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Teacher Candidate: Emily Maloney

Student: Andrew
Grade: 3rd
Dates: 03/04/2015 & 03/06/2015

Lesson Plan # 6


Strategy Title &

Complete Source;
Description of

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy

Concept Sort (Words Their Way p.

235) Students will be given a variety
of cards with nouns, pronouns,
adjectives, adverbs and verbs on
them, in which they will categorize
the cards into the correct column
through a concept sort.

Students will dictate a narrative about their

experience in which the teacher will write and
model how written language works. The
student will then be able to recognize and
retell his own story.

1st Assessment

Addl Literacy Assessments (optional)

Assessment Title &

Complete Source

Multidimensional Fluency
(EDT 346 Resource Folder)

Description of
Learner: Include
reading levels,
assessment data, any
differentiations; add
new information to each
lesson plan _____

Common Core ELA



No accommodations needed

Bader: Instructional Reading Level = 2ndgrade

Bader: Independent Level = 1st grade

Developmental Spelling Stage = Early/Middle Within Word Patterns

Running Record = 33 WPM, 93% Fluency

Retelling = 5/6; Recall is a comprehensive summary of the passage,

presented in a logical order and/or with a robust set of details along with a
main idea statement.

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy

ILKleiman spring 2015 (Adapted from & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT)

Standard: Identify
strand, grade, number
(e.g., RL4.3) & include
entire standard + any
applicable subcategory.

1. Demonstrate command of
the conventions of standard
English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking.
A.) Explain the function of
nouns, pronouns, verbs,
adjectives, and adverbs in
general and their functions
in particular sentences.

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy

The student will demonstrate

command of the conventions of
standard English grammar and usage
when writing or speaking and explain
the function of nouns, pronouns,
verbs, adjectives, and adverbs in
general and their functions in
particular sentences by dictating a
concept sort with 3 or fewer errors.

The student will read with sufficient accuracy

and fluency to support comprehension and use
context to confirm or self-correct word
recognition and understanding, rereading as
necessary by dictating a Language Experience
Approach story through a couple pages from
April Foolishness, and correctly reading the
story with 5 or fewer reading errors.

Student Learning
Objective (central
focus): ABCD

Audience: Who
(the student)

Behavior: What

Condition: How
(strategy & text

outcome _____

Materials, Equipment
& Technology: List
titles & sources of all of
the texts (including
reading levels),
materials & technology
you & your tutee will
use during the lesson &
attach materials or
photos to lesson plan.

1st Strategy

Nouns, Pronouns,
Verbs, Adverbs,
Adjectives posters
to activate prior
knowledge. (selfcreated)
Nouns, Pronouns,
Verbs, Adverbs,

2nd Strategy

Foolishness by:
Teresa Bateman
and illustrated


fluency scale (EDT
346 Resource Folder)

Glasses for

Marc Brown


word cards for

Functional Language:
List literacy terms &
academic language you
will use to help the
students understand the
literacy strategies &
content (terms from the
strategy & the standard,
e.g., discuss, analyze,
predict, question,
decode, etc.).

Key Vocabulary: List

vocabulary from the text
&/or activity that is at
the students
instructional &
frustration level (at least
4 words). _____

Ipad app, My
student to create
their story.

Nouns, Pronouns,
Verbs, Adverbs,
chart for sorting
the words on.
(self created)

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy





Parts of Speech



1st Strategy

2nd Strategy












ILKleiman spring 2015 (Adapted from & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT)





Independent Reading:
Text must be at the
students independent
reading level OR at
his/her instructional or
frustration level if you
are reading it aloud.

Text(s): Title & Author + Reading Level:

A Good Night for Ghosts By: Mary Pope

Osborne (gr. 2.6)

You read aloud

x Tutee read aloud

You both read silently (What
will you read?_____

Literacy Assessment
(NO scaffolding):

Literacy Assessment

Additional Literacy Assessment(s)

Purpose: Why student

is completing

Purpose: I am going to listen to you

read this story out loud to me and I
am going to mark down on my sheet
all the things you do well so I can
use this information to pick out some
more activities and books for us!


Directions: Step-bystep, complete

Closing: Conclude the
assessment, transition
to next activity _____

Directions: I need you to read this

story to me the best that you can and
I am going to take notes while you
Closing: Thank you for reading that
story to me! You did such a great job
and I really like the way you made
sure to read every word and not skip
any, even if you didnt know the
word. This information will help me
plan for our future sessions.

Literacy Strategies

Opening: Elicit
students background
knowledge about
concept & strategy in
multiple ways (not just
questions). _____

1st Strategy

T: Can someone tell me what

part of speech means?
(student responds) If student
doesnt have adequate amount
of prior knowledge of parts of
speech teacher will provide the
student with the definition, In
the English language the main
parts of speech are nouns,
pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and
T: I know that parts of speech
can be kind of tricky to figure
out, so I brought with me today
a few small posters for us to fill
out that will help us remember
each of these parts of speech,
but first lets review each of
T: Would grandma be a noun,
verb, adverb, adjective, or
pronoun? (student responds,
noun, if student doesnt respond
teacher will provide the answer
noun because it is a person.)
T: Good! In the following
sentence, what part of speech
would the word run be? I like
to run around the playground?
(student responds, verb. If
student doesnt respond
correctly, teacher will provide

2nd Strategy

T: Think back to last week, what was that

silly holiday where people play jokes on
each other? (student responds, April
Fools Day and teacher provides
scaffolding if student responds

T: I remember this time my sister played

a joke on me! Tell me about a time that
someone has played a joke on you or you
have played a joke on someone. (student
shares story or stories)

T: Today you are going to be given the

chance to right your own story about
playing a joke on someone, but first I
want to read this story called, April
Foolishness about two children and
their grandma playing an April Fools
day trick on grandpa.

[Teacher reads story aloud]

T: What do you think about the joke that

they played on grandpa? (student

T: Would you have done anything

differently? (student responds)

ILKleiman spring 2015 (Adapted from & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT)

answer and say verb because

running is something you do.)

T: Awesome job! Lets go ahead

and start filling out our posters!

T: We will start with the nouns,

can you tell me some nouns for
us to write on our chart? A
noun is a person, a place, or a
thing. (students provide answers
and teacher writes them on the

T: Great job! How about some

verbs for our chart? Remember
that a verb is something you do.
(students provide answers and
teacher writes them on the

T: Next, lets list some pronouns

on our poster. A pronoun is a
word that takes the place of a
noun, for an example, she
would be a pronoun. (students
provide answers and teacher
write them on the poster)

T: Good! Tell me some

adjectives that you can think of.
Adjectives are words that
describe the noun, like large
and smooth. (students provide
answers and teacher writes them
on the poster.)

T: Lastly we have adverbs!

Give me some examples of
words that are adverbs. Adverbs
are words that describe the
verb, another adverb or an
adjective, like slowly and
cheerfully. (student provides
examples and teacher writes
them on the chart)

Learning Activities: [Directions for the procedures that are broken down below.] Give detailed, step-by-step
instructions on how you will implement the instructional plan in the procedures below. Describe exactly what
you & the students will do during the lesson & how you will scaffold their learning. Please use a numbered or
bulleted list.
In planning your lesson, think about:

The complete step-by-step directions & scaffolding you will provide

What kinds of questions you plan to ask

Teacher Modeling:
How you alone will
describe & demonstrate
the entire strategy to the
students (no
participation from
students) including
examples &

1st Strategy

T: I am so proud of all of you for

giving me the examples to add to
our poster! These examples can
be used during our activity to
remind you of what part of speech
a word may be.

T: Now that you have a good

understanding of the main parts
of speech, we are going to
complete a concept sort.

T: Watch me as I show you how to

do a concept sort.

T: Each of you is going to be

given a set of cards that have
words written on them. The words
are nouns, pronouns, verbs,
adverbs and adjectives.

T: Its going to be your job to sort

the words into the correct parts of
speech column.
T: For an example, I have the
word they. Hmmmm, I know
from what I learned when we
were completing our posters that
this word is a pronoun because it
takes the place of a noun.
T: So I am going to take the
they word card and put it
under pronoun in the correct

2nd Strategy

T: If I were going to write my own story

about a joke I have played on someone I
would start out by thinking about a
setting for my story. Hmmm, I am going
to make the story take place at my house.
Then I am going to think about what
characters are going to be in my story.
Hmmm, I want my sister and I are to be
the characters. So then I need to decide
what is going to happen in my story.

T: Im going to trick my sister into

thinking theres a monster in the

T: Now that I have organized my

thoughts I can start writing my story.

T: In the app, My Story I am going to

click the button add author and type in
your name. (teacher models where to
click and adds his name)

T: Then the app is going to ask me to title

my story, so I am going to title our story
The Monster in the Bathroom. (teacher
models where to click and type title.)

T: Now I can start writing my first page.

So I am going to write, On April Fools
day, I wanted to trick my sister. (teacher
uses finger to write sentence on screen)

T: Then I am going to push the arrow

ILKleiman spring 2015 (Adapted from & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT)

Guided Practice:
During this part of the
lesson, the teacher and
the students practice
together. You will assist
the students, takes turns
& participate along with
the class. _____

Independent Practice:
Release the students to


button to add the next page.

Teacher models how to correctly

determine the part of speech and
place the word card in the correct

T: On the second page I am going to

write, To trick my sister I decided to tell
her that there was a big scary monster in
the bathroom! (teacher writes sentence
with finger on the screen.)

T: After I finish writing my whole story I

can go back a add illustrations to the
pages by clicking the add stickers button
or clicking on the pen. (teacher models
where buttons are for stick to click)

1st Strategy

T: I think you are ready to try to

sort a word together!

Teacher passes out the word

cards, and the chart paper with the
columns for sorting to each

2nd Strategy

T: Okay, lets add the next page; we are

going to click the arrow to add a page.
(teacher clicks the arrow to add a page.)

T: Everyone find the word card

that has the word bossy.

T: What do you want to happen next in

our story? (student responds, if no
response teacher will prompt with, how
do plan to get your sister into the
bathroom; teacher writes it on the screen
using finger)

T: Who knows which part of

speech the word bossy is?
(student responds adjective and
teacher provides scaffolding if
student responds incorrectly.)

T: Good job it is an adjective

because it describes someone.
Everyone find the column labeled
adjective and place your bossy
word card in that column.

T: Good idea! Lets do one more page

together! What do you want to happen on
the next page? (student responds, if no
response teacher will prompt the student
with what if she doesnt want to check
the bathroom? and teacher writes it on
the screen using finger)

1st Strategy

2nd Strategy

demonstrate their ability

to complete the activity
alone. Include complete
directions that explain
what students must do
to complete the activity
& meet the objective.

T: You are so smart! I think you

are ready to sort the rest of the
words on your own!

T: Remember that you are looking

at your word cards and
determining which part of speech
the word is and then placing the
card into the correct column.

Closure (Assess): How

will the students
demonstrate their ability
to meet the objective,
including how you will
measure & document
this ability? Attach
assessment documents
to lesson plan where
appropriate. _____

T: Dont forget that you can look

back at our poster to help you
figure out which part of speech
the word is and I am always here
to help you!

T: I think that you are ready to finish the

story now! Please tell me at least two
more events that are going to happen in
your story and I will write them down for

T: After you have told me your entire

story you can go back through and add
illustrations to your story!

T: When you have finished adding

pictures I am going to ask you to read
your story to me!

Student dictates his story to me and I

write down word for word what he says
on the screen using my finger. When he
is completely done with his story he can
add illustrations.

T: Great! Lets read our story together.

Student reads the story and teacher

assists if necessary.

Students will determine where

their word cards belong and
teacher will observe and assist
students if needed.

1st Strategy

T: You all did an outstanding job

sorting your word cards into the
correct column. You are more
able to determine what parts of
speech a word is while you are

Lets go around the group and

share with each other some of the
words you have in your chart.

Teacher will make note of words

students incorrectly sort here:

2nd Strategy

T: You did a great job creating your own

story and telling me what to write! And I
really like all your illustrations. I would
love to hear you read the story to me one
more time, but this time I want you to try
to read all the words on your own! If you
dont know a word just ask me for help.

Student reads the story aloud and teacher

makes a note of word(s) he misses.

(5 or fewer mistakes means the student

has met the objective)

Record here words student misses:

ILKleiman spring 2015 (Adapted from & Dr. Michelle Cosmah, EDT)

(3 or fewer mistakes mean the

student has met the objective).

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