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Mid Michigan Community College

English 111
Instructor: Iliana Miller

Join the Conversation

Author, Title

Paradigms" Sir Ken
Robinson - video

What is the main problem?

U.S. educational system is

outdated; Pushing students
htrough K-12; Our education
system is an assembly line;
Standardization of delivering

"In Praise of the "F" Students no trying; Teahers

Word" Merry Sherry and Parents are not working

Why does the problem


How does it affect learning?

What lessons about effective

learning did you take from
this author?

Students classified by age

rather than intellect; Funding;
Fear of change; Social status:
Rich=Smart, Poor=Dumb

Doing the bare minimum;

Creativity is stifled; Sense of
holpeleness sets in; Sisonnect
beetween school and real life

Divergent thinking is an
alternatie to memorization and
conformity; Stop medicating
kids for ADHD

Parents and Teachers see

failure as a threat but not an
option; No one accepts the

False understaing of success;

Quit caring about learning

Understand the value of

education; Failure is an option

Often times we don't make

sense of what we are reading;
Students read to find the
correct answer rather than
interacting with the text.

Reading is taught as a one

track process; Technology is
making readinf moe simple;
People who don't interact with
the text become disconnected
from the real world.

Students don't retain

information; Teachers assume
the information distrubution is Read!; Ask questions; Try to
what the students expect;
relate and enjoy what you are
Teachers are indifferent to
students level of
"Understanding" of the text.

Social class affects education

There are teachers that teach

material that they don't really
know; Poverty

Students will daydream

instead of paying attention;
The standard deucations
should not be the same

"Freirean Voices,
Students Choices"

Helping the kids find their

academic voices

Teachers need to let the

students have the floor, when it
Students are expected to know Students may feel over
comes to colaboration on a
and understand academic talk powered by teacher talk, which
topic. Students will get better
and text.
causes them to not speak.
ideas and find their voice by
doing this.

Jack Mezirow
Learning Theory to

Educators need to know there

are more transformative ways
of learning.

Learning Institutions

"Rereading the

Mike Rose"I Just

Want To Be

Students will feel their needs

are not met.

Don't put off what you could

do/ learn today, for tomorrow;
Students will never know their

Educators need to have an

open mind when it comes to
teaching styles.

bell hooks "Engaged Teachers using the banking


Nicholas Carr "Is

Google Making Us

In the classroom

Our attention span is very short

Everyday life.

It's just teaching the student to

Teachers need to be open
memorizing everything the
minded and students need to
teachers says, instead of know
speak out in class.
the material.

Google and/or social networks.

We can't seem to focus on one
thing for too long without losing
interest after a while. That's
when we start looking for a
new distraction.

We need to spend more time

reading and looking up things,
instead of going the lazy way
and using google.

What personal
narrative best
illustrates the
author's lesson
about effective

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