @ © FIGURE 8.9 Application of and contrast between (a) a thermedyeamic and (b) a heat transfer model for a typical shel-and-tabe heat exchanger used in chemical pocesieg. Sauce: Apc sal aed ube eat xan courte ot Sana Proptarms Li ‘One of the frst tasks ina thermal analysis of heat exchanger isto evaluate the overall heat transfer coofTiienthetwsen the two Maid streams. I was shown in Chapter I thatthe overall heat transfer coefficient between a hot uid at tem perature Ty and cold uid al temperature T. separated by a solid plane wall i, defined by a= UAT > 2 ____—- _____» U7) + lay + OTD, Fora tbe-within--ube heat exchanger, as shown in Fig. 8.2(@),thearea atthe inner heat trnsfr surface is 2rd and the area atthe outer surface 15 2a. Ts, if he ‘overall heat tansfercoeiicent is fused onthe ower area, Ay, L CTAB) + TAI rp aaAE] + UT While om fe bast ofthe inner area, A, We get @ OTT) = nrc] + ATA) wo TABLE 8.1 Overall heat transfor coefficients for various apolcatons (W/mK)? (Mutiply values in the table by 0.176 to get units of Btu/h fr.) Liguid fewing) Biting Giga wer Weer Met low stor Gas ae Fre 000 ~2,000 e~ 2,500 -60000 1 (Gteonent) _lowi Lava (taovent) Other Lauds Other Livide feo f= 5—35 p= 10100 hy = 50-7000 f= 500~ 2000 = 1,000 ~ 20,000 ey Aeon (alin Sapam cone Sem ‘ones ‘ou goes U~ 3-30 ‘canst oie ee we Ts Tao a Roving Hestextang Ge bier ee 30100 fear J 10-50 TS ii (asa bah er ating Coating Bon od wih iba Lied (ovina) =actorcemal Gasoulrs_— Hang co inveual Hex echames ———opostnot ‘sie atng elo stefan vate rere Bee —soc00 Unis WWowlesdiog = De wornam aon te cherie Uetostn, — wsnjatae caer wi sting fue Ua sor-to0 = 0-190 Conienng ager Stan atte Airbeates Sam cite ound Contes fvepntos = Genie) Weim weadewthstmms, ean/waar oer K's0m somo woe 2 Yeoso00 = 1500-000 ‘Shrine U301—1000 cthervapm/mter stants bis Boo som ccmlqide Beaman Y= 0-0 ‘Source: apea on tence wat (5 some me tne mermat resistance ot the aepost (of foul actor) Ky ean ve ater rminod from the relation 1 gett 5a) GU = where _U= overall heat transfer coe cient of clean exchanger Ug overall nea transfer coetMicent ater routing has occurred ‘R= fouling factor (or unit thermal resistance) of deposit ‘A convenient working form of Eq. (8.58) 8 i EST am Os Fouling Maciors for various applications have been compiled by Oe Tubuler [Exchanger Manufacturers Association (TEMA) and are available in their publica: tion [16], A fese examples are given in Table $2. The fouling factors should be applied as indicated in the following ecuation for the overall design heat transfer ‘coefTcien U, oF unfined tubes with deposits = LT Rt Rada) aD 66, Wig zy where Uj = aestgnoverallcoetficent of neat transfer, Win? K, basedon unit area of ouside tube surface ~ average heat Eansforcosficiont of uid on outside of tubing, Wit K TABLE 8.2 Typical fouling factors Type of Fluid Fouling Factor, Rg (a? K/W) Tomter below 225K 0.00008 above 225 o.no2 ‘rented boiler feedwater above 225 ‘002 footoi 0.0008 Ohenching ol ‘007 Meotol rapes 0.20009 Steam, ron-ait-bearng 0.00009 Indus 0005 Lefigerating iid 2.0008 Source uray ote Sarr oir benage Nueces Anocon, Te FIGURE 6.14 conection factor to counterflow LMTD for heat exchanger with ‘one shell pass and two (or a multiple of two) tube passes. “Tho valuos shown on ths abscissa are forthe dimnsionsestomperature-cffeence 62, ‘where the subsets ¢ ands refer to the tube and shell uid, respectively, and the ‘subserips “in and “out” refer to the inlet arn oalet conditomy, respectively. The ratio Pisen indication ofthe heating or cooling effectiveness an ean vary fom Zao fora constant temperatre of ene of the ius 1 unity for tho case when the inlet ‘temperature ofthe hote fluid equals the cutlet temperature of the cooler uid. The ‘Parameter foreach of the curves, Z, is equi othe ratio ofthe products of the mass flow rae times the heat eapacty of the two Mui, sive This ratio Is also ‘equal othe temperate change of the shel fui divided by the temperature change ‘oF he Auld inthe tutes: fines _ Tan ~ Tat PF Tne = Tow ony oo 02 03 08 05 06 of 0910 The Tae FIGURE 8.15 Correction factor to ccunterflaw LMTD for haat exchanger with ‘to shell passes and a multiple of two tube passes. Sure Court of the Tub acing: Maufaue Asocon FIGURE 2.16 Correction factor to countorlow LMTD fer cross-flow heat ‘exchanges with the Fuid onthe shal side mixed, the other fui unmixed, and fone tube pass. Sutce Eeracd fom fowran, ust, ad Rage [27], with prison ofthe pubtibers the 85 Hest Exchanger Effectiveness 507 second lw of dhermodynamirs. Depending on which of the heat capac rates I small, the eflsetivenass is CAT Ti Con Oa Topd) oz Ala ~ Tend 20) ~ Gini — Ted where Cpe I he SMALE OF the vik AN rice MgNILUdeS. 1K may be owed that the denominator in Eg, (822) ts the thermodynamically maximum heat transfer possible between the hot and cold fluids flowing through the heat ‘exchanger, siven their respective inlet temperature and mass flow rate, or the maximum available energy. The numerator is tbe actual heat transfer accom- plisted in the unit, and hence the effectiveness @ represens a thermodynamic Performance of the heat exchanger. (Once the effectivencss of a Heat exchanger is known, the rate of heat tans can be detormined directly from the equation © Coin Thin ~ Tein) 629) © Coin Tain — Tei) = CATain ~ Tint) = ClTet ~ Tend Fqustion (823) i he asi relation i this analysis hecaus exposes the rate oF heat transfer in terms of the effectiveness the smaller heat capacity rte, and the i= ference between the inlet temperatures. I replaces Eq (8.17) inthe LMTD analysis, but doesnot involve the outlet temperatures. Equation (2) is, ofcourse alo sit sb for design purposes and canbe used instead of Ea. (817) ‘Weshall ilusvate the mshod of deriving an expression for the efectiveness of a heat exchanger by applying it © a pall flow arringement. The effectiveness ‘an be intrduced into Ea. (8.13) by replacing (a, — Tea) Taig ~ Toi) BY HE ‘Afectiveness relation fom Eg. (822) We obtain + det h-e(S+S)]--E+g When C, is tess thn C., the effectiveness becomes 1 efeeyenuare . Sees (8250) and when C. < Cy we obtain eteicveaiare ® (820) 1+ GIG) “The erfecttyeness for both cases can Metefore be writen ta he forma 1 eC (826) 1+ (Gn Can “The foregcing derivation illustrates how the effectiveness for a given flow arrangement can be expressed in tom of two dimensionless pararrters, ts eat rae Row Eicange formas| Coutetow Eicange: Pefomance Hot fick = Cy Hot ido), pores Ral Cares | os J é stot g = al + 7 5 a i Er i i 7 2 al al 5 Fa y ° a as or a a Nene eit NT = Ug Nene at NTU = Ug FIGURE 8.18 Heat exchanger affective- CURE 8.19. Heat exchanger effctine- oes fr paral fon. ness fr aurarfow Suce ith penison fom Kaye an Lenton (0, Sce: Wt perieson fom Kye ne Lonon (10, Till Comer ‘Barger Ferme Shs id 0), =C, crs ow acer it ts anil es Coe shell pass, 2,4 6 et, ibe passes eae TTT gerne 0 Calan = 0 si fess. OS otis g, He 4 ha 2 a i i : ai i be Yas 6 Nun re NTU =a ae FIGURE 8.20 Heat exchanger effactive- Pareto TT = IE tess br chelate oat ochre GLEE 21. fest exchange facie wth ene walbufs sal pe ard tno pss forces Aan th oth Aude ‘(or a multiple of two) tube passes. ‘unmixed. Swuce Meuse fon rails 0, Sur Wisi fn aa Lane capacity rat ratio Cyin/Goae and the ratio of the overall conductance fo the smaller beat capacity rate, U/C. The later of te two parameters is called the umber of beat tronsfer ants of NTU. The sumber of heal transfer units is a measure of the hea! transter size ofthe exchanger. The larger the value of NIU, le closer the beat exchanger approsches is ermodynamic Himit. By analyses that, in principe, are similar to the one presented hore for parallel low, effective ness ean be evaluated for most flow arrangements of practical interest. The resulls have been put ‘ogether by Kays and London {10} into convenient graphs fom which the effectiveness can be determined for given values of NTU and Coins. The effectiveness curves for some common flow arrangements are sown it Figs. §.18-8.22. The abscissas ofthese figures are the NTUs ofthe heat exchangers. The canstant parameter for each curve isthe heat eapacty rate raio CanCms snd the effectivensss is tad on the ordinate, Note that for an evapo. ralor of condenser, Cug/Cou, ~ 0, bacsis if one fd remains at constant tam- erature thnoushout the exchuncer. its effective specific heat and thus its heat Chapter 8 Heat Exchangers a sea } os ve so EEE be penececadae g Ss e th : iets 5 aa '* Couns ly r| FIGURE 8.22 Heat exchanger effective 95s for ciss-fow with one fluid mixed and the other anmixed, Wher Gass! amined 1, NTU is based 08 Comin Sour: Wh permisin fom WM. ays and EC lonon 9) EXAMPLE 8.2, From a performance test on a well-affied single-shell, tvo-tube-pass neat cerchanger, the following data are availabe: il (cy — 2100 J/xg K) in tarbulent flow inside the tubes entred st 240 atthe rate Of 1.00 kg/s and leat 310 K; ‘water lowing om the shall side entered at 200 K and left at 200 K.A change in sn ‘ce conditions requires the cooling of a similar ofl fom an inal temperature of ‘370 K but a three-fourhs ofthe flow rate used in the performance tet Estimate ‘the outlet temperature ofthe oil forthe same water flow rate and inlet temperature as bebe Re @ o FIGURE 8.26 Typical dita for turbulence pronatars inserted inside tubes. (a) Heat transfer data, (0) friction data [25]. ‘ow passages, and due ow arrangement (cress-Abw, ccunterfow, et) tw adtion to these gecmeri variables, the flow rate per passage or Reynolds number and the [EMTD can be varied or can be constained fora piven application The fators that can be varied must be adiusted in the analysis to produce the desired goal, es. increased heat duty, minimum surface area, or reduced pressure drcp. Table 84 Iss ‘he variable that shoud be considered in a complete analysis. Variables inthe analysis of heat transfer enhancement Description Comments ‘ype of enhancenenttecnigue Theral prfrmance ofthe Detemined by choice of ‘ohantemnt technique techni dale poormanc of the Determined by chice of ‘eshancementtechriaue ‘techniove om Reels number Probably an independent vatable ow passage hyiraulic May be determined by chvice paar ‘ schniqie ow pasiage leat Genazly an independent viable wih Git ne low arangenent Way te determined by choice of technigee 8. uKTD Terminal flow temperate May be determined bythe 2ppliction 9a Host duty Probably 2 dependent variable oA, eat taster surface area Probably 2 dependent varable sae rena Probably = dependent vooble EXAMPLE 8.5 Given the daa in Fi. 8.26, compare the performance of wall protuberances anda SOLUTION tisted tape [surtaces (1) and (4) n Fig 826] fora How of ai on the basis of xed ‘neat exchanger volume and pumpiag power. Assume tht both sutaces are applied to the inside of I-an-ID tabe of crcalar oss section. ‘We mast first constrict the (Re) and (Re) curves for the two surfaces. ‘Curves (1) and (4) in Fig. 8.25) and (b) can be represented by straight lines with good accuracy. From the data in Fig. 8.26) and (b), these straight Line forthe [Nusselt numbers are Nur — 0054 RBS NuyPP4 — 0057 ReT? Where the subscins Land 4 denote surfaces | and Sincej = SUPP? = NuRe5!Pr!? we have “jy = 0084 Rep 9Sp8 a = 0057 Regpret5 Fee the fiction oneicient data we find ‘fy = O0TS Reg” fy = 0222 Reg * Incomparing the two surfaces we should restct ourselves to the range 1 < Rep <1 ‘where the daa for both surfaces are valid. FS 1 1 ro oe $b aw FIGURE .28 Comparison of wall protuberances and ‘wistad tapas based on the method of Soland et al. [27]. Constructing the two comparison parameters, we have GiReb _ 0.075 Rep” = 78% 10 Ro} on a wore AReb _ 0.222 Rep Tee Ee ye = 222% 107 Re Res _ OSH Rab pe sins Aca = COS REET = sovsneh m Rey _ 0.057 ReBsTBpyts sc Ae FT SSTARGS™? “These parameters are plotted in Fig. 8.28 for the Reynolds number range of inter= cea. According to the specified constraint, a vertical line connecting the curves Ispeled (1) and 4) in Fig. $26 clearly demonstrates that surface 4, thetwisted tape, isthe beter ofthe two surfaces. Thal is, fora fixed heat exchanger volume and ai ‘constant pumping power, the (wisted tape enhancement Wi transfer more Net. ‘TRBLE 8.5 Approximate overall heat warsfercoefidents for prin estinates Overall Coefficients, 0 Duty (Bun? (Win? 6) Steam to wate instantaneoss fester 400-500 2,200-3,400 stonge fant heer 175-300 ‘0-170 Steen to hoary foal 10-30 sr.170 Ugh ft 30-80 0-30 light peoleum isilate 50-200 0-110 Steam aqueous solutions 100-600 s70-340 ‘Siam to goee 550 28-280 Witerto comessed sir 10-30 57-170 Wterto ate, jake water cols sos 0-150 aero ubriatng of 20-00 no-s00 Witerts condensing ol vapor ‘20.300 20.570 Watertocndinsing satel 5-120 255-500 Water to endensing eor12 20-150 60-350 Water 0 condensing ammonia 10-250 0-140 Witerto arganie stents slshol 50-350 20-850 Weterto botina Feor-12 50-180 30-850 Water to esoine 60-50 50-510 Water to gas rdstilte 35-60 ‘0-340 Water to bine 100-200 oa Liat rani to okt oranies 20-75 720-005 Medium oganis to medium oxgatcs 20-80 ‘0-30 Heavy orgies to heavy erates 10-40 37-200 Heavy gui to ight nants 10-60 57-340 Cada alto gsc 2058 mon0 ‘Sec: Mapa fom Moa For an up-to-dto summary cf spocialized topics on tho dosign and porform- ance of heat exchangers, inching evaporation nd condensation, heat exchangor vibration, compact heat exchangers, fouling of heat exchangers, and heat exchange enhancement methods, the reader is refered to Shaw and Bell [32] and Hewit [23].

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