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Written by Ms. Claudias Class

What is a
The savanna is a
natural habitat
for animals and
plants. The
savanna is a
grassland. It is a
large open flat
area. It is very
hot and dry. It can
get very windy. At
night it can get
cold. It does not
rain so much in

Where is the
There are
grasslands all
over the world
Antarctica and in
the oceans.
Grasslands cover
about 30 % of
the earths
surface. The
savanna is
located in Africa.

What kind of
animals live
in the
In the savanna
there are lions,
cheetahs, zebras,
rhinos, snakes,
hippos, ostriches,
insects, spiders,
hyenas, antelope,

What kind of
plants can we
find in the
The savanna is
mostly covered by
grass. There many
kinds of grasses.
They have very
long roots. Small
bushes grow in
some places. There
are not many trees
in the savanna. The
most common are
the acacia and the

Human impact in the Savanna

By Vigo and Eva

If they rescue a baby


Then the baby

cheetah will be safe
and the cheetahs will
not be endengered

Human impact in the savanna

By Seong Hyeon and Avril

If you save the rhinos

Then there will be more


Human impact in the savanna

By Reynaldo and Agustina

If peole macke
nationel parcks.

Then animols wil survive and

they will be safe.

Human impact in the savanna


If pepole make fire

by Rafael and

Then animals
dye or
lose ther home

Human impact in the savanna

by Natalie and Vicente

If doctrs help the animols

Then the animols will

be o.k.


by Max and Kayla

If we macke more reserv


Then animals wil be safe.

Human impact of the savanna

By Lars and Lian

If a hunter kills a zebra to

take its skin

Then ther will be less zebras

in the world.

Human impact in the savanna by Juan Diego and


If they kill meny animals

Then animals will becom


Human impact in the savanna

By Herocmen and Carlos

If a human comes and
poaches a cheetah

Then there will be less

cheetahs in the world

Human impact in the savanna

By Gianlucca and Killia

If the girl plants trees

Then the animals

will have more
homes and we will
have more oxigen.

Human impact in the Savana

If pipoel poach the animals.

by Sam and Emi

Then animals die.

Human Impact
People are hunting
animals for fun
(sport). Others hunt
to make money and
others for food.
People poach
animals to sell
products. People
traffic animals.
People make towns,
cities and farms on
savannas and are
taking the animals
space. If people are
not careful there can
be fires. Fires destroy

What can we
do to help?
We can help protect
animals by making
National Parks or
Reserves. We can
plant tree. We can
call vets to help
hurt or sick
animals. We will
NOT buy anything
made from parts of
African animals. Tell
people to be careful
and not set fires.

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