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English 1A PacketBook Title: East Eats West

Directions: Please complete the following graphic organizer either typed or handwritten. If you
need more room & you are handwriting, please use the back of this page.

Ch. or Page Numbers: Pg. 115 - 168

Dialectic Journal: Choose at least TWO quotations that you think are important or you have a
question about and write about why it is. These quotations may later be utilized in your essays.
Follow MLA for in-text citations.

Quotation (Evidence from the text)

Interpretation (Analysis/Synthesis)
This illustrates . . ., I wonder . . ., This
connects to . . .

1. To live in America threshold for previously a

day is to learn to see the world with its many

1. I think this quotes illustrates many diversities

lived in United States. I wonder this quotes
tried to talk about we could have experience

dimensions simultaneously (Lam 121).

2. Pho, that ingenious Vietnamese concoction, is

with other races.

2. We could easily to find the Vietnamese
restaurants in United States. This quotes

an incomparable and sacred broth (Lam 123).

illustrates Pho is the Vietnameses one of the

traditional culture.

Discussion Question: Write three or more questions that you think are important to think
about. Consider the themes of the course as you create your questions. Use your Critical
Thinking/Blooms Taxonomy hand-out to help you develop a variety of questions.

1. Why Andrew Lam saw himself as a Crusoes servant?

2. What is the meaning behind for word of Ph(o)netics in this book?
3. What is the thesis of Buddha and Ancestral Sprits in Suburbia chapter?

Locate one outside reference that helps

you understand the text better. (You may
copy and paste here or attach to the
back.) CRITICAL: You must include
evidence from the reference PLUS citation
PLUS connection to the text.

Give a brief plot summary here where you note 2 to 4

sentences per assigned chapter or entry. OR Follow a
character throughout the text and take notes here about plot,
interaction with others, personality, appearance, etc.

I found the evidence from Me Talk Pretty One Day by

He tried to talk about colonial history story, so he used

David Sedaris. This text talked about adapted new

Robinson Crusoe story for explained to readers. And

country as an international student. Stories are really

he talked about Pho for Vietnameses culture. We

different but I think I can connect with Andrew Lams

could easily find the many different cultures in United


States. Also he talked about Buddha and ancestral

Sedaris, David. Me Talk Pretty One Day. The

sprits too. Last chapter talked about his brothers letter.

Writers Presence: A Pool of Readings. Boston:

His brother was in Vietnam during the war. After war

Bedford/ St. Martins, 2012. Print.

ended, his brother sent a letter to him.

Personal/Social/Professional Connection to the text OR Connection to what I have

learned before: Another way to think about it: is there something in the text that reminds me
of something?
(Comments to be no less than 3 sentences)

In Letters from a younger brother Chapter was really impressed to me. Because I could see their relationship
was really good and how they thought precious each other. I could think about my family and my brother too.
My families lived in Korea and My brother lived in Kansas. We were not live together, we always pray for each
other, talked to each other everyday. This chapter was really great to reminder me.

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