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English 1A PacketBook Title: The Help

Directions: Please complete the following graphic organizer either typed or handwritten. If you
need more room & you are handwriting, please use the back of this page.

Ch. or Page Numbers: Chapter 16-20

Dialectic Journal: Choose at least TWO quotations that you think are important or you have a
question about and write about why it is. These quotations may later be utilized in your essays.
Follow MLA for in-text citations.

Quotation (Evidence from the text)

Interpretation (Analysis/Synthesis)
This illustrates . . ., I wonder . . ., This
connects to . . .

1. Oh Minny, She cries. Im sorry. Im really about

everything (Stockett 277).
2. After the next one, I start counting. Five. Six.
Seven. I nod back at them, can say nothing but thank
you (Stockett 297)

1. This quote illustrates Miss Celia was figured

out misconception on her husband and Minny.
I wonder Miss Celia would become friends
with Minny.
2. This quote illustrates many other African
American help decided to help to Miss Skeeter
to write a book.

Discussion Question: Write three or more questions that you think are important to think
about. Consider the themes of the course as you create your questions. Use your Critical
Thinking/Blooms Taxonomy hand-out to help you develop a variety of questions.

1. Why Minnys husband yelled at their children?

2. Why Minny and Celia had trouble?
3. Why Miss Skeeter was really angry?

Locate one outside reference that helps

you understand the text better. (You may
copy and paste here or attach to the
back.) CRITICAL: You must include
evidence from the reference PLUS citation
PLUS connection to the text.

Give a brief plot summary here where you note 2 to 4

sentences per assigned chapter or entry. OR Follow a
character throughout the text and take notes here about plot,
interaction with others, personality, appearance, etc.

Aibileen attends a Community Concerns Meeting at

her church where people discuss what can be done
about the violence against blacks in their community.
At the end of the meeting Yule May approaches
Aibileen and says she is be interested in helping with
the book. Minny is annoyed by Miss Celia's constant
companionship. White woman are supposed to know
their place, but Miss Celia seems ignorant about how
she is supposed to treat the help. Minny agrees to
attend a Community Concerns Meeting because she
wants things better for her kids. She does not expect
change in her lifetime, but she does not want her
daughters to have to be maids treated poorly by white
women. When Minny was at home, her husband was
really mad about their children talked about civil

Personal/Social/Professional Connection to the text OR Connection to what I have

learned before: Another way to think about it: is there something in the text that reminds me
of something?
(Comments to be no less than 3 sentences)

I was impressed on Miss Celia and Minny. That time, African American and White people could not be a friends
each other. However, there was no gab between Miss Celia and Minny. They were really good friedns each

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