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Rules & Regulation of V4C

An employee will be entitled to 10 Holidays a year national holidays (26th JanuaryRepublic Day, 15th August-Independence Day) and rest 8 days decided by the
An employee shall not take more than 3 Paid Leaves in a quarter.
All leaves (unpaid and paid) needs prior approval from the Head Reporting
Authorities. Leave sanctioning authority has the full discretion to refuse, revoke or
curtail the leave when required.
Leave application has to be marked to the Head Reporting Authorities of the
respective department (For Executive Search: /For Training &
Conferences: and one copy to the HR Department
( If the Leave application has not been marked to HR Department
that leave would be considered as unpaid leave.
All Employees are required to submit a leave application to his/her Manager at least 3
days before he/she intends to take leave except in the case of emergencies. .(Eg.
Natural Calamities, Sick, Accident and Sad demise of Relatives)
In case of emergencies, the manager must be informed as early as possible. All leaves,
other than emergencies, informed without sufficient notice will be considered as UnPaid Leave and will be recorded as 'Absent without Notice'
Uninformed Leaves:
If any employees take leave without informing respective Head Authorities
and Hr Department will have to pay penalty of Rs. 1000 for per uninformed
If any employee takes a leave one day before or after weekly off then that
weekly off (paid leave) will also be considered as unpaid
If any employee takes a leave due to some exigencies it will be considered as
casual leave.
If any employee takes more than 3 uninformed leave in a month then it would
lead to your termination.

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